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TheMoniker plays Corrupt Theocracy


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The growth rates for this hack were all written on paper at the time I made it so I don't have them, but for the sequel if you ever want to LP it I do have them if you want them since I was smart enough to type them up that time.

A lot of the names I just picked from Capcom games(all the SF, Darkstalkers, and Megaman ones) like Starman said.

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Haha the reinforcement spam reminds me of one of the trial maps for FE6.

And guys stop the hate. The hack isnt the best but it was one made he made years ago. I'm sure if he were to go back to hacking he could make something of better quality.

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this certainly seems like an interesting battle. too bad sonic doesnt move at super speed

hmm, is it sad that this hack is for some reason inspiring me in ideas for level creation? yeah thats bad. . .

If it's inspiring you in the "don't worry about the quality, you couldn't be much worse than this" way, then you're okay.

So, if you've promoted your thief, how are you gonna get those boots? I'm not sure I trust blademaster to have had the foresight to let assassins steal...

Yup, you figured it out. That's what I forgot.

The growth rates for this hack were all written on paper at the time I made it so I don't have them, but for the sequel if you ever want to LP it I do have them if you want them since I was smart enough to type them up that time.

A lot of the names I just picked from Capcom games(all the SF, Darkstalkers, and Megaman ones) like Starman said.

Oh hey, nice to see you. I MIGHT play the sequel, but not anytime soon, since there are some other hacks I want to LP. Also, just on the off-chance, did you write the supports down anywhere? If you have the scripts I'd like to see them.

And yeah guys, no need to hate. He's not the only hacker who's made terrible things. I might LP some of Markyjoe's old terrible things, and then you can laugh at him instead.

Hello babes and bros. Welcome back to...

Corrupt Theocracy: Episode 22: Chapter 21: Part 2: Finishing the Fast Battle


We start out with a meh level for Nick. It's fine, there's plenty of good ones to come. Later.


Or right now!


Everyone pulls weight, and we kill this many dudes. I could have Donovan take a stab at it, but I don't want to waste any XP.

Also, just look at the insane range on these guys! Any one of them can take their entire pick of the group, and there's little you can do about it!


Time for the last promotion! After this, we'll have a fully promoted army!


Another generic blue palette...


You know, I actually almost like what Blademaster's done with the promotion gains. Sure, they're ludicrously powerful, but at least they cover for a character's weaknesses, which is what some main game promotions have failed to do.


Yup, I think she'll be capping all of those.


The generic's lines broken, they start rapidly dropping.


However, they DO manage to distract ALL the enemies! I don't think we even get attacked once!


Dak might die. I mean, look at that bad positioning, and Sonic's still around.


So...here's why this is my favorite chapter.

As you can see, the combat is just about over.

It's TURN 3.

Just for once, we don't have to slog through boring enemies! The chapter is over in 20 minutes! Hallelujah!


Craft gets another great level, and I realize I forgot to show this off.



Bart: wishes to barter with the Clan head, then the Clan head must always listen should the fate of the clan be at stake. This ring is something someone once tried barter with, but he was killed since he was weak. Take it. We have no use for it.


"He was killed since he was weak"? What sort of society is this? Anyways, the ring just means more money.


Many of the remaining allies drop to Sonic and his cronies...


But Dak himself remains unharmed! Looks like he'll be just fine!


Time to finish this short chapter.


And this is where I realize assassins can't steal.


So, it seems that for once we're actually going to have a tough boss...


Kidding! Craft is a wrecking ball, as usual!


Kidding again! I'll let Larry get some training!


He crits in a non-silencing manner, and triggers a "hah hah you didn't kill me" death quote.


Speed capped at level 2! BALANCE!


Hey game, could you cut it with the promotion items? We have quite enough, thank you.


Cleric level.


Recruitment time!

Dak: Kaze? What are you doing here?

Kaze: I owe a debt to the Repub army and I am helping them stop the Hawk Clan. And also something even bigger than that! The Holy Army!

Dak: …And how do they plan on stopping Sonic?

Kaze: By capturing the Hawk clan Hut! They’ll use that to scare the Hawk Clan and strike a deal with them to let them pass.

...We've killed Sonic. AND all his mooks. I don't think we need to take the hut to scare them off.

Dak: …So they know of the Hawk Clan’s bartering laws eh? Very well. Since they have saved my life, I now also owe them a life debt. I’ll fight against the Holy army too!

Kaze: Thank you father!


Well, he's on our side now. I'd also like to say that Kaze is better in every way except for HP and a point of speed.


I wait a bunch of turns, but nothing comes from these rather conspicuous huts.


So we leave. No supports tonight, sorry.


Sonic: own failures… What do you want?

Hey! We killed you!

Gunni: We wish for passage to the Aero guild.

Donovan: And for you to spare the Wolf Clan.

Sonic: …I will spare those of the Wolf Clan with you now and grant you passage, no more. Take it and leave.


Listen buddy. If we wanted, we could EASILY wreck your things and TAKE passage by force. You are in NO POSITION to bargain! Go on Gunni! Don't stoop to his arrogance! Tell him!



Donovan: Mind if I ask why your two clans are fighting?

Sonic: Yes, I do. It is something only those of our clans should know. Now leave.


And with that, we transition to...


Brendan(?): If it isn’t the lovely princess and Barry’s kid! How can I help you!

Kat: We were wondering if Father was around since we wanted to hire him!

Brendan(?): Sorry kid. Not here. Looks like our Guild is about to go to war with the Assassin Guild. He’s out scouting with Gan.

If I remember right, we'll be helping them in their war sooner rather than later.

Kat: Awww man…

Gunni: Can we hire Yin and Yang instead then?

Brendan(?): My sons? Sure. They aren’t going with us on our war mission.

Gunni: Very well. Thank you for your time.

And another transition to...



Gunni: Let him through then.


So, this is the part where the character's actions have consequences. While they were busy killing friendly pirates, wasting time in Merc on two separate occasions, and generally doing everything slowly, the other allied group nearly got killed. Of course, nobody makes the obvious connection between these events.

Bluedier 47#: He requests that you come to his aid immediately! He does not know how much longer he could last! The enemy could catch him any day now!

"They've been found and are under attack!"

"The enemy could catch him any day now!"


Capitalized Dire! Must really be Dire!

Gunni: We must go to their aide now! Where are they?

Bluedier 47#: Near the Earth Clan Castle…

Gunni: So it is already time to face my brother? Very well.

Bluedier 47#: Also, I have one more bit of bad news. King Zypher found out about Orca’s crew being involved with you and has captured Orca and killed most of the crew!

Gunni: I see… Then we have no time to waste!


NEXT TIME: We teleport to Repub and beat up/help characters from the crappy tutorial segment!

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Also, just on the off-chance, did you write the supports down anywhere? If you have the scripts I'd like to see them.

I don't think I have anything hacking related to CT other than the mugs anymore. I only have all the sequels stuff in case I ever wanted to go back to it, which probably won't happen. As far as the scripts for the supports go, they're exactly the same as FE7 IIRC, so if you know how to use FEditor, you can go to the offset where they begin in an unedited FE7 and they should all be there in the same exact spot (all the scripts I'd have would be in FEditor format as well). This also means that any FE7 .sav with all the supports collected will have all the supports accessible to be read as well I think.

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oooo, more terrible things after terrible things! I LIKE IT!

To be entirely honest, we don't know that for sure. I mean, the FEE3 video went up to Chapter 1, Malakov didn't play it, I didn't play past Chapter 1...for all we know it might actually be amazing.

I don't think I have anything hacking related to CT other than the mugs anymore. I only have all the sequels stuff in case I ever wanted to go back to it, which probably won't happen. As far as the scripts for the supports go, they're exactly the same as FE7 IIRC, so if you know how to use FEditor, you can go to the offset where they begin in an unedited FE7 and they should all be there in the same exact spot (all the scripts I'd have would be in FEditor format as well). This also means that any FE7 .sav with all the supports collected will have all the supports accessible to be read as well I think.

I might actually do the .sav thing, show off all the supports once the LP is finished in a series of bonus updates. Entertainment long after the main show is over!

Hello babes and bros. Welcome back to...



A proper fade-in? Huh.


Jake: it! Including this one, there are 34 different text convos in it!


Actually, he's exaggerating. Most of those are in-battle talks we won't be getting.

Jake: Ugh… You should know what’s happening in the story right now. I just wanted to rant…

Such a good narrator!


...Is the apology coming from Jake or Blademaster?


As usual, we walk onto the screen and then enemies spam-deploy everywhere.

And yes, the map is that one "Survive!" Bern chapter.


Gunni: To be back home again after so long… But now is not the time to be emotional.

Lloyd(?): You think Shark and Kerry are arright?

Linus(?): I don’t know. All three of us may be Swordsmasters, but we all vary in fighting style. Shark is skilled, Kerry is resilient, and I have decent stamina.

And Kat has all three!

But seriously, stamina isn't even a stat. Linus is already giving off an aura of prepromote-ness.

Lloyd(?): … That has nothing to do with what I was saying.

Linus(?): Perhaps to the untrained ear.

Gunni: Hahahaha!


Any reason for the odd grammar, Elliot?

Gunni: They’re both such a comedic duo! Whenever I was sad when I first left, they always cheered me up!

Okay, I get the cheering up part, but that really wasn't that great, as far as banter goes.


And here's Eli's group! We'll finally be seeing the rest of the chartacters from part 1 return, as well as some other people we've heard about!


Eli: It’s all up to fate now it seems…

WHY is everybody so obsessed with fate? Especially since according to the enemies, fate is against you! You should be REBELING against fate!

Henry: Well, I won’t go down without a fight!

...Okay, that's actually a bit better.

Flo: Wait! I don’t think we will have to! Eli, do you feel that?

Eli: Yes I do Flo! It’s Elliot and Lila! …And two other dragons?

Henry: They must have been on quite the trip to find two other Dragons. Let’s go!

Oh, you have NO IDEA.


Eli: I know my love. We must survive so that we can continue to support them!


Well, here's the "evil" people. Presumably, they're still under the effect of the berserk staff. Once again though, this isn't mentioned, so it's hard to know for sure.

Mac: It goes well my King. I am guarding the Castle along with Lyra, and Nurey and Falco are leading the forward assault.

Zephiel(?): Good. If we route our enemy now, all our plans will come to fruition!

At the very least they've started taking us seriously. Using the full might of the army to take us out good and early rather than waiting while we slowly slaughter it.

Mac: Yes! In the name of the Pope!

Zephiel(?): Yes… In the name of the Pope!



Here we go! But, before we start the chapter...


We have Nils's reading back! Let's use it!


So yeah, it DEFINITELY wasn't Sal. We need to wait for ANOTHER female shaman.


Kaze has an ASTONISHINGLY HIGH amount of supports...


While Elliot has surprisingly few(note: One of them is Nina, probably). Kaze is his only available pairing at this point, so that's what I'll have to go for.




Dang...it looks like Louis's only support option is to get a B with Kaze. I kinda regret not saving Nina now... Oh well, there was little I could have done.


And, we ONCE AGAIN have 10 units. Sure, we're getting tons of new people this chapter, but I want to deploy more of MY units!


Since we finally finally FINALLY have more shops, we have to sell the dead weight!




Starting the chapter...


Here's Shark. And Kerry. Kerry is just Karla, while Shark is another custom mug. Not sure if it's a splice or not.

Kat: I don’t understand how my father spent his whole life doing it.

Shark: I agree. When this war is over, let’s leave the guild and settle down in a house in Dragon somewhere...


Shark: Kerry… I would take you here if it were not for the fact that we were in battle now…

Not sure what to say about this conversation.


ANYWAYS! Here's what things are looking like. The enemy positioning isn't that well thought out, as we'll see.


And because of all the things that deployed, we now have EIGHTEEN units. Wow.


Yin and Yang have joined us. We apparently did hire them.


Yin is a prepromote swordsmasters, and he isn't the only one. Most of the prepromote swordsmasters just suck compared to Kat. The only thing they really have on her is defense/resistance.


Yang is a fairly tough hero. That RES is TERRIBLE though, and because there's lots of magic in the endgame, he ends up kind of useless.

The gimmick of these two, if you couldn't guess, is their default A support. It's helpful what with how OP supports are, but relying on prepromotes is bad.

I really don't know what else to say. It's hard to judge these guys without growths.


And now, the RETURNING HERO, Eli! He's a Knight Lord(however, Elliot does NOT promote into a knight lord-you'll see!), and very strong, His growths aren't BAD, and those bases will be solid for basically forever. He'll serve us well right up to endgame...or he would, if we were actually using him.


Flo is a great prepromote Falcoknight. She will of course do well, but I'd rather stick with Star, especially since Flo isn't much of an improvement strength-wise.


Henry is a Hector lord-the ONLY Hector lord, unless you want to heaven seal Part1!Henry, which might not even be possible.

See, a thing I don't like about this hack is that it takes two of my favorite classes, and makes them into prepromotes. Bluh.

As far as stats go, he's solid. Tanky. What else is there to say?


Shark is a crazy good swordsmaster. Tons of skill. Use him you want. Don't if you don't want. I don't know.


His minimug isn't lazy or anything.


Kerry is a rather meh swordsmaster, yet another preprom-OH HOLY WHAT ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN FRAKING CRIT

I should give that Wo Dao to Kat, see if she can't top that!


As you probably noticed, they brought some generics with them. These guys exist solely to get trashed and distract the first wave of enemies. Don't expect them to survive past the first several turns.

Now, time to show the bosses! That's right, there's more than one! In fact, there's FOUR!


Falco is with the paladins, although he'll separate himself from them quickly.


He's...pathetic. I think the other wyvern generics are actually stronger.

Also, Blademaster FINALLY cuts to the point with the boss descriptions!


Lyra's near the castle, but...


Her stats are great. But that isn't the problem. What IS the problem is the SIEGE TOME. That's right, give a boss with maxed attack and good skill/speed a tome that can hit half the map! And make the tome not an HP-to-1 tome anymore, and give it 25 uses, and make it not weigh her down at all! And just for good measure, put the boss in a position where it's hard for the player to reach her without sending a flier ahead!

Conclusion: Lyra is BS.


Nurey is leading a squad of wyverns to attack the bottom group. He does a better job of staying with his mooks, but it won't save him.


He's better than Falco, but that description...I'm just not sure...


And the castle guard is...MAC! MAC FROM PART 1! And his stats got even better! Specifically, his HP! So, his maxed strength/defense will be hard but not impossible to penetrate. We just send in a magic user, and he'll get doubled and murdered. This is probably the most balanced boss in the entire game though, to be honest.


There's a few scattered stealables, but believe me when I say that this isn't a good place for a thief, buffed speed cap or no.

Okay, next time, we actually play the chapter! Seriously, 70 image prelude...

I normally don't do preludes, but there was just SO MUCH to show this chapter...

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poor captain mac he will get murdered. . . luckily there's captain mac from da past or i would actually feel bad.



Apparently Flo is her own mother, I wonder how that works?

obviously since there's a flo from the past here now she also birthed herself. . . or maybe she's really narcissistic IDK.

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Shark's sprite...I actually checked and the closest he seems to be is a recolored Jaffar's or some other person's with a cloak-based robe body, a mix of Karel's front hair (FE6 version) and what looks like Sue's braid closer with the back braid being from...I honestly haven't seen any character with that specific braid and I have no idea what kind of face that is. I'm actually curious: Just what kind of splice is that, if it even is a splice? (Well, at least the frontal hair is definitely Karel's from FE6, that I'm almost certain of).

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lol I was mistaken, he's (at least his hair) based off of Shanam, not Shanan XD


...oh. Well, that explains why I wasn't able to recognize the details on him when comparing his sprite to the FE6 and FE7 character sprites.

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