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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Vocalising my thoughts is probably one of my worse habits, but the sound of it is so quiet as to be basically inaudible anyway. I won't if I'm talking to someone/someone's actually listening to me, though. Just like, on buses etc

Also more generally swearing if I kick a stair or drop something etc but let's be real everyone does that

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i do have internal dialogue with myself from time to time. because my visual perception is pretty bad, i think almost exclusively with words, so say i read a text book or something and internalize it, i'll start with "yeah it's this way because of x, y, and z. well no, not exactly because of x or y changes this. ehhhh, no maybe it's not that complicated." i dunno, it's hard to explain. i would separate it from just straight-up "thinking" though, because i feel like it's a little different. i can't explain it lol.

vocally, nah. it'll be like "oh shit, what am i doing," "fuck chris, you're an idiot," or "niiiiice, man. niiiice," but no full-on conversations.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I do when I'm stressed, and need to think logically about what I'm going to do next. Usually I don't say it out loud though, or if I'm really freaking out, I might mouth the words silently.

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beyond swearing or whatever (which let's be real is not talking to yourself, but to the whole universe, about how much it hates you)



Sometimes. Usually it's only brief remarks, but other times I might speak something I'm reading/thinking aloud, just to hear the sound of it.

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almost all the time when i'm alone. sometimes i'll do it outdoors to abuse the last few moments alone to muster up some sort of mental flowchart if i have a promising date, or interview, or speech. honestly i feel this is a good habit for me because my career path involves crafting pitches and speeches.

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A very very yes from me

Q481: If you could magically change your hair to whatever you want, what would it look like?

I suppose technically if you wanted your hair to be literally snakes that's also an option

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wavy, probably

a happy medium

possibly a slightly lighter shade than it is now



"adaptable to my every whim"

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Hmmmmm maybe if I could make my hair work like Midna's hair~! ^o^

But naaah realistically she says as the discussion is magic I don't think I'd change its colour or texture or anything. As much as I love wavy hair, straight hair can be manipulated into that anyway even though my hair likes being straight too much, it doesn't like becoming or staying wavy/curly. And I just think it sounds a bit easier to make straight hair wavy than to make wavy hair straight.... not that I'd actually know, though ^o^

And as for hair colour, imo my hair colour looks better than any other colour on this skin although I'd really really love to have brown hair because brown ;u;

Actually you know what I'd like to have hair that doesn't fall out nearly as often because I blowdry it so it falls out real easily now and gets everywhere ;~~~; b-b-b-b-but my hair looks best when it's blown dry ;n;

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