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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Last Question:

Play a 2-player game of Smash Bros. by myself

dude you're thinking way too small

sign up for both spots on a doubles team at a smash bros tourney

This Question:

some girl on my robotics team

to this day I'm not sure if it was an actual crush or just thinking she was pretty cool and it would be nice to be friends / get to know her better

(none of the above happened, ofc)

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492: The contents of your last post are put on your tombstone. What does it read?

Well, it's an RP section post...

493: You now have an extra pair of arms - how do you use them?

Probably the same as normal, just somewhat more versatile.

494: Who was your childhood crush?

Juliette. Worked well for me.

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I had a serious thing as a wee Specta for Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys lmao

For not real people, Dmitri from Anastasia

Q495: What is an embarrassing phase you went through when you were younger?

Were you an emo kid? Did you literally wear a Naruto headband to school and were going to marry Sasuke Uchiha?

Frankly, bonus points if we have anyone here who actually was one of those literally-wore-a-naruto-headband-to-school kids

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I had a dress kinda emo phase? But I wasn't emo. I think my brother said that was called scene? ^o^

Can't really think of anything aside from that... and that's really not that much either ;u;

But yeah, I used to wear black so often that I just became bored of black by now >u>

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i had a sweet neckbeard for about a year

besides that, uh, i went through a phase of wearing ironic jinx t-shirts unironically and man some of those shirts i'm now purging are really dumb

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Pokemon's always been a weird thing for me

When you're really young, it's normal, everyone plays it.

When you get a bit older, around pre-teen, kids start to think it's weird

But when you get older than that, it's cool again.

So pokephase for me.


That exact same thing happened to me, but I never really got back into it because it seemed "cool again," I just did because I played pokepark when my brothers got it and thought "OMG POKEMON ARE SO ADORABLE ;U;" so I got back into it from adorableness rather than coolness

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Lol, quite the opposite in my case.

I always despised Pokémon (not really the series, but the creatures), when I was young.

Was the only one in my school class, who didn't collect the cards.

Now with much more life experience I start to love this vidoegame franchise.

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I used to only listen to metal and shitty rock

Wow so that's why you hate that music so much

Meanwhile I've always listened to shitty rock and metal grew on me eventually

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used to be one of those radiohead nerds, the ones who are all "they're the best band ever," "this is 'real' music," etc and really in-your-face about it. i reacted to this phase and started disliking them for dumb reasons. and now i like them again, but i'm chill about it.

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used to be one of those radiohead nerds, the ones who are all "they're the best band ever," "this is 'real' music," etc and really in-your-face about it. i reacted to this phase and started disliking them for dumb reasons. and now i like them again, but i'm chill about it.

Exactly this, but with classic rock. Someone should have slapped me back then.

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i didn't wear naruto headbands to school but i owned one

i had a hardcore tomboy phase when i was in like 2nd grade or some shit, like hating everything girly on principle kind and hating everything in general

thankfully i never had a weeb phase?

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i didn't wear naruto headbands to school but i owned one


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long hair that i straightened regularly

also went through a very short "everything with a dragon design will be worn" phase. cheap shitty necklaces, bracelets, and a dragon-themed tshirt that i bought from universal studios florida - the merchandise store of the dueling dragons ride (now known as the harry potter ride or something).

one time i went outside wearing all this at the same time, with leather fucking fingerless gloves on.

even 10 years after buying it though, i still have and wear that tshirt on a semi-regular basis. it's done me really fucking well. everything else though, long gone.

just wishing someone could delete those parts of my life from memory. ears are red and burning just typing it out

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