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What would you do if you knew the world was ending?


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What would you do if the world was ending in 24 hours and it couldn't be stopped and only you knew about it? Would you tell people or leave them in the dark about it? Would you have some fun in the last 24 hours or try to survive the end?

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Throwing a huge party would be quite nice.

Celebrate the end of all things! (You cannot change it anyway, since everyone will die, lets have fun.)

Edited by Naughx
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What, again? Wouldn't be the first end of the world I'd have survived. :newyears:

...that said, I find it hard to give a serious answer to this, but if we assume it to be the scenario of a game or some other story, obviously there'd be a way to stop it from happening (or at the very least survive it) no matter how impossible it may look. Hope isn't lost until you abandon it~

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If I knew for a fact the world will end in a day, I may well do some of the stuff I would never normally do in life.


Fuck a girl, with no condom.

Kill someone I despise.

Spend all my money on the most expensive alcohol around and get shitfaced to the point of blacking out, never to wake up.

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If I knew for a fact the world will end in a day, I may well do some of the stuff I would never normally do in life.


Fuck a girl, with no condom.

Kill someone I despise.

Spend all my money on the most expensive alcohol around and get shitfaced to the point of blacking out, never to wake up.

except for the last one. I'd probably go attempt to kick a gorilla in the nuts or something.

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Take a nap.

I like this one the most. Wake me up when September the world ends~

If i dont wanna nap, i'd probs kiss any attractive girl i see on the day, trash a place just for the sheer enjoyment of destruction, maybe drive a car (joyriding counts), and lastly, get myself banned from SF :P

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i'd like to start a riot of some sort

If I knew for a fact the world will end in a day, I may well do some of the stuff I would never normally do in life.


Fuck a girl, with no condom.

Kill someone I despise.

Spend all my money on the most expensive alcohol around and get shitfaced to the point of blacking out, never to wake up.

it would be something similar to this. i might not be successful with some of these, but god-damn i'd give it a shot.

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Do a tonne of collateral damage to my town, not killing anyone though and sit back and relax while playing awakening being proud of not telling anyone the world is ending and then of course when the day ends kick the bucket.

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I would tell off every one who has hurt me and then play video games until the end.

tell off? wouldn't you get more satisfaction from bludgeoning them to death?

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That depends on which kind of 'end of the world' we're talking about here. End of the civilized world? End of humanity? End of the entire world? Death via zombie? Death via meteor? Death via divine being? All would have different outcomes.

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uhm if by "end of the world" you mean literally everything ever dying then

Run around naked


Murder a few people

Bite someone

Actually, probably just the first two.

Kill myself too if I think it'll be bad enough.

Edited by Honesty
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