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Encountered some racist in church this morning


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During the peace period, I turned around to shake the hands of the people behind me, and the guy tried to ignore me as he shook hands with everyone near him that wasn't black like I am. He eventually shook my hand, but withdrew his hand as fast as he could. Then during communion, he made the girl who was sitting next to him go in front of him so he wouldn't have to stand directly behind my dad.

Maybe I'm looking too much into this? idk

I'm kinda disturbed.

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i would say that people are not, as a general rule, flagrant racists

EDIT: then again tryhard's from the uk so he might have a skewed viewpoint OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

but yeah some people are just shitheads

Edited by Integrity
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i would say that people are not, as a general rule, flagrant racists

EDIT: then again tryhard's from the uk so he might have a skewed viewpoint OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

but yeah some people are just shitheads

well i haven't encountered any openly racist people here either

but i have encountered noted shitheads

edit: that british woman on the train why

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People can be so dumb, I hate it when people do things like that, especially when they claim to be followers of Christ. I had some really bad things happen to me at a church and so I'm really hard on people who claim to be Christian because of what happened to me, just remember that people like that are not real followers of Christ and should just be ignored and avoided if possible.

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Even if he wasn't racist, it still sounds like he was rude for no good reason...

don't let it get to you. some people just don't know any better.

Hey you two. . .you're awesome, and don't ever stop being awesome.

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