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Anyone know a good method to sleep well?


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I doubt my method I use works for everyone~ Because it takes a lot of control... I guess? Even though the way to do it doesn't involve control really... because trying too hard to control it makes it not work

Whenever I need to get sleepy and I go to bed, if I feel too tense or excited or if I'm thinking too much to go to sleep, I start to relax myself.

I completely relax my muscles and... maybe I guess clear my thoughts? Or at least I just try to avoid thinking of distracting things by trying to keep my thoughts calm. I'm really not that sure how I can explain it better ;u; But at the same time I try too hard to not think about it, like "need to get calm need to relax need to need to need to." I just... do it

Buuuuuuuuut really I doubt that's a thing a lot of people can do. I can't even do it that well all the time. It doesn't help that I can't concentrate on it or try to control it because by then that gives my mind the freedom to wander back to distracting thoughts ^o^ So sadly I kind of doubt this advice will be very helpful to too many people... Basically I'm saying there's probably not much reason for you to read this long post because it's something not a lot of people can do

Oh yeah and also I've often heard others say to stay away from computer screens for a while before going to bed because being around a computer screen certainly won't be helpful

I tend to manage though...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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go see your doctor.

There's going to be at least one jackass that's going to suggest fapping, isn't there.

Should do that eventually

I doubt my method I use works for everyone~ Because it takes a lot of control... I guess? Even though the way to do it doesn't involve control really... because trying too hard to control it makes it not work

Whenever I need to get sleepy and I go to bed, if I feel too tense or excited or if I'm thinking too much to go to sleep, I start to relax myself.

I completely relax my muscles and... maybe I guess clear my thoughts? Or at least I just try to avoid thinking of distracting things by trying to keep my thoughts calm. I'm really not that sure how I can explain it better ;u; But at the same time I try too hard to not think about it, like "need to get calm need to relax need to need to need to." I just... do it

Buuuuuuuuut really I doubt that's a thing a lot of people can do. I can't even do it that well all the time. It doesn't help that I can't concentrate on it or try to control it because by then that gives my mind the freedom to wander back to distracting thoughts ^o^ So sadly I kind of doubt this advice will be very helpful to too many people... Basically I'm saying there's probably not much reason for you to read this long post because it's something not a lot of people can do

Oh yeah and also I've often heard others say to stay away from computer screens for a while before going to bed because being around a computer screen certainly won't be helpful I tend to manage though...

Yeah I tend to have something on my mind, I can rarely relax.

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For more natural relief, try some lemon balm. You can find it at organic stores for about 8 to 10 big ones a bottle. Usually comes with a dropper. It tastes like hell and the best way to take it is directly, but it does help you calm down and relieve stress. You can make it into tea and junk too if its too harsh to take directly.

But yeah, if insomnia is constant and for long duration, talk to your doctor. Also, try limiting caffeine intake. I used to drink a full pot of coffee every day. Now i just do a half a pot. Sometimes, my teatime is with tea without caffeine.

Sometimes relaxing music can help.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Consider a fan. Turn it on high before you go to sleep. The sound it makes relaxes me, and also blocks out quiet sounds. It helps a lot.

And I don't mean those tiny fist sized fans or ceiling fans that make no sound. Box fans are better.

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It may help to try to set a standard time to go to bed every night, and to turn off all electronics an hour before bed. A good long shower/bath/end of day hygiene routine may help to set that up, if it's not palatable to end all that early.

Exercising before bed could go either way depending on the person, but I've occasionally been able to tire myself out enough to just plop on the bed when I got back.

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Uhhhhh yeah I always use a fan too, though I was able to sleep well before getting it but one summer a while ago we couldn't use air conditioning as much anymore so we had to start using fans to keep us cool and I got so used to hearing that fan over the night that I can't really sleep without it blocking out the quiet noise anymore even when it's in the winter I keep a fan on but pointed away from me

Oh and this is also something that varies with each person (really I think probably all these suggestions do... which is why the "see your doctor" is really the best one because they can help you find out what you need) but drinking hot cocoa makes me feel sleepy, so sometimes I drink that before I go to bed and I become so drowsy

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My personal tips: melatonin and ASMR help put me in a more relaxed state, but its certainly no cure-all.

When I went to my doctor, as I remember it, he suggested the following:

Don't use your bed for things other than sleeping. If you condition your body to be always on the laptop in your bed, it won't really know when the difference it when it comes time to sleep. He said getting up, and moving to the desk is important. Similarly, if you wake up at night and can't get back to sleep, move to the chair to read your boring book (etc.), then when you're tired again, go back to bed.

Exercise. Yeah, doctors will tell you you need more exercise for just about any problem, but still, it's worth considering.

Routine is very very important.

He also mentioned something about sleep-tracking apps, but I don't have a smart phone so I didn't really look into that.

I cannot remember if my vitamin D deficiency was related to my insomnia, my depression, or was just a separate issue altogether. Maybe ask your doctor about it?

Do not drink before bed.

Remedies also depend a good deal if you're having trouble getting to sleep, or if you're having trouble staying asleep/waking up in the middle of the night, IIRC.

Seriously though, if you've been having this problem for years, trusting strangers on the internet is going to be far less effective than discussing this with your physician.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Consider a fan. Turn it on high before you go to sleep. The sound it makes relaxes me, and also blocks out quiet sounds. It helps a lot.

If you're paranoid like me, this is useful af.

Also, thinking about like happy things specific to you but non-excitement-based-happy usually gets me to relax and sleep.

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Read a boring book

Listen to some slow music, or a Gary Jules song (nice and calm music he makes)

Alternatively, exhaust yourself before you go to sleep. Like, excercise lots, or just do lots of things, whether it be chores or just doing lots of homework idk

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A good routine is central, it doesn't even have to be complex or anything. My routine is basically just burning sandalwood incense and listening to the classic music station.

Probably wouldn't recommend it, but when I'm going from holiday insomnia to school, I usually stay up all night the night before, be silly and tired all day while keeping busy and drinking lots of water, and by 10PM, I am out, if not sooner, and so long as I get into my habits, it's usually like that until I next choose to stay up all night.

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Yes, let's all just ignore this post.

I kind of have the exact opposite problem. I wear myself out enough during the day to the point where as soon as I get home I'm exhausted and am in great need of a 3 hour "nap." Really just staying active is the best way to get better sleep. You need to be tired in order to rest.

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I also have trouble falling asleep. I usually tell myself "you're not tired" and I can feel my brain getting tired. Doesn't work all the time though.

There's also a type of tea that Bigelow makes that helps you fall asleep. I can't remember the name but the color of tea bag is mainly gray. I personally haven't tried it but my friend said it works.

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I drink a cup of herbal tea normally Celelestial seasonings sleepytime vanilla or hot cocoa about an hour before bed then take a hot bath or shower and if that does not work I put my Ipod on and play all the soft songs until the tea starts to work. Exercise works sometimes, but if you are stressed it won't, which is why I have a set routine I follow that normally works. But you should talk to your doctor because you might have some type of problem that needs to be fixed. The other thing that I have found that helps is taking a multivitamin, but I would talk to your doctor first.

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weed helps. so does alcohol, but that puts you straight to rem sleep which iirc isnt that great. a lot of friends and i use cough syrup to get to sleep. there is also antihistamines, your typical allergy tablet, but you can gain immunity to those real quick. there is this thing that works too, not sure they sell these where you are.

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I concur with pretty much everything Balcerzak said. For most sleep troubles, my first suggestion is always be to become consistent (wake up at the same time every day, and enter bed at the same time every day). But since you said years, I'd recommend more investigation. Perhaps there's an underlying cause?

See your physician.

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