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if this was a multifaction game, the factions would be too obvious, lol

Since scum wouldn't stupidly and blindly sheep with no presented reasoning, it is clear that those who made identical votes with no reasoning are of different factions ;)
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Since scum wouldn't stupidly and blindly sheep with no presented reasoning, it is clear that those who made identical votes with no reasoning are of different factions ;)

which is why it's multifaction!
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Eurykins [6]: Marth, Proto, Blitz, Gaius, BBM, Junk

Euklyd [6]: Marth, Proto, Blitz, Gaius, BBM, Junk

Mitsuki [4]: Marth, Proto, Blitz, BBM

Nightmare [3]: Refa, Euklyd, Paperblade

Strawman [1]: Gaius

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Eurykins [9]: Marth, Proto, Blitz, Gaius, BBM, Junk, Reinfleche, Euklyd, Boron

Euklyd [6]: Marth, Proto, Blitz, Gaius, BBM, Junk

Mitsuki [5]: Marth, Proto, Blitz, BBM, Prims

Nightmare [3]: Refa, Euklyd, Paperblade

Strawman [1]: Gaius

Eurykins' turn.

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[spoiler=my leftover questions]


Song - probably a clarinet concerto that's super convoluted and technically challenging and makes the performer's fingers hurt

FE game - FE8

FE character - FE9/10's Ilyana, girl has her priorities straight (and by that I mean sleeping all day and getting other people to bring her free food)

Mafia role - ascetic

Color - green lilac

Animal - a dolphin

Bird - a black noddy

Food - a loaf of white whole wheat bread

Avatar - Eukyld's current Touka avatar


I haven't played it, so my thoughts of FF6 can basically just be summed up by my experiences in FF14, where getting Terra's Triple Triad card is... very, very time-consuming :(

People often tell me that it's the best single-player FF and that I should really play it, so I may consider trying it sometime?

[spoiler=Prims' impressions list]

Kaoz FI: super serious prince of tennis avatar, seemed to be the head of this subforum. I remember being surprised to learn that he wasn't actually a mod.

Kaoz CI: probably the most levelheaded player and I would like the opportunity to play a game with him someday.

Rein FI: first I heard of him was ofc "NOW IT'S REIN TIME"

I didn't actually understand the reference (or realize that it was one, had just thought it was an original catchphrase) until I recently looked it up. From the way it sounded and how he just rolled with it, I assumed he was a silly and carefree player.

Rein CI: Not much has changed, and I still haven't played in a game with him. He thinks of cool mafia game titles.

Paper FI: "lol nice avatar"

Paper CI: town!Paperblade is pretty op and always seems to be able to parse between lies and unlikely truths. Not surprised he was nominated for GoMC this year.

eclipse FI: I remember being very surprised that a forum mod actually participated in games such as these. In the last online forum that I had spent substantial time on, the mods were barely ever seen outside of posting mod-related work things. They didn't interact much with the community on a personal level, unlike eclipse.

eclipse CI: I don't envy how much clipsey is tasked with sorting out, lol. It seems like every time she signs up for a game she's bogged down with drama occurring on some other part of the forum. She's also the player whose alignment is second hardest for me to discern from her written mannerisms and the way she posts (first being Refa).

Blitz FI: first impression was from CG mafia (I think?) where he and Via were suspecting each other ED1, didn't think much of it then since I thought they were both misguided town

Blitz CI: the person who gets me to join games. seems to be pretty familiar with OC, and resourceful in OC games/setups with LOC elements

Via FI: (sometime in 2013) "oh, he caught me lurking the mafia subforum uhh am I in trouble"

Via CI: pretty cool person who seems to be rather apologetic in instances where he doesn't really need to be :(

RD FI: Sorry I got you mislynched in EO2 D1 D:

At first I was like 'well, it's either you or me and idk if you're town' but afterwards I realized town probably would've won a lot more smoothly if I'd just gotten lynched instead.

RD CI: someone who doesn't sign up for mafia games all that much anymore due to not having time.

Juliette FI: Rein's mysterious waifu

Juliette CI: surprisingly perceptive, in Almost OC mafia she was one of the only two people to guess the correct cc'd doc at lylo. Hope she plays more games in the future.

SB FI: "Oh, this guy got selected to represent us in GoMC, he must be super pro." Also, I remember thinking that SB was pretty apathetic towards mafia games due to a combination of the :l face drawn on his banana avatar, and how he would type.

Also there was that trick he pulled in EO2 mafia with the second letters of his first three posts spelling out "cop" for when he would use this later in his claim, which made me go "whoaaa I didn't know you could do that. this mafia stuff is pretty kewl"

SB CI: I usually either think that SB's obvtown or obvscum, and don't always guess right, so I guess in that way he's a little hard to read. Seems to be able to not get too emotionally invested in mafia games and take things casually instead.

Prims FI: "Interesting name. I wonder why he chose it."

Prims CI: can play a great scum game due to being aggressive enough that it feels thoroughly unlikely he would be scum (see: Elie's FFTA mafia, I think it was?)

Would probably be my first fearkill target in any game where I roll scum and we're not aligned the same.

Xinnidy FI: "Is your name pronounced 'ZIN-ih-dee'?"

Xinnidy CI: I've played like one game with Xinnidy before where she subbed out rather early iirc, or otherwise somehow really lacked a presence, so I really don't have much of an impression.

BBM FI: I remember BBM as BigBadMarshmallow during EO2 mafia. awesome name. never forget.

BBM CI: someone who can quit playing mafia anytime he wants a good town player (I'm reminded of FFTA in particular) who I haven't seen play scum before. I'm curious to see how he'd go about it.

Questions for Eury:

1) How do you manage to still write meaningful wallposts as scum, and how conscious are you of your town posting meta when you make them?

2) How do you think your recent effort of condensing your posts has affected your play? Would you recommend others to try it?

3) Which are your favorite League champions?

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OHSNAPS. Hi there gaiz. xD

The name's Eury, and I'm 23 years old. I was born n' raised in California, but now currently reside within the Shino residence out here in IL.

My hobbies generally include reading, playing video games (started off on some older systems like SNES, Atari, Sega Genesis, etc. as a kid), as well as sketching and singing at random intervals. I'll be damned if I ever let myself be seen/heard doing either of the latter though- I'm not so mean/inconsiderate to render the rest of you guys with ruptured ear drums, even if a lot of what I'd sing isn't necessarily in English (I avoided choir classes like the plague during elementary/middle school, so that + I don't think I have a great voice in general = I'm not going to even pretend to have a remotely decent singing capability. xD).

I joined SF and first participated in a Mafia game on Oct 15, 2013, mostly due to Shinori constantly hounding me to join the SF forums/Mafia scenes, lol. However, though I was pretty well known (or otherwise often seen) getting myself mod-killed early on (See FE6 Mafia game for one of my flashiest/most hilarious mod kills IMO), I feel like I've learned a lot as time/games went on, though I'm far from the levels of the strongest veteran players still yet. However, even if/when games go sour, I still generally enjoy the company and interactions that I've had with most of the fellow Mafia players here, and all in all, I've enjoyed my time here in games, on the forums, and in silly skype chats with all of you guys. :D

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and aside from what I covered earlier whenever the Shino-butt was chosen/being asked questions, that's all I got to cover atm. Feel free to ask away!

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Questions for Eury:

1) How do you manage to still write meaningful wallposts as scum, and how conscious are you of your town posting meta when you make them?

2) How do you think your recent effort of condensing your posts has affected your play? Would you recommend others to try it?

3) Which are your favorite League champions?

1. Trying to think of the simplest way to word my thoughts on this one (without sounding weird/quirky with the logic/train of thought). The easiest way I can state it is that, when I wall post as scum, I don't necessarily post with the intent outside of that of town!me. By that, I mean that I will still look for holes in people's cases, pull out really weird/wonky actions/reactions/words/etc. from people, and otherwise still harbor semi (if not fully) legitimate cases on people. The only real difference is that I obviously know who's town/who's not in the long run; however, I do hold true (for the most part, unless a gambit/request from a scumbuddy requires otherwise) to my gameplay that I've disclaimered on multiple occasions to my scum team (in various games): If you play scummy, and it's not something that town!me would overlook in any regard, I will case/vote you just as I would do as town. Because, besides the ability to wall post on either side/alliance, I attempt to keep my gameplay, logic, and altogether PoV pretty consistent, even if it means shamelessly shoving a scum buddy to the lynch noose.

When making my wallposts as scum, I do keep some notion of "What would town!me generally see/think so far in this game?" and will generally try to post around that idea. All in all though, I'm generally not too conscious/careful when I'm posting (aside from not carelessly scum-slipping or whatnot), because I know I generally get "loud"/reckless as town!me (so playing too hesitantly for little to no reason is reason enough to feel that something's off with my gameplay imo), or otherwise am fine with doing things like, "1v1'ing another townie and getting hung up on something like a poor reaction test or poor casing, on me or anyone else." (Blitz/Makaze are two I've gotten into 1v1's fairly often in games as of late)

2. Well, for one thing. The first day I got the PM from Kaoz to challenge myself, I misread the 300 WORDS as 300 characters.... one of the worst mistakes ever. xP

> Never again. I literally took over an hour over a tiny post, trying to condense it into 300 characters... T_T

Aside from that, the only unpleasant factor I really had was the fact that I was, for the entirety of the several games I've subjected myself to it (to the fullest extent/effort I could), I was constantly copy/pasting my posts into word docs, having to check word count, etc. And sometimes that process in itself kinda made me take as much time (if not a little more) on a smaller post, than I would've with a minor wall post, lol.

However, I do see it as something worth trying, and certainly something worth learning/putting forth as a good means of gameplay. As much as it killed me to chopped down on things (and I nearly cried when others, during games I kept MY posts short, started wall posting massively... T_T;; ), I felt that people were actually taking the time to read and digest the points I was trying to get across, which is sometimes more than what can be said about other wallposts that've otherwise been skimmed/skipped by 90%+ of the player base in games. And if it positively affects people in terms of their will/drive to post and respond to smaller, more concise posts, then it's a win-win situation, imo.

3. Oh daaaaaaaaaamn, that's a tough one.

Let's see. Of those I've mained before:

During Season 1 (when I was starting the game): Didn't really have a true main, but I loved Twitch a lot during S1 (he was the first champ I unlocked with IP, and was who I mostly used to level my account).

During Season 2: Lux/Morgana were my strongest/most frequently played champs.

During Season 3: Shyvana came to be my most prominent Jungler (this is also where I garnered the nickname Furykins, as Eury -> Fury when I'd turret dive shamelessly to destroy ADCs and other people), but I also came to love/main Anivia in mid lane (until the reign of Feral Flare and the massive surge of bruiser junglers made life in mid lane Anivia pure hell for me in ranked).

During Season 4: Morgana was #1 played for me in ranked, followed by a good handful of supports (Like Zyra, Velkoz, and Sona/Nami) and ADCs.

During Season 5: With the massive amounts of changes/updates, I'm actually loving certain champs like Viktor, Cassiopeia, and Gnar currently. First two blow up carries/tanks like nothing else, and the latter is just so fucking cute. <3

All in all, my top favored champs currently would be: Viktor (WTF RITO- Y HE STILL DISABLED? D8) > Lux (Dat new skin tho) = Ziggs (Got dat Master Arcanist Skin, SO PRETTY) > Gnar.

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1) Top 10 favorite games?

Hmmmm. My personal preference in games is the sandbox-esque style, or otherwise the freedom to customize/affect a lot of the in-game content, decision making, and altogether effects they have in the long run. With that in mind:

1. Shin Megami Tensei games (Especially the Devil Survivor series)

2. Dragon Age Inquisition

3. Dark Souls (Despite the madness within.)

4. Left 4 Dead 2

5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

6. Ragnarok Online

7. Tales of Symphonia/Tales series in general

8. Kingdom Hearts

9. Phoenix Wright series

10. Professor Layton Series

So, how's Bard?

Lol. I personally love him, but some of my friends freak out when I play him because, if they act like douches, I use my passive (the chimes summoned around the map at random locations) as legitimate reasons for basically ditching them 2v1 in bot lane... xD (I won't deny that I've also have trolled people with some Bard ultis, but we'll just chalk those up to being misclicks/mistimed ulti casts and nothing more... :D).

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Edited by Shinori
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I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about. I merely took a few moments to.... ah, compose a post or two. Nothin' too much~

He most certainly must be hallucinating hardcore... clearly he's encountered one too many Teemo shrooms to be able to think correctly...

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