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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Ooh, there's plenty.

  • Suikoden 2
  • Tactics Ogre 64
  • Chrono Cross
  • FE4
  • Persona 4
  • Xenogears
  • SMT: Nocturne
  • Dark Souls 1&2
  • Demon Souls
  • Skyrim
  • FE 13
  • Pokemon X/Y
  • Many others I can't think of at the moment
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Hey hey did you ever finish FF12 :P

I guess Dark Souls. The last time I picked it up I made about 3-4 bosses worth of progress, but then I got stuck in that huge lake area with the hydra.

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lol. I actually dont know why my cursor always stays highlighted on that game. I guess its just defaulted to the one with the largest playtime?

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Hey hey did you ever finish FF12 :P

I have finished it before but if you meant my latest replaythrough

no i didn't :(

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DO IT. Play the second one too if you haven't already.

it's pretty difficult ( i have the reflexes of a broken stapler) but i'd say it's very well made and fun

i'll probably do it this week, maybe

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atelier shalie would be the latest in my list

it was released with serious glitches so i waited for a patch

patch has already been out for a couple weeks, but i'm now stuck with another timesink so

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I've actually been good about that recently, clearing out the KOTORs and almost finishing Starcraft... but in the process of that I sort of dropped VC, oops.

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Probably a few other Fire Emblem games? OOHHH mario kart 8! I've been watching people do it, but I've only ever played the wii version! AHHHH I WANNA PLAY IT! Oh, and the SSB for wii u as well! ADLKFJA;SLDKJF;LSDKJ I WANT. It'll be a while though...haha. Prolly until the next party that my girls have together, and we shall gather at one girl's house (she has a younger teenage brother, who has all the bells and whistles). And we'll have a baking/night out/movies party with some sampling of both games. YUUUUSSSS EAGERLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT :D :D :D

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Uhhhhh does it count if I've played it, just haven't played it enough??

I've played Demon's Souls twice.

I really need to play it more than that~

But yeeeeaaaah it's really a mistake for me to buy a game recommended to me if I haven't looked that much into it and gained interest on my own, otherwise I can't convince myself to play it because I only got it because somebody ELSE wanted me to, not because I wanted to

I do find it kinda fun though! It's just that..... I play too much of other games instead

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Uhhhhh does it count if I've played it, just haven't played it enough??

I've played Demon's Souls twice.

I really need to play it more than that~

It's a good game!

The new Gauntlet game.

Lord of the Rings: War in the North, since I liked Snowblind Studios previous hack n' slash games. A pity that they disbanded now.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Exodus. It's been so long since I played them, and I never got far. With the remake of the first, I would like to play them again.

Stronghold games. I'd like to play them more but I haven't got around to it.

Darksiders 1 & 2.

Just Cause 2.

Tomb Raider.

Probably a bunch more in the backlog that I've forgotten about.

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