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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Clowns, darkness, and tight spaces. I was kind of forced to get over my claustrophobia by my grandma one day when I was still a little kid. You see, there was a park near our house with a covered tube slide, that I was mortally terrified of. I thought that if I went down there, I would be trapped in the tube and would be unable to get out, and I'd suffocate to death in there. Well, my parents were really mad about it so they forced me to go down. I believe my grandma either pushed me down the slide, or went down the slide with me. Needless to say, that didn't help all that much and I'm still terrified of tight spaces, to a certain extent.

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The call to prayer was frightening to me at some point.

That's like the most specific thing I can remember.

That happens 5 times a day, right?! That sounds terrible...

Do they ever ring bells for call to prayer, or is that a christian thing for telling time only?

Anyway, I am still afraid of heights. Probably even more than I used to be. I'm also afraid of extreme darkness, like, when you close/open your eyes and there's no difference in what your vision can make out. I'm just worried that if I move around I'll stub my toes or trip because I can't see anything, and I have to move super carefully if I'm not somewhere I'm familiar with.

The things I remember being scared of as a kid that I'm not afraid of now are planes. I was actually fine with being onboard a plane (the heights didn't even bother me back then) but if a plane flew overhead I got scared.

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Most insects and ground dwellers such as earthworms



Anything I felt would injure me (that doesn't already fall under the aforementioned)

Reading comprehension assignments

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Razor blades. Those still give me the jibblies, but yeah. Theres a long story as to why, so ill spare you.

I was also terrified of those huge giant puppets from Fraggle Rock. You know, those giant ones who'd interact with the Fraggles sometimes? They were horrifying.

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the dark, being alone, earthquakes, and an impact/collision with another celestial object. except for the dark, i still fear these things. i irrationally still fear someone's face/body appearing in a window when i'm alone in the house.

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the dark, being alone, earthquakes, and an impact/collision with another celestial object. except for the dark, i still fear these things. i irrationally still fear someone's face/body appearing in a window when i'm alone in the house.

Gotta rename yourself to Miles Edgeworth, dude.

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I'll be honest, things that fucked me up as a kid (claustrophobia, pitch darkness) still do now. Only now you can add rain, fire alarms and fires themselves to that list for various reasons!

Well, okay, not really nearly so sketch about heights these days.

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for the longest time Goofy scared the shit out of me because I saw Mickey's Christmas Carol when I was 4 and him as the ghost of christmas past was absolutely terrifying to me

good times

Q476: Do you enjoy cleaning?

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I.... am very conflicted in my answer to this...

On one hand, I am incredibly lazy and procrastinate and can't get myself to get up and do anything that requires work (like cleaning~)

On the other hand, once I start getting myself cleaning I just don't stop until everything around me looks perfect and I don't... hate doing it, really. And music certainly helps.

On another hand.... I don't find it a particularly entertaining to do~

I guess after typing this all out it sounds to me like it's more something I put up with, yet once I start doing it I don't want to stop because I'm a perfectionist about it

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