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Any members from older Fire Emblem communities here?

Black Dynamite

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I visit this board every now and then, but out of curiousity, any old school forum goers on here? Anyone who used to frequent Fire Emblem Fusion, Fire Emblem Sanctuary of Strategy, Fire Emblem Wars, Elibe Clan Wars or FEPlanet? Those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head that I really visited, but I figure some members from those forums have now transitioned to this forum. Any old friends I might run into? I used to go by "Hiei" on most forums.

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Haha I got banned from FESS for being a noob initially, then got banned again after Superbus went through the effort to get me unbanned... I was a little troublemaking asshole when I was a teenager. I was most active on FEFF, FEW and ECW, although I feel like FESS and FEPlanet were the most popular during that time span.

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Was on FESS before all the mod drama rolled up but got banned due to stupidly mentioning my age... 11 i think i was? In the chatter section, but mainly just messed around with sprites. Moved onto FEFF and mainly talked to Feez+Phantom Zero but kinda stopped after awhile when they made ANWO

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Was on FESS before all the mod drama rolled up but got banned due to stupidly mentioning my age... 11 i think i was? In the chatter section, but mainly just messed around with sprites. Moved onto FEFF and mainly talked to Feez+Phantom Zero but kinda stopped after awhile when they made ANWO

What was your name on FEFF? I still talk to Hafeez here and there, and I used to play Starcraft with Phantom Zero.

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i was a member of fep, and lurked everything else i found out about. i was a member here first, though. i was too young to be involved with the community when i started playing back in '03 or something.

fess died a couple months after i joined here. but i also lurked there seldom.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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B) B) WOOOOO! I actually hung out with Karn when I lived in Raleigh, he was pretty awesome (and absolutely demolished me in SSBM).

FESS was so strict, definitely was the older more mature Fire Emblem community out of the big ones back in the day. As a teenager I was just too immature to fit in there haha. That's one of the reasons I loved FEW so much, it was a very lax, tight-knit community.

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Whoa, Karn.

Haha when I first moved to Raleigh I didn't know where to find weed and Karn found me some through one of his friends even though he doesn't smoke. I only got to hang out with him in person once cause he was hella busy with grad school but it was pretty cool. It was my first (and only) time meeting someone off a Fire Emblem forum. Gotta love Facebook for keeping in touch with old friends!

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I used to be a mod on FESS before it shut down, and I was pretty active on Fusion for a while. I was also a member of Planet, but I never did more than lurk there on rare occasions.

I definitely recognize the name Hiei. I'm pretty sure Superbus used to cite you as an example of someone who was banned from FESS but ended up being a good member elsewhere.

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