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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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buttered toast, lightly toasted - barely goldened, sometimes

between 0 and 2 hours later depending on my morning schedule that day oatmeal with various Things in it, has historically included seeds, nuts, bananas, banana chips, trail mix, coconut nibs, berries of multiple varieties, peaches, horseradish sauce, jam, raisins, cranberries, and craisins.

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A normal before work breakfast for me is fruit and Greek Yogurt. Weekends are a four egg omelet one day and cereal the other day during weekends.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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I don't eat breakfast 49/50 of the time. Just cereal when I do. EDIT: Milk too, if you count that. MORE EDIT: I eat pancakes and stuff sometimes too. Never for breakfast, though. Just lunch.

Edited by Apparition
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A bagel/3 crumpets, some cereal, and a banana, to round things off. My drink of choice is a cup of tea. If anyone thinks this is a lot, my excuse is that I only have two meals a day

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Sometimes it's fried rice, sometimes it's whatever chunk of imported ham/bacon/sausage/canadian bacon we've got/

Occasionally, I'll have toast, a bagel, or some such pastry.

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buttered toast, lightly toasted - barely goldened, sometimes

between 0 and 2 hours later depending on my morning schedule that day oatmeal with various Things in it, has historically included seeds, nuts, bananas, banana chips, trail mix, coconut nibs, berries of multiple varieties, peaches, horseradish sauce, jam, raisins, cranberries, and craisins.

out of curiosity, how well does this go with the rest of the things in oatmeal.

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You're all making me hungry, and it's my fault for wandering into a question with the word "breakfast" in it. :P:

Breakfast consists of a cereal that doesn't upset my stomach, topped with one of almonds/pecans/sunflower seeds. Tried it with almond milk today. . .and will never do that again.

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