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If you could change one thing...


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That's assuming player 1 can reach player 2 on the first turn. If they can't then player 2 has the opportunity to pair up and have enough stats to take some solid hits and dual guard thrown in for good measure. Baiting the opposite player as you would the AI would also be in effect,

Rescue exists and Awakening's maps aren't very big. Reaching the opponent on turn 1 is practically a given. Player 1 is going to get the first strike, and Player 2 won't be able to recover from the loss of apt if they survive at all.

Stats to survive a full dual strike mauling? Even Thronie falls to 6 hits from a properly prepared pair and he's got 99 HP, Dragonskin, Aegis+ and 67 modified Def. You are not surviving that any time soon (DGs don't matter because they wouldn't work on DSes- nothing does).

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Rescue exists and Awakening's maps aren't very big. Reaching the opponent on turn 1 is practically a given. Player 1 is going to get the first strike, and Player 2 won't be able to recover from the loss of apt if they survive at all.

Stats to survive a full dual strike mauling? Even Thronie falls to 6 hits from a properly prepared pair and he's got 99 HP, Dragonskin, Aegis+ and 67 modified Def. You are not surviving that any time soon (DGs don't matter because they wouldn't work on DSes- nothing does).

I guess disabling pair up is the best option then. Though do we know Dual Guards don't work against Dual Strikes? You can't naturally have two pair ups fight each other in game.

Edited by Jotari
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DSes bypass Counter and PavGis and don't trigger procs. They're pretty different from normal attacks, so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't.

Disabling pairup wouldn't fix much either- first turn, you have Rally and your foe doesn't. You double almost for sure, get the first strike and have 10-20 more Atk (Agg). Even without pairup, you're looking at 90+ Atk before procs over four attacks.

The point is that there's not really any fair way to make PvP not weighted toward whoever goes first.

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Instead of receiving zero damage, the Dual Guard partner would suffer the damage meant for the protected unit, either entirely or partially. Of course, the exact damage outcome depends on the Dual Guarder's stats, not those of the main unit under attack.

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I guess disabling pair up is the best option then.

Jotari, you're not approaching this from a game developer perspective at all.

You're approaching it from the "game developer's boss" perspective.

"Make it work by cutting something out completely."

The idea of multiplayer with the inherent system in Awakening is flawed.

And killing the system together is flawed.

FE13 multiplayer just wouldn't work outside of Dual Tag/Double Duel.

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Ditch the anime-esque art style, in favour of the more realistic style seen in Radiant Dawn.

>Implying FE art hasn't always been anime-esque.

It's freaking Japan, man, that's just how they draw.

For me personally, I'm jumping on the bandwagon with Loki in favor of giving the girls armor that isn't stupidly trying to be sexy. Peg Knight's "boob plate" doesn't bother me too much, but it really bothers me that F!Cavaliers don't have shoulder armor. And that all the female riding classes don't wear pants. Especially the Wyvern classes, because I'd imagine that wyvern scales really chafe.

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Instead of receiving zero damage, the Dual Guard partner would suffer the damage meant for the protected unit, either entirely or partially. Of course, the exact damage outcome depends on the Dual Guarder's stats, not those of the main unit under attack.

That would be incredibly annoying if trying to keep a weak unit safe (say, Chrom) by hiding him behind a wall. Such a system could work if DGs weren't random, though (thinking of Mystery Dungeon here- there's a skill you can equip that causes you to take attacks for adjacent allies as long as they're below a certain HP threshold).

Doing it exactly like that would have some extremely powerful applications, but I don't think it would be quite strong enough to be gamebreaking and would like to see it done.

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Even if the system was broken and overly favorited whomever goes first, I'd still like to see it in there. Trying out possible ways around it like using breaker skills or dodge tanks would be half the fun. Awakening is indeed a system that is designed for one player but that doesn't mean it wouldn't still be enjoyable to play with against other people.

Instead of receiving zero damage, the Dual Guard partner would suffer the damage meant for the protected unit, either entirely or partially. Of course, the exact damage outcome depends on the Dual Guarder's stats, not those of the main unit under attack.

I think someone needs to post this. http://awkwardzombie.com/index.php?page=0&comic=062413

Edited by Jotari
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Here's an idea. For Lunatic+ instead of adding a random lunatic skill make it so that enemy units can pair up. Or you could have both if you're the masochistic type. I can see the pair up for enemy units being tough to program for though. How do you define which units pair up and what bonuses they receive?

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That would be incredibly annoying if trying to keep a weak unit safe (say, Chrom) by hiding him behind a wall. Such a system could work if DGs weren't random, though (thinking of Mystery Dungeon here- there's a skill you can equip that causes you to take attacks for adjacent allies as long as they're below a certain HP threshold).

Doing it exactly like that would have some extremely powerful applications, but I don't think it would be quite strong enough to be gamebreaking and would like to see it done.

I think someone needs to post this. http://awkwardzombie.com/index.php?page=0&comic=062413

Well, I personally think it would look more realistic, and it'll require players to consider their pair-up/positioning tactics more carefully and not just throw them together for stat boost or mobility purposes. While I figured that it would definitely cause a few resets on Lunatic(+), but considering how low the DG rate in early-game is, I don't really think it's that alarming as it sounds. To reduce "RNG screwy-ness", this system can be balanced out by adding an option to turn DG off completely if the player wish to.

Edited by Ryo
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Dual Guard could have a much higher activation rate in exchange for being a skill that has to be equipped. And like the way Bane won't activate if you can kill the enemy anyway, make it so dual guard will never actually kill a character.

Edited by Jotari
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>Implying FE art hasn't always been anime-esque.

It's freaking Japan, man, that's just how they draw.

For me personally, I'm jumping on the bandwagon with Loki in favor of giving the girls armor that isn't stupidly trying to be sexy. Peg Knight's "boob plate" doesn't bother me too much, but it really bothers me that F!Cavaliers don't have shoulder armor. And that all the female riding classes don't wear pants. Especially the Wyvern classes, because I'd imagine that wyvern scales really chafe.

The only female promoted classes that wear pants are Paladin and Valkyrie

Horse armor would likely be very uncomfortable and cold against the legs in Ferox

Edited by Mastergabe2000
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OK...so this is kind of stupid. But, I would make all the DLC free. In addition, instead of just giving difficulty stars, I would want the DLC chapters to unlock as you progressed through the story like the first few paralogues do, so that you had a better indication of when to try and complete them.

I'm not irritated that nintendo has ppl paying for FE13 dlc, but I would prefer to have access to that DLC myself.

Edited by Severlan
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I would do something about Chapter 2 on Lunatic, because as it is that chapter is just ridiculously difficult to complete without casualties unless you resort to a turn-by-turn guide. Maybe just adding some helpful terrain, or a choke-point somewhere, just to make early-game Lunatic accessible to a few more people.

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Here's an idea. For Lunatic+ instead of adding a random lunatic skill make it so that enemy units can pair up. Or you could have both if you're the masochistic type. I can see the pair up for enemy units being tough to program for though. How do you define which units pair up and what bonuses they receive?

No. Lunatic is already comprised entirely of inflated stats over Hard, and I don't want the next mode up to simply contain more stat buffs.

Well, I personally think it would look more realistic

Just because enemies in FE have no sense of self preservation doesn't mean my units do. I don't think it would be realistic at all for someone to (on a whim) take a hit for someone else that does a ton of damage to them but wouldn't hurt the other guy.

OK...so this is kind of stupid. But, I would make all the DLC free. In addition, instead of just giving difficulty stars, I would want the DLC chapters to unlock as you progressed through the story like the first few paralogues do, so that you had a better indication of when to try and complete them.

I'm not irritated that nintendo has ppl paying for FE13 dlc, but I would prefer to have access to that DLC myself.

Might as well go the whole nine yards and make the game free.

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Oh another thing I was thinking

Custom palettes for all reclass options using some sort of hue-swapping algorithm applied to textures. Generic blue is so boring. That way it can dynamically generate the custom palettes for child characters who have dynamic class sets.

Also using the same algorithm, let me pick Avatar's custom palette.


Edited by Thor Odinson
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Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure there was some Smash-related interview where the Awakening devs confirmed that no feet was done to increase framerates and give them more room for attack effects because feet have a lot of polys and are hard to render.


They did address the feet issue but I don't remember the reason they gave for it. I think it was like it would be easier to draw or something.

Instead of receiving zero damage, the Dual Guard partner would suffer the damage meant for the protected unit, either entirely or partially. Of course, the exact damage outcome depends on the Dual Guarder's stats, not those of the main unit under attack.

@bold: What if the Dual Guarder with their current Defense/Resistance stat taking the incoming damage, assuming we know how much said damage will inflict to the DGer, will kill the DGer at their current HP?

Under this new DG system, say we know how much the DGer will take, add like a check that if the incoming damage will knock the DGer out, the DGer will not Dual Guard.

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Delete Nosferatu/Aversa's Night or nerf it down to 10% healing (down from 50%).

Again with the "nerf it because it isn't difficult enough for me" bandwagon.

Like seriously, anything with healing in it, people just get on the bandwagon to nerf.

Remember the days when you got 100% of it?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I do not remember those days since this is my first FE game. Clearing the game with Avatar and Chrom as a duo on Lunatic within a few hours as soon as wireless features get unlocked is not something that should happen in my opinion.

The fact that this behavior only get's punished on lunatic+ feels like an insult to me.

I'm saying that as somebody who wants to let all his recruited characters experience combat, this includes even plebs like virion. If you're bored enough, you could read a discussion I had with somebody over on gamefaqs, starts on page 3 the topic is miriel vs virion, essentially, here is a link.

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Clearing the game with Avatar and Chrom as a duo on Lunatic within a few hours as soon as wireless features get unlocked is not something that should happen in my opinion.

But that's the entire point of Awakening.

This game gives you complete and total control over the difficulty through how you decide to play it. Want it to be hard? There are dozens of tiny things you can do (don't even bother to try listing them) to adjust the difficulty on the fly in terms of playstyle choices that aren't limited to your difficulty selection.

It's what makes this game great. Complaining about the game being easy when you tried to make it easy is, well, complaining about yourself. Want a game where your entire control over the difficulty comes in the form of a menu selection at the start? Well, OK, but it's going to be accomplished simply by cutting stuff, and that's usually not a good thing.

Also, I happen to like speedruns, so saying something can be done in a few hours innately registers as a good thing to me.

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It's just the fact that I can't help feel a bit foolish for trying to make the game hard when it can be made easy instead, efficiency etc.

I just wish there were less ways to completely rip the game's balance to shreds, that would improve the overall experience. ymmv.

I might be just selfish, if that's the case, please forgive me for that.

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I apologize if I came off as immediately condescending, but FE veterans need to get off the bashing the game for giving freedom. The difficulty not being standard or being designed to be appealing to a wide audience and not making them feel special enough is the vibe I get from that kind of opinion.

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