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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Me and my dad both like classic rock, though I personally prefer newer alt rock and metal to an extent.

When I was a lot younger, I shared a liking of country with my mom, but a combination of the internet and my uncle (who got me into bands like Tool, A Perfect Circle and Deftones) fixed that.

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553: Severlan the Severlan

554: Music tastes...I tend to like what my mom and dad like. Jazz, country, folk, blues. There's a couple of jazz musician I can think of that they like and I don't.

There's probably more stuff I like that they don't than the other way around. Like, they aren't often big fans of video game music. Or other electronic-kinda stuff. And I think I like soul music more than they do, though they don't dislike it.

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My mom likes AC/DC, Queen and other great rock bands, so do I.

I can't really recall what the music my dad always listens to is, it's not very popular, but I find it catchy.

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my dad and I have an awful lot of overlap

my mom and I nooooot so much

Q555: You're now a superhero with powers based on your current username. What are those powers?

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I can attack everybody 4 times.

But if I didn't attacked 4 times yet, nobody can attack me.


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- mathematics

- more math

- geometry

- even more math

alternatively, Euclid was pretty famously wrong about one important aspect of how vision worked - he postulated that eyes emit visual rays

making a similarly incorrect leap, I postulate that I would be able to shoot powerful lasers from my eyes 8]

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alternatively, Euclid was pretty famously wrong about one important aspect of how vision worked - he postulated that eyes emit visual rays

making a similarly incorrect leap, I postulate that I would be able to shoot powerful lasers from my eyes 8]

i love you

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what kinda of power would a person named Esme have

I swear to god if anyone mentions sparkling skin I will raeg

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Book of the New Sun spoilers:

According to book sev, I have a perfect memory. I also have the mind of a former (dead) lover and the minds of all previous autarchs stored in my brain. Finally, I can draw energy directly from the sun to use in healing (assuming I'm in the right time period), including having the ability to bring people back from the dead.

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