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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Specta, it's me Sharbutt. I'll pop in during my vacation days to ask advice sometime. [Major Exams will be happening every 2 weeks until the end of March. I don't have more than an hour or two of free time a day.]

sure thing, buckaroo o7

I'll probably be about

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Remembering how to write out subtraction problems.

oh gods. I know exactly what you mean by this.

I'm on the I CANNOT WHISTLE bandwagon

it's like the one thing I've specifically tried to learn and FAILED

Q436: Which country's flag is your favorite looking?





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The Australian flag without the Union Jack on it. Though all those Scandinavian cross flags look lovely.

lmao belay that the australian flag actually looks empty as fuck we'll need to use the eureka flag or some shit but look at this shit, too edgy


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The Holy Empire of Muscle, with GLORIOUS NIPPON a close second.

I just had the throwback of the century

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Well it looks like it doesn't have to be a country then seeing several other answers... IN THAT CASE

I like


although it hurts my eyes but the design itself is prettyyyyyyy~ imo!!

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The Isle of Man totally stole that from the Sicily flag. I don't actually know the story behind that. originality from one of them/10


(then again, I could do without the face)

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Turkey or China probbo but shoutout to Sri Lanka for lion with a sword

Q437: What does a typical breakfast consist of for you?

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