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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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This is a good question.

I could say leg, but then that would mean that I would need a crutch to make up for my lack of a leg, which would force one of my arms not to work for normal things either.

I'd say lose my left arm because of this. I'll still be able to walk just fine, and I hardly get any use out of my left arm, other than typing, which I can do with one arm, just fine. (which I'm doing right now.)

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I would rather lose a leg. You use your arms for so much daily things and your legs could at least be replaced by a wheelchair.

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agreed this is a dull question

but i'd lose a leg over an arm. a prosthetic can fix the walking problem, but a prosthetic would never be good enough to let me play even semi-complex games or make smallish things again.

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Lose a leg, definitely. It's no contest really.

After looking at your sig, I guess I'd have a chance at a pretty nice life for a while if I cut my tendons instead.

Also, game of thrones video games spoilers (the telltale game series one):

Asher got a chance to choose which body part he'd lose as well. I remember choosing to lose my hand, but I don't remember the other option(s). Maybe tongue was another one?

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Lost leg. I need both of my arms to play instruments and just do daily things but I can attach a prosthetic and move around with it; you can still run, walk, or do whatever with a prosthetic leg but you can't have fine control over a prosthetic arm, so it's no contest for me.

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Leg. I remember how much harder my life got when my dominant hand was out of action due to a broken thumb. Don't want to do that again.

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I could skip gym


[spoiler=don't worry you don't have to skip gym]OAfIdu1.png
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A leg. Sure, I can totally do things with either hand but I have shit I arbitrarily like using one or the other on.
I'm keeping that luxury ;_;

Q558: Do you have nice handwriting?

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I think it's great, especially because it feels very organic.

Other people mostly think it's average. I think they just don't see the spirit and natural beauty to it!

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I considered uploading a scan of my own handwriting of "No." but that's way too much /effort

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