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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Any of the golden age actors, I don't care if it's John Wayne playing a Mongolian in The Conqueror, I just enjoy the oldies. Throw in any of the John Ford crew to the list of actors I'll always go see.

Anything by Orson Welles.

Nowadays, Patrick Stewart, Will Smith, Kirk Douglas, Robert Duvall, Liam Neeson, maybe Hugh Jackman if it's not a musical [Les Misarables the musical was a little surreal experience for me].

Others that I enjoy and aren't lumpable with the golden age of film.

Timothy Hutton [That Nero Wolfe show was so good.]. Any of the Star Trek OG cast, even though their 70s stuff is cheesy and terribad. It's kind of a guilty pleasure to see Shatner's acting as the villain.

John Candy, Bill Murray, and any of the original SNL crew etc.

The question can refer to seeing movies even if the actors are dead, right? I mean I'll take a look through a case full of movies, look at the box cover, and then make my decision based on the actors credited.

I think the only movie I've ever seen that had actors I've never heard of is The Quatermass and the Pit.

Edited by Captain Britain
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Tim Roth, man. Tim Roth.

secondarily I have watched movies mostly because they had David Wenham in them so there's that

now, slightly more long-winded question today

Q429: Specialization or generalization?

Would you rather be known as the #1 master in the whole wide world at one specific thing, or have a reputation as being generally competent in a large range of activities? Somewhere in between?

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i'm a generalist

breadth not depth

i want to be able to be approached about anything and at least know who to refer the asker to if i don't know how

EDIT: i'm much like my mother in that, incidentally

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As somebody who is uninterested in almost every career path she was shown...

I'd rather be a specialist~ I'd rather take one thing that I'm super interested and be gr9 and 100% reliable at it.

I-I also kinda like the idea of being known as a "____ master" or something~ It sounds COOL

Somewhere in between sounds nice too but that sounds like an easy way out of answering this question ^o^ So I'm just taking ONE OR THE OTHER

I guess really it depends on how much I need to understand other stuff to be good at my specialty, although I assume that in order to be a master at it it's already assumed that I'll have learned whatever else I need to know from those other fields

I wanna be the VOLCANO MASTER

..... And to do that I need to know math and chemistry and physics and biology and language/writing and presentation and probably even other subjects~

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Specialist generalist.

But since that's way too ambitious and not really possible in a single lifetime, I guess I'd like generalist too.


Could specialize in immortality to solve these problems, maybe.

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I prefer to be really good at one thing and average at others than being "above average" in many things, so I'd say a specialist.

That said, i don't think I'd like to be known as the number one master of something...

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I love the idea of the Renaissance man (/person), somebody who's an expert in a lot of areas. Possibly in part because the world is so big and there's so many cool things in it, there's a lot I want to learn (though I do sometimes wonder how I might end up tying it together). Leonardo da Vinci (along with his massive ADHD) is one of my bigger personal heroes

Other side symptoms: when I was a (smaller) kid, in RPGs, I would always try to make my PC the best at everything (utility, combat, noncombat skills, etc), regardless of how efficient a plan that actually was

In simulations (games) and competitions, though, I can get pretty into "trying to make myself the perfect [particular archetype]," and I do often think of "being the best [a very particular thing]" as having some kind of romantic appeal. Like, I think of myself as a medic first and foremost in tf2 and killing floor, a wario in brawl, and a bunch of other things that particularly appeal to me in other games, often a healer or support role in team genres. Sometimes I want to try out playing the role of a bunch of different contradictory archetypes all at once, though, ha. I'd like to try playing some more tabletop RPGs as different roles, for example

I particularly started to see some appeal in team sports that I had missed before when my eyes opened to how differentiated some of the roles in a bunch of different games could be. Ironically, it was thinking and hearing a lot about teamplay in video games that got me to realize how much there was to appreciate in sports!

This feels like sort of a non-answer when I look back on it, sorry

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I'm inclined to go along with what Rehab said; I'd rather be a Renaissance man or maybe more specifically a polymath in the sense of me prefering to be a specialist in a few areas and generally competent in all others, instead of wanting to sit at one extreme of the scale.

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My skillset atm is fairly specialised but it's not like, one thing only specialised considering even at my job I have to use two of my top-trained skills (art and programming)

I'm perfectly happy being a mediocre writer though by just avoiding writing as much as I can

generalist basis with specialisations in a few things

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