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Fire Emblem 11 Mafia - Game Over


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All I'm going to say is that lynch on me was fucking stupid and town should never *ever* do something like that again. The only time you turbolynch someone is when you are literally 1000% percent sure that there is literally no way someone is not scum. There were three distinct explanations for lack of kill besides the fact that I was blocked and you guys didn't even wait to let me defend myself.

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What killed you was your absence to even try and fabricate logs for either me for Vhaltz to look at. Elie had none, but didn't beat around the bush.

There's no point, given that I really couldn't, Plus half of his logs was clogged from the other OC game, so lol.

EDIT: Also, truth be told, I hate fabricating logs, so whether it throws a game or not for one team or another, I generally just don't do it. [sorry if I lost the game for the scum team as a result, but faking logs leaves bad tastes in my mouth, and it's pretty easy to catch glitches between other people's logs.]

My role was very underpowered, people bought Eury's claim way too easily for way too long, Eury's role was way too good compared to mine, the scorri mislynch was absolutely retarded, and mafia sucks.


All I'm going to say is that lynch on me was fucking stupid and town should never *ever* do something like that again. The only time you turbolynch someone is when you are literally 1000% percent sure that there is literally no way someone is not scum. There were three distinct explanations for lack of kill besides the fact that I was blocked and you guys didn't even wait to let me defend myself.

This too. I was surprised with how easily town-sided players were swayed into doing really reckless actions, honestly. Not sure why they were so eager/trigger (or in this case 'lynch') happy, but that's the main reason why you guys got close to losing, imo.

Congrats to town-side nonetheless.

Edited by Eurykins
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Also credit to Dandragon who I think played quite well for his first SF game (to my knowledge), and also my strongest townread throughout the game.

Also SB is bad at priorities and tracker usually goes before rolecop, which would've possibly saved me, also redirect shouldn't have worked.

Also I would like for Vhaltz to clarify "slight scumreads" because I am basically this cautious as a townie since I think playing ITP like a townie on a "talking to people" level is a good idea.

Edited by Reinfleche
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The scorri and Terra lynches were both really bad and were basically a result of incredibly heavy tunneling on Terra

Also priorities are dumb a lot of the time imo (should only really be figured out for niche cases like redirects or endgame shootan to determine winner), Track/Watch/etc. should just see everything done to/by a target unless the action is explicitly ninja

Edited by Paperblade
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Cheers to both Elie and Dandragon for being amazingly townie towards endgame and making me question my Eury read on roles, which ended up with me idling instead of doing something dumb like targetting Elie.

I was also against wagoning scorri at the time but I didn't really push Refa to actively stop it so sorry about that =/

From what I talked with Elie and Refa the plan appeared to be to push to L-1 to get reactions, and the hammer was completely undiscussed and uncalled for.

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Also I would like for Vhaltz to clarify "slight scumreads" because I am basically this cautious as a townie since I think playing ITP like a townie on a "talking to people" level is a good idea.

No idea on what Vhaltz thought at the moment but I read logs as well and I scumread you based on "town!Reinfleche would be trying much harder on his first OC game since forever"

Basically I think you would have done much more as town.

Anyways people should never be cleared on roles. Getting scumread on roles is cool since you can actually lynch people and prove yourself wrong/right, but nobody should be given a free pass on roles when you don't even know if the setup will be 100% ok and balanced. (I'm not talking about this setup in particular, zzz discussing setups)

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Also priorities are dumb a lot of the time imo (should only really be figured out for niche cases like redirects or endgame shootan to determine winner), Track/Watch/etc. should just see everything done to/by a target unless the action is explicitly ninja

it did, the only reason i had the priorities listed was if both targeted rein at the same time

rein did a decent amount imo so i disagree with mitsuki's criticisms there and i think he had irl stuff going on at the same time but i might be wrong here

Edited by SB.
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No idea on what Vhaltz thought at the moment but I read logs as well and I scumread you based on "town!Reinfleche would be trying much harder on his first OC game since forever"

Basically I think you would have done much more as town.

You're giving my level of activity far too much credit, even in OC.

To clarify I was still very reasonably active in this game but if you think I'm going to be like talking every chance I get that's simply not the case, even in OC as town. I try to be somewhat proactive but there was really not a lot to go on in the early phases of this game and I'm not going to have filler conversations because oh boy OC.

Edited by Reinfleche
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I do agree with mitsuki's comments on roles though and it was something I was continually trying to remind people. Do not clear people on roles ever, I don't care. We had a SK doc for goodness sake, you cannot clear on role alone.

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Pretty sure what Mitsuki was trying to say was what I was talking about to people throughout D1, Rein had talked to pretty much all of the playerbase at a very early stage, but nobody had anything memorable to say about their conversations with him. I had a small scumread on kirsche for similar reasons but it was more noticeable with Rein given the amount of people who said they'd talked to him and didn't have anything interesting to say about those conversations even when asked about them directly.

So yeah not so much the level of activity but what he was getting out of it and what he was doing with it, because it felt like just talking for the sake of talking.

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To be fair, I thought my lack of seeking people out in the beginning of the game would dick me over. As it turns out, letting someone contact me turned out to be the greatest move I could make, as we both made it to the end.

I think the hardest part is when you are suspected of scum and nobody will talk to you. Then again, I suppose me going in with "YOU ARE SCUM" is not the best conversation starter, but it helped my case to prove I'm town.

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What happened to scorri was dumb but this is nothing new, sadly. It happened to me in Badass (then again I don't feel like I actually played that game lol) and it happened to Rapier in Void(that felt horrible though, because I was gunning for the SK lynch for 3 phases in a row and nobody listened to me ;-;).

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This is nothing like Rapier in Badass being lynched, that happened at the end of the phase and a lot of people were actually pretty apathetic about it (and the majority of that wagon was non-town) while this was a mind-numbingly bad turbolynch made up mostly by town. The closest comparison was Boron's in NSFMM3 but comparing the two raised tensions in the mafia skype chat so let's just leave it at that. I don't remember Void enough right now to know how good that comparison is.

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Scum QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/CG6VhDJEmaV7
Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UBAVtaQJsSBRrVEt7--y-TX0qpBgkQwXuivgbpAyg2k/edit#gid=0

This was the second OC I've designed (the first was a scrapped game I sent to Kaoz a long time ago but decided I was unhappy with) so it was sort of a learning experience for me. I tried to make it so town had no super obvious town leader role and that most of them weren't alignment indicative, and I think that part of it worked out fairly well. I think the balance was mostly okay other than Rein being underpowered because I was scared I was going to make him too good, but ended up doing the opposite.

As far as play goes, it was a bit of a mixed bag. Most people who played weren't that experienced with OC and the ones who were got killed off fairly early on, resulting in a lot of uh... questionable decisions, from both the town and the mafia really. The main problems I had with the town were how most of them appeared to be very open with their information (about either their own role or someone else's) and their rolespec. While I do think rolespec CAN be valid, there were a lot of very strange assumptions which led to people clearing J and Eury when they really shouldn't have.

What town did well was that they were active and usually everyone was talking with at least one other player significantly about the game. I feel like town's played well in the earlygame and it looked to me like they were going to win because they all seemed to trust each other and left scum in the dust. Night 3-Day 5 were terrible though, and I figured scum was going to win easily after that. Thankfully Eli and dandragon played well enough in endgame to pull out the victory, so props to them.

Scum felt really obvious to me, although I'm not sure how much of it was confirmation bias. Poly died early for basically doing nothing and on PoE, but J's questionable fakeclaim lasted way longer than it should have done. Eury didn't make any outright mistakes imo besides maybe being too unwilling to suspect J (but Vhaltz never caught onto this) but she seemed to be coasting through the game way too easily until the lategame, where Eli and dandragon got their shit together and finally lynched her.

I don't really have anything else to say that isn't going to be covered in player analysis, so thanks for playing I guess. People need to make more OC games so that I can play in them :V


Dear kirsche,


You are Jagen, the Town Colourblind Cop. You are a Paladin in Marth's army, and have the best bases out of the starting party. Your poor growths hamper your usefulness, but you're not going to let something like that stop you from catching the scum.

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Checking the colour of USER's paint." You will spend the night examining what colour paint USER is covered in (either red or blue). You've been getting kind of senile in your old age however, and have forgotten which colour the townies are wearing. You DO however know that everyone wearing one colour is a member of the town, and everyone wearing the other is a threat to it.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

kirsche's play was alright in that there weren't any outright mistakes, aside from maybe being too loud about Paper's role (although most of town had this issue) and he got shot early so I don't really have much to say about him.

His role was meant to be a solid info role with coordination, but that never happened until after his death so rip.


Dear Mancer,


You are Xane, the Town Miller/Numbers. You're a manakete or something with the ability to change your appearance and copy other people's abilities. You usually tend to use it just to screw with people, but with scum showing up, there isn't really any time for that. After you take the mafia out though, there'll be plenty of time to mess around with your pranks.

You have no night action. However, you used your disguising skills in order to sneak into enemy strategy meetings disguised as a generic soldier. As a result, you have learned that there are 10 townies, 3 mafia members and one neutral in the game.

In addition, your ability to transform into anyone seems to have lead you to be mistaken for an enemy. As a result, your role is treated as a Mafia Informed/Strongman to all investigations.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

I don't remember much of what Mancer did besides besides claiming and then getting shot because Rein got redirected so uh... gg?

His role was basically filler and meant to be seen as a half-assed fakeclaim, although it might've been better as just numbers for that purpose.


Dear Reinfleche,


You are Wendell, the Town Self-Watcher. Your speed stat is absolutely ridiculous and so is your battle sprite (the joys of being bald, I suppose) but you usually get ditched around midgame because of your poor stats everywhere else. But even though you're old, Pope Wendell won't rest until the scum are eliminated.

You have no night action, although years of experience has taught you to pay attention to your surroundings. As a result, you will learn who targets you every night.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.


...Just kidding. If everyone else is dead, there's no way for them to bench you, right?

You are actually Wendell, the Self-Watcher Serial Killer.

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Double Attacking USER A and USER B." You will strike at USER A, making attempt on their life. If they were to survive for any reason however, you would then use your agility to attack USER B as well.

In addition, your ridiculously high speed stat will allow you to outrun the first attempt made on your life, as well as the first incriminating investigation aimed at you (role/alignment checks, as well at tracker/watcher reports while you are taking a kill). You will learn when these are expended.

Finally, years of experience has taught you to pay attention to your surroundings. As a result, you will learn who targets you every night, and know that this ability is unique to you.

You win when you are the last player alive, or nothing can prevent the same.

Rein was under suspicion for being unmemorable or something apparently which led to him being tracked. I can agree that he looked kind of out of place at times, but this was more because unlike the actual townies, he wasn't leaking information everywhere. Then he got targeted by half the game and fucked by horrible luck and Poly not really paying attention, which was... a really lame way to die to be honest.

This role probably should've been better in some way, but I was too afraid of it being op in design. I definitely would've made him pseudo-strongwilled for the purpose of the hijack and default to his second kill, and probably would've scrapped the investigation immunity entirely and just made it a plain unlimited ninja or godfather (not sure which). And maybe turned him into a full eagle eye. So uh, sorry for making you underpowered Rein.


Dear Paperblade,


You are Bord, the Town Ascetic/Day Vigilante. You are one of the mercenaries from Talys, along with Ogma, Cord and Barst. Your strength and skill stats are the only notable things about you, but that's all you need to put the scumteam in their place.

You spend the night phases practicing woodcutting in a nearby forest, away from the camp. As a result, anyone performing a non-lethal action will be too lazy to try and find you. Killers however will put in a little bit more effort.

In addition, during the day, you may reply to your role pm with "Day X - Hammertime USER." You will whack user with your axe, killing them instantly. This ability currently has 0-shots, but will gain one after the first four townie deaths, or every time a phase other than Night 0 passes with no deaths.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

Paperblade wanted to lead but couldn't because his role was specifically designed to discourage the player who rolled it from leading with something that would be ridiculously obvtown otherwise. I'm not actually sure why Paper got shot but he did and it kind of fucked over town because everyone alive seemed to have no idea how to play OC. One thing I think he should've done better is pushed for himself to be trusted more though; I doubt J would've lasted half as long considering he thought the redirect was obviously scum and thought Vhaltz would be on the same wavelength, but yeah.

Vigs are cool, but the conditions were there to keep it from just firing super early and fucking the town up numberswise.


Dear Polydeuces,


You are Cain, the Mafia Rolecop/Gravedigger. You are a Cavalier from Altea, and a close friend of Abel. You have pretty good stats, but are probably worse than Abel because early javelins are overpowered or something. You got pissed off that some scrub tried to sacrifice you during the prologue so they could recruit Norne, so you joined up with the mafia to get payback.

In addition, during the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Ride after USER." You will follow after USER from a safe distance, swiping his role pm with all factional abilities removed when he isn't looking.

In addition, during the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Reclass into USER's role." If USER died in the previous day or night phase, you will be able to copy a 1-shot version of their abilities and use them in the same night phase, with their original syntax.

You win when the mafia achieves parity and nothing can upset this.

Poly didn't really do anything and got lynched because everyone else was townier. His decision to rolecop Rein despite Terra ALSO rolecopping him was also really dumb, even if it did get him killed (and it arguably fucked over the mafia because it meant there were more townies alive at that time).

Gravedigger wasn't originally a fakeclaim but I realised whatever I had there at first sucked and Rolecop is standard scum stuff. Don't have much to say here.


Dear scorri,


You are Castor, the Town Con Man. You're a hunter who joins the army after guilt tripping Shiida into paying for his sick mother's medicine. This is probably all just a lie and you just want the money for yourself (see: Castor's FE12 recruitment) but all player characters must be good guys, right? If scum kills everyone you'll have less money to steal, and we can't have that, can we?

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Conning USER!" You will tell USER how your mother is sick and really needs medicine, so they will give you money in order to buy some. Since this is obviously a lie, it will be publicly announced at the start of the next day phase that "USER is a chump!". This ability has no other effect.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

scorri's play wasn't as memorable as the terrible terrible reasoning for her lynch, and the night action plan that led to it. Seriously, there was no reason to dedicate iirc 3 night actions to catching a specific 2 person scumteam, and the turbolynch was incredibly poor form. As far as scorri's play goes, I don't think claiming to Eli immediately was a great idea but I think that she was tighter-lipped about her role than a lot of others despite it being awful which is kind of sad.

It was basically a joke role because I needed a 10th townie without adding power - I have nothing else to say about it.


Dear RockRyan Junko,


You are Abel, the Town Bodyguard. You are a Cavalier from Altea, and a close friend of Cain. Somehow, you manage to have even less of a personality than he does despite having pretty good stats. Scum wanted to use you as the Prologue sacrifice so you're going to make them pay.

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Protect USER with my life!" You will watch over USER during the night, and intervene if they are attacked. You will fall protecting them, but they will have enough time to escape with their life. In addition, any protective roles aimed at you will fail to protect you whilst using this action.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

I don't remember what Ryan did beyond newbie stuff and then he went inactive so I subbed him out. Junko actually played really well when he subbed in (read: not immediately forming a ridiculous 1v1 between both of town's protective roles like everyone else) and when Eury immediately changed her kill to him I was really sad. Fearkill2real or something, I don't even know why they did it.

The Bodyguard existed because a single jailkeeper wasn't enough for 2 kills a night (how did nobody see this?) and didn't overlap too much with it.


Dear Terrador,


You are Draug, the Town Jailkeeper. For an armoured knight, your defense is pretty awful but your speed growth is pretty crazy. You're also the best thing ever in the FE1 LP. It looks like the scumteam is up to no good, so you're gonna choke some points and help town out.

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Doga will choke the point, USER!" You will block the path in front of USER, preventing them from taking an action, but simultaneously protecting them from all killers.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

Terra was the first of many townies to be fooled by Eury because uh... I don't know. He just misread her at first instead of bad rolespec at least? But claiming super early to her was a bad idea. While I think that Terra wasn't exactly transparent alignmentwise, his lynch was heavily as a result of Vhaltz tunneling into the slot despite J's claim being incredibly questionable ("scum must be the jailer because it looks townier" made me cringe since it wasn't actually a fake) and he at least tried to sort stuff out before his death? But unfortunately Vhaltz again seemed fixated on "no, you're scum" and ignored it even after death, basically saying that the lynch was his fault which was just... really lame. For Terra: in future games, I'd take more time to think things through before doing or talking. The latter can be kind of difficult in OC due to the nature of the game, but you were really kind of hammerhappy.

Jailkeeper existed for the higher chance of blocking a kill than a doc and being unable to hug the cop forever after the empowerer died (making it easier for scum to take the claim to pieces). If I remade the game it would probably just be a doc and I'd make kirsche's role macho or something.


Dear Refa,


You are Roshea, the Town Tracker. You used to be a slave on the Aurelian plains, before you were freed by Hardin. You subsequently swore your loyalty to him afterwards, and now you're going to use your incredible speed growth (10 whole percent!) in order to help eliminate the scum.

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Following after USER." You will spend the night watching what USER does from a safe distance, learning who they targeted, but not what they did.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

Refa played decently overall. He had really good reads early on (guessing the whole scumteam before deciding it was too obvious) and even though his Rein track kind of happened for questionable reasons, I can't exactly call it a misplay because it worked. He was also decent at keeping his role hidden although by the end of N2 scum knew all of the roles anyway because town was dumb and told the mafia all of their roles. I think he also actually suspected Eury towards the end but then Vhaltz talked him out of it, and then he died. That kind of sucked. My main criticism for you is basically my main problem as well, you were kind of indecisive with your reads and you second guessed your accurate reads or let people talk you out of them too easily. I'm not saying you should tunnel your reads or anything, but make sure the reasons you drop them for are better than the reasons you picked them up for in the first place.

Tracker is pretty standard, it's a good town info role and they needed another one, so it happened.

[spoiler=#HBC J]

Dear #HBC J,


You are Marth, the Mafia Announcer/Hijacker. You are the crown prince of Altea, and fled to Talys after it fell. Over time however, you came to realize that you don't want to be fighting a war and that you would rather flee back to safety. Unfortunately, your army probably won't let you do that unless you kill them all first.

During the day, you may reply to your role pm with "Day X - Addressing the troops." And include a message no longer than 100 words. This will be posted in the main thread as soon as the host sees it. This may only be used once per day phase.

In addition, during the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Directing USER A towards USER B." You will use your authority as the leader of this army in order to convince USER A to target USER B instead of their original target. If USER A targets multiple players, this will only change their first target.

You win when the mafia achieves parity and nothing can upset this.

J's fakeclaim was (I'm sorry) kind of awful and I'm baffled by how anyone actually bought it. Even if you just went by host meta he was obvious scum immediately as I'm pretty sure I said that I think unrestricted hijacker is a stupid role multiple times. That said, once J got into the game he played his fake fairly well (except the "I redirected someone I thought was an info role onto the miller to see what would happen" explanation which was wtf and I have no idea why people let you get away with that) and he managed to look decently townie to most of the trustworthy townies so uh, good job? Your big mistake aside from the claim was how you buddied up with Eury (saying you were confirmed town to each other) when this made... no sense at all.

Announcer was MEANT TO BE just there as an easy fake (with the day announce to differentiate it from scorri's role and because people have a habit of townreading new variations on old roles like Paper in CYOR1) and the Hijack was there because town already had a roleblock.


Dear Vhaltz,


You are Nabarl, the Town Hunter. You are an a wandering swordfighter and are 3edgy5me. You don't like to harm women and children however, and scum made some girl cry or something so you're going to spam killing edge criticals until they die.

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Counterattack USER!" If you are killed during the night, you will first strike down USER with your killing edge, ensuring his death along with yours.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

Vhaltz's problems were pretty much the opposite of Refa's - once he decided on a read he was pretty much unwilling to change it at times, particularly where Terra and Eury were concerned. While he had the right idea about getting someone to lead the town, the way he went about it was kind of weird and the way he attacked Rein on Night 1 had a lot of people suspicious of him for a little while too. If you're trying to lead, you need to do what you can in order to look at clean as possible to the rest of the game (so town trust you, and scum can't get by faking the same). I also thought the way you used roles on some nights was really questionable, particularly the stuff I mentioned in scorri's comments.

Standard Hunter is standard, I just shoved it in because it's something the mafia could fakeclaim easily and figured he might get mistrusted for it. The wording confused Vhaltz a bit but that was probably more my fault than his. Sorry.


Dear Eurykins,


You are Jake, the Mafia Shrouded/Bulletproof/Fabricator. You are a ballistician from Grust. Your girlfriend, Anna, runs the secret shop, and so you generally have access to some pretty neat equipment. Unfortunately, none of this includes hair dye, which you must use considering your hair colour changes pretty much every game. Maybe you'll change it again after you and the mafia are done here.

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Giving ITEM X to USER." Since your girlfriend works at the secret shop, you've managed to pick up some rare items for your own purposes. Item A appears as a 1-shot Rolecop (that checks role names), but will show any of your scumbuddies as their fakeclaims if scanned. Item B appears as a 1-shot Roleblock but will fail to block any kills. Item C appears as a 1-shot Doctor, but it will only delay the target for being killed for one night phase, and will give you a watcher report on the target when used.

In addition, since you attack from long range, nobody can get close enough to investigate your role. Any attempt to learn your alignment or role will fail. Other forms of investigation will still work.

Finally, you will survive the first attempt on your life outside of the lynch due to your high defense stat.

You win when the mafia achieves parity and nothing can upset this.

Eury's earlygame was pretty good - she was the first of her team to show up and buddied up to a couple of townies pretty well, to the point that I think she got three people's roles from it? Her downfall was really the fact that she dropped off the map mostly after around Day 2, and only really did things when people approached her. I think she got very lucky that everyone bought that she was clear for very shaky reasons (the only one I could really see was the rolecop item being given to a townie which could've caught her buddies, even thought it couldn't here) and I think it wasn't until Night 5 after Terrador was lynched that people started considering her a viable lynch.

Fabricators are really cool roles that don't see much usage, but unlike traditional fabricators this role was a lot more subtle with a couple of hidden effects meant to help the mafia while also acting as a very strong fakeclaim. Bulletproof and Shrouded were for survivability and as an anti-cop role. I don't really like Godfathers with Colourblind Cops because A. the role isn't that strong anyway and B. the Godfather status can backfire horribly if it gets scanned alongside another scum in the first 2 nights, which is completely against the point of the role.


Dear dandragon,


You are Shiida, the Town Ninja/Empowerer. You are the princess of Talys and Marth's canon love interest. Your name is spelt in ridiculous ways no matter which localization you're looking at. Maybe after you take out the scumteam Marthipan and you will finally get married!

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Assisting USER." You will act as a distraction for the night, allowing USER to avoid any redirects and roleblocks aimed directly at them. Their action will still fail if the target commuted, is safeguarded or anything similar.

In addition, nobody will notice you since you are so high up. You will not appear on any night reports.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

I was pleasantly surprised by dandragon's performance this game. He did a lot of standard newbie stuff and made some mistakes here and there but he looked super townie to a couple of other players (Rein and more importantly, Elieson) despite having a kind of scummy role. He came to the right conclusion on Eurykins and managed to convince Eli to vote along with him, so good job with that and stuff. My main advice to you would be to be a bit less defensive, because you sort of came across that way to me in conversations where people said they suspected you, since that tends to make people think you look worse.

Empowerer was meant to stack with the jailkeeper to make a fulldoc (this only ever happened by accident) and the ninja was meant to make it more suspicious (and apparently this worked?) on top of empowerer generally being a questionable claim anyway imo.


Dear Elieson,


You are Rickard, the Town Mayor Enabler. You're a kind of lame thief who knows Julian, but your stats are so bad you struggle to fight even on normal mode. Scum made fun of your terrible stats, but you'll show them they shouldn't have messed with you! ...Or that they shouldn't have messed with the guy who you gave the Silver Axe to, anyway.

During the night, you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Give Bullions to USER!" You will give USER a wad of gold which they can sell for um... gold, in order to buy themselves an extra vote for the following day. This fails in *YLO and variants.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one townie is still alive.

Eli was probably town MVP overall? That wasn't to say he didn't make mistakes (he was way too loose with information on both his own role and other players' roles), but his play came across as really townie to Vhaltz who pretty much considered him clear at one point and told him the info in case Refa was somehow scum. I don't think he would've really been a suspect lategame either had Vhaltz not been super sure that Eury was town either. He was pretty much the first person to question J being super town immediately (and was ignored iirc, although he didn't push it too hard) and figured out that scum needed some kind of mole role (and explicitly said he was worried about fabricator at one point). He eventually made the right choice in LYLO after deciding play meant more than roles, so good job there. Aside from leaking info (which he weren't alone in) I don't really have any significant criticisms with Eli's play.

This role was just meant to be provable and not really do anything else, which was why it turned off in *YLO. I don't have much to say on it.

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Announcer was MEANT TO BE just there as an easy fake (with the day announce to differentiate it from scorri's role and because people have a habit of townreading new variations on old roles like Paper in CYOR1)

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