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If IS were to remake Thracia..


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add a lunatic++ mode.

I'd say add in the fe4 gen 2 subbies for fun, as well as allowing the speculated statues of the gen 1 survivors [Lachesis?] to be un-petrified.

Edited by Howard the Duck
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add a lunatic++ mode.

I'd say add in the fe4 gen 2 subbies for fun, as well as allowing the speculated statues of the gen 1 survivors [Lachesis?] to be un-petrified.

FE5 first needs a hard mode. As if you've played through 5 before the things that got you before usually are quite easy to beat. Other than Manster

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4x is interesting. It's like a close quarters fight in the dark. Getting the first three or so turns just right after some inevitable trial and error is even more important than it usually is in the series. I'd like to see another level so tightly packed like that.

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IIRC I have had trouble with recruiting dalshien sometimes, and the first time I played it I had a lot of problems with the escape chapter in manster's town proper (I actually captured Galzus the first time I played it by using save states and having him capture someone so he would slow down).

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I just find 4x dickish until you group up with Asvel and Sety the rest aren't too bad.

The other really hard parts of Manster are the final room in Chapter 4 and the arena enemies after Evyal gets stoned.

EDIT I'm probably overlooking something here. Like I don't think these are easy chapters, just not like significantly harder than other FE5 chapters after you're used to it.

IIRC I have had trouble with recruiting dalshien sometimes, and the first time I played it I had a lot of problems with the escape chapter in manster's town proper (I actually captured Galzus the first time I played it by using save states and having him capture someone so he would slow down).

Yeah, that room is the worst. Not going to deny that. But we were talking repeat playthroughs, because I'd totally agree that Manster is the worst on your first playthrough and you aren't prepared for it. Wow, capturing Galzus though. You're crazy.

Edited by Refa
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4x is only really hard on the first turn (where it is kind of luck based) but past that it's pretty easy. At least if you get unlucky on turn 1 you can just restart and not lose a whole lot. Whereas in chapter 4 its unfourtunate if one of dalshien's dudes crits you after playing chapter 4 for like half an hour

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4x was fun, especially since you were low on weapons, and had to strategize by capturing and stealing weapons. The only problem was the bishop at the top of the room. 5 on the other hand, heavily depended on luck, especially to make sure Eyvel and Nanna didn't die. It was possibly the most intense chapter in an FE game for me, trying to reach them before they are killed or captured.

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Capturing is generally well-liked, but I'd be surprised if I've seen dismounting praised by more than 15 individuals in the past ten years. I've seen far more people express frustration over having only two possible lance-users for indoor maps. Given that dismounting was removed from the Archanea remakes, I'd be really surprised if it was featured in a hypothetical Thracia remake.

Or maybe they could, you know, auto-dismount when moving indoors and have remaining movement proportional to how much movement they had when mounted (9 MOV -4 outside movement=3 spaces to move indoors in dismount; 9 MOV -7 outside movement= 1 space to move indoors in dismount; 9 MOV -8 outside movement=0 space to move indoors in dismount).

/problem... unless anyone has a valid argument against this, then I'm all ears.

In fact, you know what? Here's the psuedocode:

IF Mount Switch= <toggled, 0 for dismounted, 1 for mounted>

THEN <add/remove weapon proficiency/stats/movement>

IF Terrain= outside

THEN Mountable Switch =1

IF Terrain= inside

THEN Mountable Switch =0

IF Mount Switch =1


Movement terrain = inside


Mount Switch=0


<<Remaining Movement>> =

<<Base Dismounted Movement Stat>>

-{[(<<Used Mounted Movement points>>/<<Max Mounted movement>>)

*<<Base Dismounted Movement>>], rounded to the nearest whole number}


Dismounting means I can find justification to bring Finn everywhere, even indoors as a decent 5 move [iirc] filler sword unit.

Not to mention it balances out your units: dismounting puts the usefulness of mounted-to-infantry in a much better balance through inferior movement, and in the case of not-Fergus (who has a low enough strength growth to not break the game), dual weapon proficiency means they'll be disadvantaged compared to infantry sword wielders.

I just find 4x dickish until you group up with Asvel and Sety the rest aren't too bad.


...unless you place your units with the highest DEF/HP in a row of 4 (<Whoever you used the Life ring on earlier in the game, I used it on Leif>, Dalshin, Fergus, and Brighton/Machyua) and have your backup units (Lifis, Karin, Lara, Machyua/Brighton) on standby ready to bump off the mages/soldiers that'll come. Give your vulneraries to your frontliners (especially Dalshin, who's going to be blasted with Fire magic), don't hesitate to have Dalshin use his turn to use the vulnerary. Prioritize bumping off the units with less likely a chance to whittle away more HP from your units, and Lara's greatest incorporation here is her stealing the Mage's Fire books. Understand how many hits each unit can take, and if you can have Lifis kill a mage instead of stealing its Fire tome and survive the enemy phase, then do it, as you won't be getting many chances to level him up with his low strength. Unless, of course, you have Lara kill the unarmed mages, because she'll have even less opportunity than Lifis to level up.

See that? That's why Thracia 776 is best Fire Emblem.

Edited by Kysafen
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Or maybe they could, you know, auto-dismount when moving indoors and have remaining movement proportional to how much movement they had when mounted (9 MOV -4 outside movement=3 spaces to move indoors in dismount; 9 MOV -7 outside movement= 1 space to move indoors in dismount; 9 MOV -8 outside movement=0 space to move indoors in dismount).

/problem... unless anyone has a valid argument against this, then I'm all ears.

That's nice and all, but it doesn't have much to do with anything I said.

Ch. 4x stuff

This relies entirely on having prior knowledge of the chapter. Someone going through blind isn't going to have any idea what the chapter is going to throw at them.

And your tactics involving Lara are flawed anyhow. Lara's BLD isn't high enough to steal fire tomes unless you get lucky with her 5% BLD growth, and her 0 base strength means she'll take forever to kill even unarmed mages.

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That's nice and all, but it doesn't have much to do with anything I said.

It has more to do with it than you think: the topic at hand is if IS were to remake Thracia 776. You suggested that you wouldn't be surprised if dismounting was removed in a remake, but that's a terrible idea if no consideration is made to how to balance units. My idea of the Proportional Indoor Movement Formula can still retain the weapon-rank balances of dismounted users-to-infantry as WELL as make it easier a mechanic for players to move their mounts indoors. Ease=accessibility.

If nothing else, I have to thank you for inspiring me to finally come up with that formula, in the event I do decide to do that Thracia 776 XNA remake I've been considering.

Edited by Kysafen
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1. Give us a Chapter 18x where instead of Leif, we play as Dorias. Said chapter would involve him getting overwhelmed but you'd still need to hang on for a certain amount of time meaning bringing good units is kind of necessary. Then in the next chapter, the units you picked before are the ones that need saving.

2. Let us move our units around before the battle starts. I can see whey they limited it in the original game but I'd rather it was a feature of certain chapters rather than something forced throughout the whole game. It feels more limiting than challenging.

3. Make Chapter 21 the second siege of Leinster from Genealogy, ie give us Patty and Faval, and a boss fight against Ishtar and the three mage sisters. It's not like much happens in Chapter 21 anyway.

4. Logic be damned. Give us a Soldier unit who can uses lances in doors. Soldiers are awesome.

5. He doesn't need to do much but give Blume some more screen time (probably in my suggested Chapter 18x). The guy is pretty important to this part of the world's plot but he only gets one extremely brief scene in the original game that fails to even establish him at all. Having him be a known force of the world would carry more weight to Seliph defeating him off screen and thus reinforce the fact that this is a much bigger story and Leif is only the hero of a minor one.

All of these. Especially #2 and #5. The resolution of the game is liberating Northern Thracia from Blume, so let's see more of him.

Also anything to get Briggid!kids in sounds good to me.

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FE5 is kind of wierd because it's riddled with bad game design decisions, fake difficulty on a first playthrough (In case your wondering I define fake difficulty as punishing players for not preparing for things they could reasonably expected to prepare for, and removing that isn't "coddling" it competent game design), horribly unbalanced characters, horribly unbalanced weapons (The when people are saying that it's good that you don't lance users in indoor maps because lances are outclassed by swords anyways THATS A PROBLEM) about a million game breakers if you know what your doing (Scrolls and every sage in the game looking at you). It could used defintaley use a look of mechanic tweaks game balances changes to keep the game difficult (Like regular lunatic mode in FE13) but unfair to player (Like Lunatic+ LOL JK).

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