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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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out of curiosity, how well does this go with the rest of the things in oatmeal.

i've only ever had horseradish with oatmeal and nothing else, but it actually goes quite well in moderation

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I-I don't really have a "typical" breakfast because most often I am not awake during breakfast time. 8'D

So basically, I'll have like whatever. Usually though, I start the day off by eating a whole apple first and then whatever else next. Most likely, I will like my breakfast to be extravagant, filling and full of variety, as much as it is possible at the moment. So eggs, cheese, bread, cream, honey, juice, sausages, milk, pancakes, whatever. A lot of these probably don't go too well together, but...

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Typical breakfast

Smart Balance Chunky PB + Nutella on Arnold's brand whole wheat break (delicious, it's like a reeses in a sandwich!).

1 glass of Organic whole milk (or 2% depending on what I bought)

1 Banana

2-3 hard boiled eggs

Another Banana a little later.


Quaker Oats Old fashioned Oatmeal. I make it with Silk Almond Milk, Maple syrup, and a little cinnamon. Really good. Haven't done this in a looooong time though because it takes mad long >_>

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A bagel with mozza cheese on it, or a bowl of Raisin Bran.

A tall glass of Good Host Iced Tea is absolutely essential for both cases.

Edited by Maji
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You're all making me hungry, and it's my fault for wandering into a question with the word "breakfast" in it. :P:

Breakfast consists of a cereal that doesn't upset my stomach, topped with one of almonds/pecans/sunflower seeds. Tried it with almond milk today. . .and will never do that again.

Too bad almond milk doesn't work well with you. It tastes really good. :)

I have your average black tea everyday. Then its anything out of the following: Rice cakes, pan cakes(well not exactly that but very similar), cooked puffed rice(with veggies), cooked semolina(with veggies), pressure cooked rice mixed with pulses, cereal and milk.

EDIT: Ok, so a really thin pancake is called a crepe. Yeah that's what I wanted to mention. Guess you learn something new everyday.

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I have a weak stomach in the morning. Usually just have some coffee and toast.

Q438: What's your favorite place to shop online?

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someday I'll get to make claims like closet child or maybe even innocent world or mary magdalene but more likely closet child because the deals would be better

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