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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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My algegra II teacher was terribly boring. It didn't help that she once gave me a lecture about not settling for low grades when the only reason my grade was low at the time was because I had been sick the week before and I hadn't yet had the chance to catch up.

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my junior year (11th year) physics teacher

she was like really precise on what she wanted on assignments

and she had this thick accent that as kind of hard to understand at times

i was ok with her, but can't really say the rest for my classmates >~>

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My kindergarten teacher made me cry lots ;~; She couldn't handle how ditzy and confused I always was :c

And she told my parents I wouldn't make it to first grade and then I did so ha how does it feel to be WRONG B)

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history teacher. i failed a bunch of his quizzes and he was convinced i was having Troubles At Home so he kept pulling me aside after class to have in-depth convos ("u okay?" etc.). but i wasn't having Troubles At Home so i kept trying to play up that i was dumb/dgaf and iono it was just kind of annoying. don't hate him or anything

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My current English teacher is pretty nice as an individual when it comes to helping students out, but her standards in teaching are harsh in comparison to any of the other sophomore English classes this year which wasn't fair for much of us who weren't really prodigies in the subject. I didn't mind that she was trying to prepare us for AP/ college classes, but the method she did made most of the students in her advanced classes stressed out more than necessary.

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He beat kids up and a lot of his criticism did not apply.

Blimey. Beat kids up? Wowowowowo. /pat

Umm having trouble remembering really shit teachers to be honest. Hmmm...I did have this maths teacher in high school who was a shrill, nasty little shrew. One time, one of the girls in the class had to go pee and the teacher wouldnt let her go to the bathroom. So the girl peed herself in order to make a statement. Thats how shitty this maths teacher was.

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My French II teacher, Mr. Witko, was pretty great. Every Friday, instead of teaching a regular class, he would show us a movie that was either spoken in French or pertained to France in some way, and he was make everyone in class coffee. Not only that, but he was always willing to lend an ear to his students.

My french (IV? or V?) teacher also tended to focus on something cultural in France every Friday. Not necessarily movies, sometimes singers or stuff like that.

Umm having trouble remembering really shit teachers to be honest. Hmmm...I did have this maths teacher in high school who was a shrill, nasty little shrew. One time, one of the girls in the class had to go pee and the teacher wouldnt let her go to the bathroom. So the girl peed herself in order to make a statement. Thats how shitty this maths teacher was.

If the teacher was shitty the girl should have done more than pee Wow that's a gross thought Sev.

One teacher I really didn't like was also rather insistent about people not going to the bathroom during class. But she relented somewhat after one of the students explained that she was on dialysis and really needed to.

I guess the worst teacher I can remember was this kinda nasty and mean health teacher I had in high school.

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She was a substitute teacher for my Science class in the fifth grade

She took my game guide for Ruby and Sapphire for no real reason because I was already done with the assignments I was given for the class, and told me I could get it back at the end of the day

Come the end of the day, I go to the classroom to get it back and it's gone completely. I ask the teacher where it was and she said she didn't know

And I've never seen it since

Yes it happened 11 years ago

Yes I'm still salty as hell about it

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3rd Year of Highschool-Homeroom/History Teacher.

Long Ass Rant-list

-Protected the one student in the class that was disruptive.

-Never owned up for any of her mistakes or fuck ups.

-Kept pushing her ideologies and viewpoints on us. When we were studying the Cold War, she wouldn't let anyone talk about the negatives to communism and socialism. Additionally, she kept trying to "help" us out by applying what she called "Freudian Psychology".

-Constantly sucking up to the school's principal to get her way of doing things.

-There was this one time where we were studying American History, and she gave me demerits because I was teaching the rest of the class about American History. (I moved from The USA to the Philippines 3 years ago.)

She then told the school administration that I was assisting in helping the class to cheat when all I was doing was just going over the topics in american history that the class had covered. I mean I GREW UP STUDYING AMERICAN HISTORY IN AMERICA YOU GODDAMN BITCH.

-She kept whining and moaning about all her personal romance related problems. When the students were seen in couples during Valentines Day, she had them reported to the School Administration for "PDA". This was bullshit, since the entire day was spent doing a shitty ass talent show.

-During Prom, she tried to use her influence with the Principal to make it so that we students could not have Prom Dates. I ended up informing my parents of this, which led to them informing other parents within minutes. This resulted in a flock of them mobbing the principal and demanding that the rule change be revoked. Said problematic teacher told me I "didn't know my place". She then marked my behavior in the report card as "Insubordinate" for this incident.

-In the week before prom, she had this talk with the class during homeroom that went along the lines of "Noone should really want dates for prom. It just makes the people who have none feel bad." She then motioned to me and started telling me that I surely didn't need a date for the prom.

I then flashed the pair of tickets for the venue to her and propped my legs up on my desk.

-In the last month of my Junior year, we had to do this academic paper with assigned partners. She gave me the class asshole. In addition to my other work in the school newspaper, I had to do this academic paper all on my own WHILST studying for finals.

She then got pissed because I didn't put the definition to words like pusillanimous. Then she goes and says "You should have used wikipedia."

Oh and she then had the air conditioning shut off for a week as a punishment to the class, and I got a fungal ear infection due to my hearing aids being in 80% of the time I was in school. I have hearing that pretty much makes them a necessity. I go to the principal over this, since said teacher brushed me off.

Said teacher gets in trouble over this, blames the class prez. over it (which was bullshit because I did ask about it), and then tells the principal that I never had any record of this nor any history of using hearing aids. Said teacher got demoted to running the daycare.

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OMG...Kon, sue!

Methinks it's a bit late for that one, dood

I can't even remember what her name was anyways. The only thing I remember about her was being absolutely pissed about getting my guide essentially stolen for no good reason. It was also the only way I could figure out the Regi puzzles too since all of them where in Braille and I didn't have internet yet :<

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I never really had a terrible teacher, I guess my Health teacher in Grade 9 kinda sucked, but I don't think any were particularly awful.

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favorite: high school physics teacher who was interesting and funny and pushed us hard; the class was great fun and I learned a lot (and higher physics have generally been easier because of it imo)

he also swore a lot (not at us)...or as he would say, hella

alternatively my religion professor in Fall '14 was great and his lectures were super interesting and I really enjoyed asking questions / just talking to him after class

least favorite: physics lab instructor with a really thick accent and who didn't really explain things very well, and DEFINITELY didn't really explain what he was looking for in whatever lab report

other people kinda got dinged semi-randomly (I managed to dodge most of it)

alternatively, high school history teacher, who decided she knew better than The Rules regarding missed tests / assignments due to illness and stuff, and was kind of generally unhelpful, at least to me

"if you're sick so much maybe you should be in an EASIER CLASS, since you can't handle this one"

that being said her lectures were interesting and informative, so there is that

she also had uh...iffy opinions

at the end of the year she showed us some video about !!!definitive proof!!! obama faked his birth certificate

(which really just has to do with the way PDFs are scanned; I still wish I'd said something about it then)

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The teacher I had for classical cultural education (a subject about classical antiquity) two years ago.

She wasn't qualified to teach the subject - she was actually an arts teacher - and it showed.

We had to learn things like filming techniques, drawing techniques, acting skills... but little about classical antiquity.

I started filing complaints about that teacher pretty soon, which led to a lot of discussions with her and the head of her section (who was also my Greek teacher) and my head of department for the entire year.

They were always discouraging me and the like, but behind the scenes an investigation was set up and at the end of the year she was removed from her position.

Alternatively the Dutch teacher I had the year before that.

Her Dutch language skills were... not what they should be at this level of education.

She couldn't stand it when I corrected her or the textbook (and correcting was necessary, because this textbook still used an outdated spelling).

She gave me a lot of low-but-just-high-enough-to-pass marks to spite me.

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Where do I begin?

- Third grade teacher showed a video about. . .fuck if I remember. Part of it asserted that girls weren't as good at math as boys. Me being eight years old and good at math raised my hand, and said that the video was wrong because I was good at math. Her response? "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE GOOD AT IT DOESN'T MEAN EVERYONE ELSE IS!" Great thing to tell a class of third-graders who look up to you as authority, bitch.

(the point of this is that telling kids that they're not supposed to be good at things because of influences outside of their control is fucked up, and then she defended the point)

- Fourth grade teacher told me to stop raising my hand in class. She also had issues when it came to male students. . .or tomboyish female ones. "How would you like it if I misspelled your name like this?" is NOT how to correct someone's public misspelling, 'k?

- Junior English teacher fucked up my grade because she fails at math. My dad caught it and threw a fit. . .then threw it again when the change wasn't reflected in the next quarter's report card.

- Had a college professor who stood by the benefits of pedophilia.

So yeah. . .I had an interesting bunch of educators.

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My Year 10/12 English teacher was extremely boring and strict - he sucked all the life out of a classroom and gave students detention for the smallest infringement. Even the usual troublemakers were silent in his classroom.

On the other hand, my Maths teacher for most of my high school days was really cool and casual. She made learning Maths really fun. We also had pizza every week in our final week. :0

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oh god clipsey, sounds like a nightmare. That is incredibly terrible you had to go through those teachers :c

anyway for me

12 grade English who was just, gave a lot of busywork, didn't teach much, graded harsher than the AP teachers, and are also very anal about deadlines and held college-tier strict deadlines while still in high school (actually hell college deadlines aren't even that strict if you talk to your prof beforehand)

Like, in highschool I was the allAP student, except I'm actually really bad at english, so I went down from AP English to normal since in 12th grade there's no longer an honors option. Bad life decisions, landed a not very good teacher and it sounded like the AP Lit people have an easier time than I did. Anyway one thing about the AP teachers in my school is that, because you're in one AP course you're likely to be in like 2-5 others, and they're a lot more lenient about when you can hand in work as long as you do hand it in eventually--especially with the senior AP courses since they also get that on top of the heavier coursework you get, senioritis was also a thing. But nope. Regretting dropping to normal so much. The only good thing out of it was that it freed up my schedule enough to take a shakespeare course, which was actually amazing and had a great teacher and was really enjoyable.

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My current Chemistry teacher....

If you're even struggling for a little bit, he'll go at you like a rabid dog. The last straw for me was when he ended up being ridiculously insensitive about my situation back in March.

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Ugh. Where to begin.

How about my 6th and 7th grade Computer Science teacher? Literally all he would do is tell us where to find an assignment in the folder systems, give us basic information if we needed it, and then just pay us no attention for the rest of the period. If the assignments were any good, this may have been forgivable. However, the greater amount of the assignments literally just consisted of basic work in photoshop, microsoft word, or excel. In some cases, it really just boiled down to advanced copy-and-pasting skills. And then, at the end of the year, he would have us take an online test. Most of the stuff on the test, we were never even taught. I don't remember if those tests were actually graded.

This same teacher got suspended a few weeks ago for showing his students a really disturbing video. He probably didn't even check what the video contained. That honestly seems like the sort of thing he'd do.

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i have 2 favorite teachers, and they taught as a team (back-to-back periods in the same classroom). they helped me learn to think for myself and also (perhaps unbeknownst to them) helped me become a happy person. they taught history and english.

my least favorite is my mechanics prof from freshman year. uninvested, couldn't teach, wasn't likeable. was a very bad introduction to my school's physics program. luckily, i haven't had many more types of profs like him.

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