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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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571: moving was probably my favorite life event. no more living on a farm in the middle of nowhere w/out internet

572: a whole bunch of pseudonyms, probably. and disguises. i'd dye my hair

573: the purest blue

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Brown. Or so I've been told. I've never really examined my eyes carefully except to see if they're bloodshot or have bruising around em or something, so I don't have any details on what they look like.

Edited by Severlan
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Blue with a gray tint... With a small top patch in my right eye that is brown. (Sectoral heterochromia)

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Boring brown, to match my boring brown hair.

The Best Eyes award always goes to blue-eyed people in my high school yearbook's Hall of Fame. It's ridiculous. What do they have that we don't? Feh.

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The Best Eyes award always goes to blue-eyed people in my high school yearbook's Hall of Fame. It's ridiculous. What do they have that we don't? Feh.

Long ago I remember reading something on that (dunno how credible it was~)

Just that there was apparently some scientific(?) explanation on why blue eyes+blonde hair seemed so appealing to people

But idk, that aside, I guess blue is pretty extravagant for eyes compared to other eye colours. And blue is just a real popular colour to begin with. I wouldn't say I'm surprised it's so popular as an eye colour.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Greenish blue.

I've honestly never been too sure where my eyes are on the blue-green spectrum, but I've been told they're greenish blue.


a girl once thought my eyes were completely black and tried to exorcise me

Wow, that is amazing.

Man I love brown though :c

That's like


Contain your excitement.

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