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I'm gonna fry a steak, then eat it.


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I've done it, it can get pretty swell. But nothing is like a grilled steak, of course.

grilled steak is the best, marinated with spices and a little lemon.

oh and I have the mental image of you preferring extra rare for some reason.

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grilled steak is the best, marinated with spices and a little lemon.

oh and I have the mental image of you preferring extra rare for some reason.

Extra rare, huh. I've actually always been too scared to have my steak be anything but well-done.

But maybe I'll take the risk one day.

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Frying a steak is close enough to searing

Unless you mean like, dropping it in a fryer

Then that shit needs to be dunked in Mayonnaise

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I could have grilled it, but I was hungry and I didn't feel like waiting. Fried with butter turned out good.

Also, medium-well done. No gushing plate-full of blood, but the steak is warm, a bit pink in the middle with grey outside and a firm exterior, Everything's soft to chew.

I also put some melted blue cheese on top, for good measure.

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Extra rare, huh. I've actually always been too scared to have my steak be anything but well-done.

But maybe I'll take the risk one day.

I don't think I've ever had anything cooked more than medium

maybe medium well-done once

grilled steak is the best, though, agreed

(as if that wasn't an obvious objective truth)

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it's not like steak is a special dish to me, i eat these fuckers at least a few times a week

medium is fine but i'd rather my steak not bleed onto my chips or whatever else i have on the plate, so i keep it in a bit longer. still tastes great

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