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Nanami Touko

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On one hand, accepting the contract meant that she'd have to answer to. . .him. By rejecting the contract, she'd be free of this child-man, but she wouldn't have time to read the books around her at her leisure. She brushed a strand of offending hair out of her face, and tilted her chin ever-so-slightly upwards. "You're far too trusting for your own good, and that will get you killed. I suppose I'd feel a twinge of regret if I let that happen. Very well. My true name is. . ." She paused for a few seconds, making sure that the information sunk in. "To everyone else, I am Lancer." She walked over to the open book, and snorted when she saw herself mentioned in it. "Now, what does history have to say about me?" she mused, as she flipped through the pages.

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With a flash of light and smoke, a figure appeared in the circle drawn on the parking lot surface. As the light and smoke faded, the figure slowly resolved into a tall, well muscled man. Glancing around at his surroundings, he grinned slightly. "So... I have been summoned for the War it seems. That would make... you my Master? Hmmph. This will have to do I suppose. Servant Assassin will serve because I am bound so to do. But for now, we should get out of here. I do not enjoy fighting on the enemy's terms and from what I can sense of you, you would not enjoy it either. So unless you want to be the shortest lived Master of this fight, you had better have somewhere safe to go."

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It actually worked. Ryouta was stunned for a moment, then regained his composure. "Y-yes, that sounds like a wise idea." But where to? I actually don't know where to go. But I can't look incompetent in front of my own Servant...

A simple answer to this question popped up in his mind. "I know of an abandoned house we could take shelter in." Ryouta declared. "It hasn't been lived in for some time now, but it's roomy and off the radar."

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"That should work. There I can tell you more about me and my abilities. But for now... I will seem to not be around, though we can still talk mentally. It's best I don't appear to be around. It could attract the attention of other Servants if they sense me." The man faded out of sight as he spoke.

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"Indeed. So I have learned and so shall I accept." he said with a small smile as the train started to grind to a halt at the station. "When we have the time alone, the time to talk, I feel we have much to share and explain to each other my lady. For now, though, we have a whole city to see. Let us revel in it!" he said with his voice, thankfully, at an acceptable level as he smiled and stepped off the train with a broad smile on his face.

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"Hm, excellent! Then we may do away with the formalities," the man grinned, stepping towards his master for this war, but quickly stopping in place. His initial cheeriness was replaced with an analyzing, cautious look, which he maintained for a few moments before responding. "I doubt it," he began slowly. "You finished your ritual and then I was summoned, yes? Based on the floors, I'd say you did it here, were I appeared. So, it reasons I'm the servant from your summon." The man relaxed as he spoke, shifting to a casual posture and facing this strange woman, even growing to smile a bit towards the end of his explanation. "Ahem, well then, are you quite alright ma'am? You seem a bit unnerved. Not expecting this to work, were you?"

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The woman blinked, with a look of uncertainty in her eye. "Summoned here, right here, yes!" She stifled a nervous laugh and clapped her hands together. "Wait, no formalities?" She was well aware of her voice sounding like a ditz. The woman felt like quite the fool at the moment. When her servant gave the relaxed tone, she took a deep breath, and replied to his question. "I suppose I am a bit unnerved. I mean, I'm not the most collected of the magus world." She sighed and finally managed at look him directly.

Feather hat and all, he really fit the description from the legends. That would mean he matched up with all the feats of in said tales. She took a gulp and opened her mouth.The young adult female who stood in this room as now a master. She needed to at least try to reflect the same amount of skill with her own abilities, even that ability was just socializing with a certain level charisma - something she normally lacked. "You don't seem like a servant with bad, uh... disposition?" Her left hand slid to her white dress shirt's cuff, and her right hand to her chin. Family always told her not to trust first impressions, but what choice did she have to rely on? Her gut instinct was her best friend in this event. She turned her head to see her shawl still slung on the chair she was reading on.

"A bit rough on speech, but friendly." She gave a slight grin. Even though friendliness wasn't supposed to be an important factor in a life-death battle, she knew it was required to have trust, she knew that much too well.

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Firmia's relief that the woman was willing to hear her out wasn't showing much, as she was still trying to think of a place in the house where they could speak without her mother suspecting anything. She glanced back down the hall she'd come from a couple of times, and eventually decided to try something her mother really couldn't do anything about. She pulled out her phone and held the screen up for Basilia, pointing to it inquisitively. If she had a phone too, then technology would win the day.

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"It's Yasu's older brother, Stan," he answered casually. "Uhhh ..." thinking about it a moment longer, he realized that the two names just didn't fit well together. "You probably only got the name Yuuta from them." Stan glanced over at his daughter to see how she was doing. She had the expression of someone neck and neck in a grand prix. "U turn, right here," Stan leaned over and advised her before focusing back on his conversation on the phone.

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Basilia couldn't help but nearly let out a laugh, at Firmia's gesture. Removing her own phone from her pocket, and swiftly typing onto it, she soon turned the screen over towards Firmia so that she could read it.

"Don't tell me you're one of those girls who will send a text even the person is sitting right next to you? Couldn't you just go outside and we could meet up outside the field, or would that be enough to get her suspicious as well? Not that I'm not curious as to what you're trying to hide from her in the first place..."

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"Ah, I see. Well, you summoned yourself a servant, didn't you?" The man maintained his smile and chuckled at his master's nervous remarks, but sighed. It was sigh with no malice or shame, but a sigh none the less. "Thank you ma'am, rather nice of you to say," he replied, tipping his hat in false sheepishness, but his appreciation was genuine. "I've been told people tend to like me," he continued, smiling and standing straight up, maintaining eye contact with the woman. So she was to be his master? Archer had to admit to himself, that wasn't particularly confidence-inspiring, based on first impressions. Still, he could not dismiss her so quickly, and what she lacked in confidence could be made up for with ability, or simply a result of her being shocked at his summoning.

"Rough, you say? Well, I admit I've never been particularly diplomatic, but...ah, well, I don't have a counter to that, actually. Good on you, I suppose. I guess talking isn't what we'll be relying on in this conflict, is it?" he inquired with a slight nod and a brief smirk, breaking his posture to walk up to the woman, though holding himself no less straight. Such discipline was a required trait for what he did, and he had no intention of stopping with it. "We'll commence with the introductions then, yes?"

It was obvious this Servant had quite a bit of confidence, readily circling around his master and taking glances about the room. "I am an Archer," he said with a deep, kneeling bow, extending an open hand. He might have lacked skills in diplomacy, but that was no reason not to know of common courteous. The nature of the gesture readily gave away that he was a Spirit from a time long past, but most spirits were anyway. "As this would give away," he continued as he returned to a standing position, patting a crossbow which was attached to a strap that went around his waist and shoulder. "You might better know me as-well, why don't you tell me your name first? I am supposed to be cautious with that information, yes?"

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The somewhat flighty woman nods a few times at the prospect. She takes the flaps of her skirt and bows in response. "I'm not sure how to do a curtsey properly. But regardless, my name is Nanae Arygyris." She rubs her cheek in slight embarrassment. "Partial Japanese heritage would explain odd first name. My Greek mother was the Magus, however." Nanae smiled and sighed in relief that she had managed not to muck up the greeting.
The woman looked around. Though she highly doubted there were high-grade familiars in the building, one could never be sure under these circumstances. Nanae had also forgotten to set up a barrier, which was due to time constraints. She had been doing last minute research of the summoning ritual ahead of time, just to make sure she was doing it correctly. "I think I might have an idea of who you are. I made sure to do some studying on where to find catalysts for your summoning." Nanae edged towards the door, and places a hand on the cold doorknob. She was unable to find a abandoned building in his homeland. Whatever places seemed empty turned out to be bases for other unwarranted activity, from a magus or not.
Nanae turns herself to face him again. "I would've summoned you from your original lands, if I were able to. I mean, to that nation you've grown into such a symbol. Especially when one specific War broke out... but I suppose I could save it for later." World War II, a devastation that had affect on the world. She didn't know what caused that mayhem, but the moment it popped into her mind, she shook head. It was irrelevant to this 'war'.

Nanae held out her hand, for the shaking her servant extended. "I look forward to working with you Archer." She paused. "Uh, well, working together to win the grail, that is." Despite making what she thought was a mess up, Nanae didn't look away this time.

Edited by Deadmeat Elyn
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Stan? Who the fuck is Stan? Kouichi panicked for a moment, before calming himself down, going through a mental list of anyone that would have his phone number. Before he could get any further than G in his mental name library, the man correct himself as Yuuta. "Yuuta... Kurosawa?" His brain shot to the Ks, and that named seemed to click. "R-Right, Yuuta. You're... My cousin, yes?" he asked, to correct for himself. He hadn't spoken to any of his cousins in plenty of years, and didn't quite know why he'd be being called by one now. Then again, with the war, stranger things had already happened. "What can I help you with, Yuuta?"

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"I shan't hold that against you, it's a dead practice by now, isn't it?" The man smiled, but his next line was more somber than his expression, almost like a sigh. "The effort is appreciated at the least."

"Nanae? Ah, such is not a strange name!" Archer lied quite blatantly, but hoped the enthusiasm of it, combined with his being a stranger to the girl, would make it less noticeable, if noticed at all. He didn't much like to lie, and one could say his honesty was to a fault. However, it seemed best to be a bit more courteous and complimentary. The courtesy might have been forgotten, but he'd be damned if he let the same happen to chivalry. "I see. Well, I can't say much of Japan, but I do know of Greece. I've been there myself, you know," he said with another smile. Not one of the smiles he'd made were much beyond slight, and this one was no acception.

"Really now? Ah, clever girl then! Well then, Nanae, why don't you take a shot at it, eh? Let's see if you've managed to get who you wanted." Archer followed his master to the door, and took the opportunity Nanae gave him by turning to the door to tug at his sleeves, and continued to keep his eyes on them until satisfied with their straightness. "Ah, worry not about that ma'am, I'll be plenty fine in any land. Hm," the man chuckled, feeling quite a bit of satisfaction at his apparent fame. "Yes, yes, for later, we have battle plans to make, don't we? There never was a battle won without a little forthought."

After a quick glance between Nanaes hand and her face, the man grasped it firmly and shook. It was quite interesting to him how, despite all the years past, this simple gesture had stayed. "And I with you," Archer tipped his hat once again, though didn't tip it far enough to break eye contact. He was a man who valued such practices as eye contact, even if they were simple and oddly named. "Ah, yes, the Grail! Quite the reward, isn't it?"

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Caster shook her head upon hearing her master's response. It was not firm rejection, but it was one that hinted at a strong will that would not easily accept resistance. Fixing her gaze back upon Sora, Caster spoke,

"The nature of my territory creation is rare among heroic spirits you see. A witch or shaman may be able to possess an A rank within territory creation to build a "temple" as it is, but you see, they are not creating an actual temple. The rank merely refers to their ability to harness the natural energy inherent within an area and also how much area they can siphon energy off of. Existing temples are usually exceptional spots to pivot a territory upon yes, as they are natural deposits for prana leylines that nourish spiritual energy, but you see, my territory creation is rather incompatible with such tactics. I do not take control over an existing area. Rather, I create an entirely new area by converting existing and compatible area, hence my rank in territory creation being of the highest rank possible. Temples will not do for the most part for they are not deposits of pure nature, but if a forest surrounds the temple you speak of then it is possible for me to place my territory around the temple and for you to inhabit the temple itself as your own base. As for water, you need not worry my master. My territory creation covers for that extraordinarily nicely you see."

Caster smiled at her master as she offered information he should know and utilize to his own benefit. For now, there was no friction between their preferences as Caster could simply create her territory around the one that Sora was familiar with in the best case. In the case that this was not possible, Sora had to either rely on a natural territory such as an existing temple, which would be leagues below the one Caster made, or inhabit Caster's own territory. The main problem here was still time. If Caster wanted to enforce her territory, then she would have to cast a ritual that would take twenty hours to catalyze, in which time Caster was susceptible to attacks. A small cost for such grand territory, but a cost nonetheless. It slightly bothered Caster that Sora needed to attend to personal business first, but then again she would have to respect his wishes as her master. It was no good having an indecisive master wracked with internal problems anyway.

"Anyways, we must get going. It will be more expedient to attend to your needs first and then get to our preparations later no?"

Caster finished her sentence by snapping her fingers, upon which action her body was covered for a split second by a blinding green light. After the light dissipated, Caster stood in an entirely new form. She was now a mirror image of Sora, completely replicating all his physical features. Shape shifting from the Age of Gods that could fool even divine spirits, this would make it exceptionally hard for any master or servant to spy on the pair and determine who was servant or master as well as concealing Caster's identity. Prana and presence were both perfectly suppressed, and Caster even emitted the same amounts of residual prana leak that her master suffered.

"This is to conceal my identity and ensure your safety of course. If it unnerves you I may simply shift form to that of the first person we meet." said Caster while laughing gently.

Edited by Sublimation
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Oh dear, this one's too cheerful. If I wanted luxuries, I'd have stayed back in Tokyo. We're in the middle of a war, I hope he realizes that! But first... I'll need to find a place to stay here, and then I'll need to go to the Church. Maybe there will be some information that I can gather over there.

As Nathalie and Rider stepped out of the train, she looked around for some food to buy and eat while they roamed about. There were many stalls selling snacks and ice creams, so she decided to grab a bit and move. "Well Rider, do you want an ice cream? Its a ...soft, cold and sweet thing that you can eat. Oh, and we better find a place to stay soon. It'd be best if you reverted to spirit form once we find one- I don't want to attract the attention of the other masters." she told him as she tugged her sleeve forward to cover the command seal mark on her hand.

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"Hmm..." Sora responded.

He was unsure of the landscape of Fuyuki. Caster seemed knowledgeable enough about the area. Sora had read that Servants were equipped with knowledge of the current age and location of the Holy Grail War when they were summoned so he attributed that knowledge to that fact.

Sora could not think of anywhere else that was easily defensible. However, he trusted Caster, her territorial magic and her judgment with regards to the war.

"In that case, we should leave now. I am heading towards the Big Bridge which is a ten minute walk from here. From there, we can follow the river downstream and head to the forest within half an hour. The river runs right by the forest." Sora suggested. He had no idea what else he could do and he hoped that his idea was at least slightly helpful to their odds.

Although Sora was glad to have been chosen by the Holy Grail for the war, he was now questioning his own ability to be able to survive or even win in the war.

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Basilia had called it with her second guess; leaving at the same time as this mysterious guest would arouse Roza's suspicion, and while that alone wouldn't matter too much, Firmia was all too familiar with how her mother dealt with secrets in this household. That was to say she exposed them outright.

Firmia was quick on the keypad and within about fifteen seconds or so had her reply ready. "If she suspects anything she'll use a spell to make me tell her what I'm up to. You would have to wait outside while I come up with some an excuse to get out of the house."

------------ ------------ ------------

Was Kouichi sticking with 'Yuuta'? Stan shrugged at the thought. He really didn't mind, not when his brother insisted on doing the same. "Actually ... I was calling to see if there was anything my daughter and I can do for you." He glanced at Yulia again as she pulled off a rather smooth turn and got them going in the right direction again. He didn't want his daughter involved in anything dangerous, especially now that it wasn't strictly necessary, but she felt the same way about him, and for good reason. Compromise was such a wondrous and ... ... and unbelievably stupid thing. How did she talk him into this, again? "Ahem, we're actually on our way now if you'd rather talk in person."

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"Whatever you feel is best. It's no skin off my nose what method we take." Basilia typed back a swift reply, flashing her phone at Firmia. An interesting dynamic, though she wondered if Roza would be willing to expose their own relations for the sake of punishing the daughter? Oh well, not really worth testing.

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Caster nodded in reply and began to follow Sora who took up stride to go to the Big Bridge. Unbeknownst to Sora, travelling to the big bridge and from there moving to the southern forests through the path of the river would have been the best choice a master could have made at that moment. Caster herself did not know the lay of the land precisely and had to trust her master on this aspect at least. An expedient path to the forest was the best one at this moment, and if what her master said was true then this course of action was indeed prudent. Whatever business he attended to would also be covered in this trip presumably, cutting down on wasted time more. Pragmatism was always a trait Caster favored, and her prudent and wary nature welcomed rational and methodical thinking, though passion could sometimes bleed into her set efficiency.

Caster followed her master and shape shifted into a completely different form upon witnessing a businessman prancing back and forth near the bridge with cellphone pried to his head. Her form shifted and morphed into that of a lanky Japanese man donned in a well pressed business suit with a clean cut, angular face and sharp, conniving eyes. Disheveled but once combed hair struck out in small puffs as if in protest to the curt buzz cut of the man. Now Caster did not even emit a magical signature, for she had replicated the form of a regular human in all aspects. To a master or servant actively attempting to view Caster, she, or in this case he, would appear to be a regular human. Sora and Caster both sauntered under the bridge complex until they were at the edge of the calm and flowing stream of water that divided Miyuki and Shinto so neatly.

"Now then master, what is the matter that you were to attend to here?" queried Caster, emitting a baritone and masculine voice that emulated the form she took seamlessly.

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"Something cold... That sounds wonderful." replied Rider with a smile. "Ahhh... The joys of living in another place. You are right, though, and we need to find a place to dwell soon. Ideally we would want somewhere with a sizable amount of space for you to flee from as we cannot know what the other masters are capable of. We could wall ourselves up in a secure tower only to find that one of them is a very experienced climber and slips through the window with ease, never mind the various magics at work here. Too be honest, in terms of pure security, an empty park in the middle of nowhere would be the best unless you have the ability to establish many defensive wards. But, most importantly, as I am Rider space is needed to function properly. You are lucky that I can fight acceptably in close-quarters, my lady, and in another war I may even be a Saber, but for now I must function as a Rider. That means needing space to ride. I do not know what sort of place suits that the best, especially since I am new to this world, But if you are worried about being attacked such a thing would be wise."

He then shook his head softly. "We should also seek allies. Certain masters will, likely, not be threats or value personal grudges highly enough to focus on them instead of on weaker masters. Even if we were to win turning aside help would be foolish, as would establishing ourselves as the largest target. Especially since both assassins and casters can be far more potent when they know the land. If we become their target they will seek to ensure our demise swiftly. Best to wait and let them play their hand first."

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Sora walked up to the edge of the bridge letting the feel and taste of the water stay in his lungs. This was his favourite spot in the whole city. It was the only spot that he could feel calm at. The sound of the flowing water brought him peace and serenity. It was here that Sora would spend most of his free time, reading a book while enjoying the calm breeze and sound of the water below the bridge.

There was another reason for Sora's frequent visits to the bridge though: He had been slowly accumulating any excess prana that he had within the structures of the bridge. Sora had used his blood to enable himself to seal large amounts of his prana into the bridge. The river under the bridge would easily wash off and dissipate any prana leaking into the environment, allowing for Sora's five year stash of prana within the bridge to be completely hidden from any magi who might find himself crossing the bridge or walking along the river's side.

Sora's plan now was to release the huge prana source into the river, enabling him (and any other magi) to access the prana (provided they knew of the prana store anyway). It would take a quick ritual to perform the deed and then Sora and Caster would quickly be on their way southwards towards the forests to the south. Both of them would be vulnerable while Caster created her territory. Being close to both a water source and a prana source (basically the river for both) would allow Sora to be able to defend both of them more easily. Caster would then be able to concentrate more on the creation of her territory.

"This bridge contains five years of prana that I have accumulated. I came here to release that prana so that we can use it much more easily." Sora explained as he prepared himself for the ritual that would release the prana that Sora himself had placed into the bridge.

Edited by MancerNecro
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Nathalie nodded in agreement- it looked like her servant was starting to get serious once more. Looking at her map, she tried to figure out their most suited place for residence- definitely not an apartment or anything in the inner city- that would gather unnecessary attention as the war dragged on, plus more expenses. North of where they currently were was the Fuyuki Harbour, and Nathalie considered that a good place to set up their base. It was spacious and had a lot of advantages that she could exploit using Rider's and her own skills. If there was an empty shack on the coast where she could stay, that would be lovely.

"Hmmm, let us check out the harbour. It shouldn't be far from here, and its spacious too. Battles near the ocean... sounds lovely, doesn't it, Rider?" she asked in jest.

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Levi took in what Lancer had said, letting the info fully sink in, particularly the bit about being too trusting. Lancer was correct there, he couldn't afford to be too quick about deeming who was a friend or who was his foe. He did know that at current moment, he could trust Lancer. It was everyone else he had to watch his back around. He couldn't afford to pass up any and all oppertunites to achieve victory in this war. Speaking of which, he had his weapon on him at least, or rather, propped up against the doorframe of the library lest he get caught off guard at the worst possible moment.

And there was the matter of setting up a base and a barrier. That took first priority. Staying at his home would give Lancer unlimited library access when the time to do some reading presented itself. On the other hand, he'd have to take extra care to make sure he wouldn't get followed home by another master. At least his parents had the right idea to build it away from other residential areas so it was fairly isolated from prying eyes. And it would allow him to reclaim his stored extra magical energy without attracting unwanted attention. Though any spot with easy generator access would work. "I look forward to working together. Don't worry, Death hasn't caught up with me yet. Though when Death finally does catch up to me, I'm hoping history will have fond memories of me." Levi replied with a smile.

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"They may sound lovely, but having fought beside the sea many times before, I can say for certainty that it is not so. The salt stings the eyes, the sand is a bother no matter how you fight, and you are focused on the fight and not the beauty. It is still the best place by far for me though, especially since I am familiar with such fighting which I doubt many others are. Merely knowing the terrain is a huge advantage even if a servant is not directly impeded by it."

He then looked down at the map, observing the terrain, before pointing to a small area where the river and the ocean met.

"There would be ideal. Water on two sides to impede any servants and masters, aiding in your safety, and allowing for especially easy escape if we can find a boat to use. Should the battle turn against us we can head out to sea to escape and survive."

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It had taken months of planning, but they were finally ready... Nimoeph looked over the finished summoning array before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. It had taken her the better part of the day to complete, first outlined in chalk and then carefully engraved into the stone with magecraft. The alterations they planned to place on the master-servant bond required the utmost precision in methods.

Sure, they'd had their hiccups. It had been difficult to find a practical way to transport Baset to Japan, but they had managed. When they'd needed an isolated location for the summoning Nimoeph's research into previous Grail wars had come in handy, and it hadn't been too difficult to find the old Eldefelt mansion. The hidden basement provided ample room and privacy to construct the array and carry out the ritual. Now all they needed was one more thing...

The magus snapped out of her thoughts and opened her eyes as another presence approached from the side. The creature by all appearances looked like a normal dog, up until it spoke. "So, it's finished?" Evander asked. The question was merely a formality. She wouldn't be kneeling on the ground in thought if her work wasn't completed.

"Yes, it is. Could you go get the others?" Nimoeph asked as she stood and dusted off her pants. They would need to start the summoning soon. It was difficult to find an acceptable time of day with two people involved, but now would be a well enough compromise.

Evander's ears perked up and there was a smile in his eyes. "Of course," he replied, before trotting off and up the stairs.

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