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ATTN Roleplay section: Fate question

Nanami Touko

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Hey guys it's me Trent

There've been a few Fate style RPs on this site (I think, like, two? Maybe three.) but Ether and I are going to take a stab at it because it seems kinda fun.

I'm just looking for interest. If you'd want to do a Fate RP with us as the GMs, what your preference would be for the RP (master/servant), whether or not you'd have the time to do it.

If we get enough interest we'll post stuff up. I already know some people on skype were interested, just seeing if the rest of SF would like to try.

You don't need any knowledge of Fate to join, but getting in the know by reading over the typemoon wiki would proooobably help you.


here's the basic run down of how Fate works:

It's a holy war, set around the grail, which will grant the wish of the winner of the war. It's fought between seven Masters, usually accomplished Magi (mages, good at magic, etc.), who summon Servants (Heroic Spirits from the past (normally), like King Arthur, Gilgamesh, Alexander the Great (to name a few from the existing series)) to fight and win the grail. Only when one is left will they be able to claim the grail.

That's the basic rundown. If we get enough interest, we'll post up a full on topic with signup stuff, setting description, and if we get enough to split people up, we'll pair off masters and servants between different users. Should be fun!

so pls post:

Preference (Master/Servant)
Level of Knowledge
Ability to donate time to it

if you caaaaaaaan

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I've seen a few of these before, even tried one or two, but every time it seemed to go blerk before the first night ended due to someone being tardy or insistent that they had 'da brest heero eva1'. May as well toss my hat into the ring, but at this point I would probably be best as 'roster filler'. I.E. only to be used if you NEED another player.

Preference: Servant
Opinion: Would be nice to see one actually finish the first night.
Level of Knowledge: Minimal.
Ability to donate time to it: Immense.

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Preference: Either

Opinion: GMC should be Gilgamesh You already know how I feel about this idea.

Level of Knowledge: Not terrible. Finished both the FSN and Fate/zero animes, and played Fate/Extra.

Ability to donate time: Enough. \'3'/

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Preference: Either

Opinion: Sounds awesome, I'm in

Level of Knowledge: Minimal, though I do have the all the episodes of FSN on DVD, just gotta watch it ><

Ability to Donate time: Fairly decent/enough given my work schedule. Though this week is four ten hour shift days cuz of Christmas holidays.

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Preference: Servant


Level of Knowledge: Uh, I know a bit about Saber?

Ability to Donate Time: I'm around quite a bit, even if it's at a time when mostly everyone else is asleep~!

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woah a roleplay I might be interested in.



Level of knowledge:okay, watched fate/zero and finished the f/sn vn and played a bit of fate/extra

Ability to donate time: I think I could donate a decent amount of time.

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Preference (Master/Servant): Can do either, preference towards Servant.
Opinion: OK.
Level of Knowledge: Lots. Read the VN, watched the shitty Deen anime and the shitty Dean UBW movie. Watched Carnival Phantasm. Watched Fate/Zero; watching the ufotable UBW adaption. Own and beat both Unlimited Codes and Fate/Extra. Read summaries on Hollow Axteria and CCC. (Read Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya, and Melty Blood in addition. Read summaries on additional Nasu works.)
Ability to donate time to it: Infinite until I get depressed and crash and burn every other month.

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Wow 9 people!

Alright super keen

Depending on your knowledge of Fate we might have certain people play master over servant since the set up would be easier for you

we'll see!

Ether and I are looking for 12 people to properly split masters and servants up together between RPers (one RPer for each, make up a team).

We'll still do this with less than 12, since we passed the minimum for single RPers controlling both, so stay tuuuuuuuned.

Also Phee since I trust your judgement as a super good GM, what potential problems do you think will rear their heads?

Just asking now since It'd be better to get guesses that we can set to work at than work at it when they show up.

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Preference: Idk anything I guess? EDIT: Actually Master sounds better.
Opinion: Different setting is always nice.
Level of Knowledge: Zilch. Gonna watch the anime now that you recommended it though.
Ability to donate time to it: Right now? Loads.

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Also Phee since I trust your judgement as a super good GM, what potential problems do you think will rear their heads?

Just asking now since It'd be better to get guesses that we can set to work at than work at it when they show up.

Don't take this too seriously since I don't involve myself in statless rps without a good reason (one of the former fate rps was statless iirc which is why I'm saying this), but since fate's primarily a big competition I can see a looot of godmodding or its little brother, endless dueling, if there aren't some clear guidelines. If you guys have that handle, then no worries, but it's just something that has kept me far away from anything statless.

Another thing, though not really a problem, yet, is the lack of information. A lot of the things I see as problems might already be covered but I wouldn't know yet lol. One thing I want to ask about though is what kind of rp this is going to be. I'm not sure if this is going to be story driven (eg: Team Emiya/Rin) or a pure tournament (You have no friends; last team standing) but if it's the latter, I don't think there's going to be much for rpers who lose characters early on to do afterwards other than just read or fiddle with whatever npcs they bothered making. It's nothing major, but it's worth mentioning, and I am curious.

@ Roy: Heheheh ... *sigh* heheheheheh.

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So question for the GMs

Would you guys be fine with me RPing non-essential character/s? NPCs or familiars or such, probably hooked up with someone else who's playing a master/servant.

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Don't take this too seriously since I don't involve myself in statless rps without a good reason (one of the former fate rps was statless iirc which is why I'm saying this), but since fate's primarily a big competition I can see a looot of godmodding or its little brother, endless dueling, if there aren't some clear guidelines. If you guys have that handle, then no worries, but it's just something that has kept me far away from anything statless.

Another thing, though not really a problem, yet, is the lack of information. A lot of the things I see as problems might already be covered but I wouldn't know yet lol. One thing I want to ask about though is what kind of rp this is going to be. I'm not sure if this is going to be story driven (eg: Team Emiya/Rin) or a pure tournament (You have no friends; last team standing) but if it's the latter, I don't think there's going to be much for rpers who lose characters early on to do afterwards other than just read or fiddle with whatever npcs they bothered making. It's nothing major, but it's worth mentioning, and I am curious.

@ Roy: Heheheh ... *sigh* heheheheheh.

Ether already answered some of this to you personally but I'll answer in topic so everyone can see.

As Ether told you, we're going to be using the adaptability rankings (A in close combat, B Mana, w/e etc.) for servants and masters, and most fighting, endless as it might end up being, depending on the servants (rider vs. saber amirite) will go on until information is gotten and retreat happens, or someone pulls out an NP and blasts the other guy (Excaliburrrrrrr). We'll call out anyone on godmodding that we see (being better at fighting someone who is A with someone who is B, and otherwise). Outside of that we are trusting the RPers to handle themselves accordingly. If you end up in a situation where you lose, you lose. That's how Fate works. We're hoping people can be alright with that.

But that leads into the second note of NPCs and what to do with masters who live that have dead servants, and the like. If we get enough people, and they lose servants or masters or etc., we can see them teaming up for some interesting situations. No matter who they are, a master isn't going to last very long against a servant, but seeing two masters team up to take down another one during an attack or with some ambush could be neat (and then THEY fight to the death over controlling the servant, mwahaha). Also, having NPCs like relatives, other mages, church members, etc., might be nice to see, to keep people who have lost the war included in the RP, instead of having them twiddle their thumbs and wait for the ending.

Hopefully that clears stuff up for people. If your servant is defeated, or your master dies, it isn't the end of the RP for you! We'll see how things go as they go.

We've got enough people that a signup topic IS going to happen, so that should hopefully clear up any remaining information problems you may have!

So question for the GMs

Would you guys be fine with me RPing non-essential character/s? NPCs or familiars or such, probably hooked up with someone else who's playing a master/servant.

Yeah, that's super fine too!

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You really should work to find a way to extend that to both servants and masters. If someone were to end up only playing as a servant, for example, and got KO'ed, they would be completely out of it and possibly wouldn't want to continue even if they had NPC's. After all, their main character is now gone.

Maybe offer something that defeated servants can do together? Off the top of my head maybe defeated servants can start to deal with some threat to the grail that wouldn't relate to the fight in-of-itself (they probably wouldn't get their wish barring some miracle), but would allow them to keep doing something? I mean, imagine if you only played as Caster and managed to make it to the semi-finals through some great fighting and the like, only for the next battle to end when the enemy master sneaks away and guns down your master, a character you don't even control and can't protect since Caster is kind of busy trying to not get run through. You're then out of the RP entirely due to something basically beyond your control and you only have minor NPC's or would have to make one from scratch at that point.

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You really should work to find a way to extend that to both servants and masters. If someone were to end up only playing as a servant, for example, and got KO'ed, they would be completely out of it and possibly wouldn't want to continue even if they had NPC's. After all, their main character is now gone.

If your servant is defeated, or your master dies, it isn't the end of the RP for you!
If we get enough people, and they lose servants or masters or etc.

snowy pls read


i included that in my post ; ~ ;

as for if your main character dies

well, they die

It's Fate! If you die, you die. No second chances barring special NP effects.

The only situation where something will come up (regarding this) is if you are a Servant, and your Master dies. Depending on which Servant you are, you may, perhaps, be able to do something, or find a new Master. We'll see if the situation arises.

But if you're playing a Servant and you're defeated by another one, or your mana runs out after your Master dies, you're gone. Sorry to say.

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It may be for the best then if I do not join. I very much dislike the notion of having my characters life determined by another, especially if it's due to something simply beyond my control. If some alternate method can be found, great. If not, then I was only offering as roster-filler anyways.

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It may be for the best then if I do not join. I very much dislike the notion of having my characters life determined by another, especially if it's due to something simply beyond my control. If some alternate method can be found, great. If not, then I was only offering as roster-filler anyways.


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Yea. The last time I had the livelihood of one of my characters held by another you ended up getting Tia. So, unless you find some way to allow a master/servant to remain in the RP after defeat/death, it's best for me to stay away.

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Yea. The last time I had the livelihood of one of my characters held by another you ended up getting Tia. So, unless you find some way to allow a master/servant to remain in the RP after defeat/death, it's best for me to stay away.

There's plenty of stuff one can do if they're defeated.

Everyone who dies stays dead. No exceptions (outside of really specific NP shenanigans). We have to have a winner eventually.

also the Tia thing was all your fault anyway so :x

but please don't get into that bag of worms in this topic

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Then is there some way for a servant to be defeated and not die?

The only situation where something will come up (regarding this) is if you are a Servant, and your Master dies. Depending on which Servant you are, you may, perhaps, be able to do something, or find a new Master. We'll see if the situation arises.

I really need you to read my entire posts. Please.

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