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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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On the first day of class, he told us that he'd give out no homework - instead, our grade was determined by five exams. We didn't have to show up to class if we didn't want to.

If you want me to show up and pay attention, this is how to do it.

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My highschool math teacher in my 2nd year, was really sweet and cared. She helped me through my parents divorce as well.. I took time out of her day to vent and she.. never once complained.

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My journalism teacher for this and last year has left one of the biggest impacts on me. He sought help for me when things were going really bad and I couldn't thank him enough. Without him, I don't think I would've asked for the help and support I have now. It's a blessing really!

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Didn't have a favorite teacher, but there were two who stood out to me; my algebra teacher and I usually made lighthearted jabs at each other or spoke in hand signs or one word sentences; The other teacher was pretty known for how he would actually fight and/or wrestle students if he needed to. (He was a wresting coach, so yeah.)

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I have the same favourite teacher as koneko (journalism)

I haven't known him for as long as her BUT I GOT TO GO TO D.C. AND NEW YORK CITY WITH HIM FOR A JOURNALISM CONVENTION which was pretty nifty

I was one of the few people who went on both trips so I got to talk to him lots outside of a school setting

at the beginning of the year I was really shy and unsure of my everything but of course journalism requires ~communication~ so he helped me unshy and develop my writing skills and all that SO I REALLY APPRECIATE HIM

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He wasn't one of my teachers, but was on of the advisors in a club he got me involved in that happened to include my middleschool health teacher, which shaped me into who I am now.

Through various trainings, activites, discussions, and events, the both of them taught me the importance of not being a bystander to my surroundings/community and having the courage to be a leader, where I was otherwise, shy towards. That, along with preventing me from giving up on myself, in several occasions

An extra bonus, that said mentor also graduated alongside me from our Community College this spring

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One of the two teachers I did independent studies with. In HS it was sci fi and in college it was Marxist literature. Also, the college one had me read some of my now favorite poets, and let me do a paper comparing spenser's fairie queen (sp?) To Erickson's Malaysian book of the fallen.

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Math teacher in middle school. Made me learn to love math again and also gave lots of great advice. There was a science teacher as well and he was really fun to hang out with and just talk.

Nothing super profound though.

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Hard to say who it was. I had a lot of favorite teachers. I guess my music teacher whose classes I took for four years in high school (didn't even have to, I just kind of wanted to) is probably the best contender. He was really laid back and went on long, entertaining tangents. He frequently made joking remarks such as "How's your wife and kids" (instead of "how are you?"), knowing none of us had that. He retired shortly after I graduated.

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Oh yeah, music teacher reminds me, my flute teacher was a super great guy all around (and very patient with my laziness too) and managed to whip me into shape a bit.

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(He was a sub) He started reading notes, got bored, started saying blah blah blah and essentially abridged the notes, then talked about all the places he taught across the world (like in Africa and Asia). He was also hilarious and probably the best sub we ever got.

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My Science Teacher from Grade 8 to 9. He was old, yet he knew how to entertain youths. He's an excellent science teacher and teaches it whimsically with equally whimsical methods of remembering certain scientific facts. He made everyone laugh and his teaching is as clear and memorable as it is entertaining. Too bad he retired when I got to grade 10...

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My favorite teacher is probably the history teacher I had this year and last year (who is also the head of my department).

Besides teaching history he always talked about important news events in class, stimulating his students to use their thinking abilities and historical knowledge in understanding and judging current events.

He is also someone who cares about his students and just the students and the school in general.

Even before he was my history teacher, he helped me a lot as my head of department in some complicated conflict with a teacher I was involved in.

He also hates the so-called "time period" system (something implemented in the latest high school history reform), which is good because that system is bullshit.

He is also the only history teacher who can spell words properly, bless his soul.

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ngl I have a lot of favorite teachers so this'll be hard to pick

But usually they're the more fun/personable teachers who make lectures interesting, are easy to talk to after class, or both. It's okay if they're tough (as long as it's fair tough) because I'll be learning things that way, though lenient deadlines and extensions on assignments definitely score points with me.

There's a bunch at high school that were just nice to talk to and usually taught courses I enjoyed. One particular English teacher actually managed to make English class enjoyable for me, which doesn't happen often (my grades still sucked but that's another story).

But I guess if I had to pick one to talk about for this qotd, it'd be the prof I'm working with right now in CS research. I can literally walk into his office and be like "yo wassup" dude's fucking chill man also he wrote my grad recommendation

Also he plays League

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10th and 11th English teacher, and Academic Decathlon coach, so same teacher for three years. He was always a swell kind of person and tried his hardest to teach the classes. Even stood up to some of the school directors of the Magnet program because he did not approve of the 12th grade English teacher's teaching methods which did not end well for him as he was removed from the Magnet program. Once I had said 12th grade English I saw why he didn't and that whole experience was awful.

As the Acadeca coach he pushed me to open up for the impromptu and the longer speech I had to write and memorize. So I always admired him. Only regret I have is not being a better student in the English classes.

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my maths/science teacher in year 9 to 11. the only teacher in my opinion that could teach properly. i got some good grades from him.

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My current Italian teacher is ridiculously nice. Aside from that, I always get good grades in Italian (and honors next year!)

She's extremely lenient on things, up until the last quarter of the year, but that makes sense. Everyone is loosening up and no one wants to do work. But still, she's been my Italian teacher two years in a row because she moved up teaching a grade.

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My French II teacher, Mr. Witko, was pretty great. Every Friday, instead of teaching a regular class, he would show us a movie that was either spoken in French or pertained to France in some way, and he was make everyone in class coffee. Not only that, but he was always willing to lend an ear to his students.

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My 9th grade government teacher. Her method of teaching was to lecture the class about how horrible our generation is, how much better her older classes are, and making sort-of-subtle jabs at democrats. She would love to have little facts that we needed to know interspersed in these lectures too. Which always screwed me over because I had a tendency to start daydreaming during these tirades. On Fridays she would always have news day, and she always got her news from Fox, CNN, and tabloid sites. It kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

I was so happy when school ended this year. Her classes always seemed to take forever.

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