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4-Koma Kings Translations [COMPLETE!]


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They're wonky on your blog, too. Can't make them bigger.

It doesn't even work to manually change the url. For example, opening 76 full size and changing the "76" in the url to "77" doesn't do anything. Changing the "76" to "78" opens page 78 like it should.

edit: Erm, it's actually an issue with my Firefox browser...? It works perfectly in my IE browser. ._.;

That is very weird... I'm running Firefox here and it works alright. I'm not too technically savvy though so can't offer much help there... but I asked three friends to go and load those pages in question, and it worked fine for them. So yes, it must be your Firefox specifically for some reason!

Edited by Kirokan
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Mrff... Clearing the cache fixed the problem. Although I also cleared it only 3 days ago...

I was going to suggest that, but wasn't actually sure what it means XD Glad it worked!

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Just asking, is there any FeMU x Chrom in the Anthology and 4koma or nope...? XD

And how many pages are colored in the 4-koma?

I'm interested in buying both~
Oh and I think they're planning to release the 2nd book of FEA Anthology this May.

Edited by Suzuran
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Managed to translate/upload a good four pages today!

Just asking, is there any FeMU x Chrom in the Anthology and 4koma or nope...? XD

And how many pages are colored in the 4-koma?

I'm interested in buying both~
Oh and I think they're planning to release the 2nd book of FEA Anthology this May.

In the 4Koma it's kept pretty neutral, I suppose to get to a more general audience who may not have done such a pairing. They still appear together a lot, but perhaps not as a pairing.

The 4 Koma's first 10 pages are in color.

As for the FE: A Anthology, indeed I heard similar! But will look up the specific date to be sure later on.

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I frekin love these comics! I've read them all twice now! But there are some parts of the comics I find unclear and hoping you could clarify for me;

(Comic #)

#27: Is Robin imitating Fredrick picking up rocks or does she plan to throw them at Chrom instead of punching him?

#31: Wait, why is Sumia pushing Chrom off her pegasus? And in the last panel is he ealking about Avera's spikes or some kind of stage hazard?

#38: I just don't get it. (Why is he talking like that? What does bonds and a frog have to do with eachother and why is Cynthia moved by that?) (I'm thinking this comic relies heavily on Japanese puns or rhyming or something)

#63: Who is the one saying, "Minerva is the one who helps you appear flashy" ? Can't make sense of who with the context of the lines they say after.

#82 Why is Robin 'huh?!"-ing about -- does Fredrick just not know how to start a fire, or does he plan to use all that wood to rub together and eventually get a fire?

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I frekin love these comics! I've read them all twice now! But there are some parts of the comics I find unclear and hoping you could clarify for me;

(Comic #)

#27: Is Robin imitating Fredrick picking up rocks or does she plan to throw them at Chrom instead of punching him?

#31: Wait, why is Sumia pushing Chrom off her pegasus? And in the last panel is he ealking about Avera's spikes or some kind of stage hazard?

#38: I just don't get it. (Why is he talking like that? What does bonds and a frog have to do with eachother and why is Cynthia moved by that?) (I'm thinking this comic relies heavily on Japanese puns or rhyming or something)

#63: Who is the one saying, "Minerva is the one who helps you appear flashy" ? Can't make sense of who with the context of the lines they say after.

#82 Why is Robin 'huh?!"-ing about? Does Fredrick just not know how to start a fire, or does he plan to use all that wood to rub together and eventually get a fire?

#27 she's suggesting hitting him with a rock XD

#31 Sumia has this habit of hitting Chrom, so pushing him off is just another thing she does! The spikes they mean are the ones on Aversa's head. So, if Aversa were to fall that way, landing with a crown like that would hurt!

#38 Cynthia is being over dramatic and making something out of nothingness. The guy is just quoting random words it seems. XD It's a strange one for sure

#63 Inigo is the one who says that, he assumes Minerva is the reason Gerome is popular because she makes him appear "flashy"

#82 She's surprised at him using it to start the fire rather than using it in the fire as you thought!

Hope that helps!

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May as well give some comic reactions. :P

77: Robin is reaching Nowi levels of childishness. XD

78 Right: Well, that was dark... At least everyone noticed he was gone... o.o;

82 Right: Oh, wow! Tiki looks so beautiful! :D

84 Right: Wha... What the... How... But... Guh... Horse masks... In a mideval fantasy world... I don't even... *puts phone down and faceplants on pillow in bed, trying to comprehend what I just saw*

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Managed to translate/upload a good four pages today!

In the 4Koma it's kept pretty neutral, I suppose to get to a more general audience who may not have done such a pairing. They still appear together a lot, but perhaps not as a pairing.

The 4 Koma's first 10 pages are in color.

As for the FE: A Anthology, indeed I heard similar! But will look up the specific date to be sure later on.

Sounds interesting. Is it also neutral in Anthology?

As long as there are some pages of their togetherness, then it's perfect! XD

Based on amazon.co.jp, the second Anthology book will be released on 2015/5/25.

Might as well get all three of them in one purchase. I will buy them when I have money then X"D

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Thank you! This clears things up a lot!

I never would have figured out #31 on my own.

You're welcome!

Old Hubba! :O

Sneaking into the Barracks to get a nice shoulder massage XD

May as well give some comic reactions. :P

77: Robin is reaching Nowi levels of childishness. XD

78 Right: Well, that was dark... At least everyone noticed he was gone... o.o;

82 Right: Oh, wow! Tiki looks so beautiful! :D

84 Right: Wha... What the... How... But... Guh... Horse masks... In a mideval fantasy world... I don't even... *puts phone down and faceplants on pillow in bed, trying to comprehend what I just saw*

82 - Right? It's a nicely drawn picture! Should separate and color it.

84 - Just when you thought 78 got a little dark!

Sounds interesting. Is it also neutral in Anthology?

As long as there are some pages of their togetherness, then it's perfect! XD

Based on amazon.co.jp, the second Anthology book will be released on 2015/5/25.

Might as well get all three of them in one purchase. I will buy them when I have money then X"D

I haven't looked through the Anthology as in depth, so I cannot say! I know there are some others here who have, though! Sorry I can't help you there! But I highly recommended them all! XD

Stahl is my spirit animal.

How long is this thing anyway? Is there still a lot left for you to translate?

113 pages! I average about one a day due to time constraints and the like, but some days I manage to do a lot. Almost there!

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It can be dark if someone had to behead a horse. XD

Well, to me, it looks like a horse mask, like those people sometimes wear in real life.

88: hai nowi. still adorbalez. And Tharja looks... nice, actually. And Robin's hair looks interestingly different. o.o; Also, this artist's style looks oddly familiar to me...

90: It's actually "war cleric", not "battle cleric". ^_^;

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Well, to me, it looks like a horse mask, like those people sometimes wear in real life.

88: hai nowi. still adorbalez. And Tharja looks... nice, actually. And Robin's hair looks interestingly different. o.o; Also, this artist's style looks oddly familiar to me...

90: It's actually "war cleric", not "battle cleric". ^_^;

Indeed! Just stating the possibility of the horse head.

90: Fixed! Ahh, these localizations... XD

Whoops! You accidentally called Cherche by her Japanese name, Serge. ^_^;

The comic is funny, though. Poor Virion... That's gonna be tough to aim! XD

I noticed I wrote Serge when doing today's page that involved her, too! Then was like "Oh man..." and went back and checked, so fixed it before I saw your comment. Should be updated now! It just flows so much more naturally and gotten so used to it! Thanks for pointing it out regardless!

Regarding that last comic, I bet Minerva lives for moments like these.

Minerva is the ultimate in passive-aggressive it seems XD

Lissa be like:"do you even lift"

It is a good point regarding classes, huh? XD

The horsemarth is probably the funniest one yet!The only one that left with a silly grin for like 10 minutes!

Also ''Thank you, Thraja,I love you'' Dawwwwwwwww

Silliness and adorable indeed XD

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It is a good point regarding classes, huh? XD

Yeah XD

I did one run where it was all female all axes so I put both Lissa and Maribelle into War Cleric

Lissa did pretty well even as an offensive unit

Maribelle couldn't do shit offensively

so that comic was like YEP ACCURATE

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