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4-Koma Kings Translations [COMPLETE!]


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Wow, any with Frederick in them are absolute gold! xD

"Muscina" though...

See why I love Frederick so much? XD

OMG, his facial expressions at the end of that hair comic and the "Muscina" one! LOL! XD

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His hair is only OP when you pair it up with Frederick's or the mullet of Ike.

At first I thought that Stahl was supposed to be Frederick's little brother or something since their hair is similar.

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  • 2 weeks later...




...Although I've never saved over the chapter, just had to restart more than halfway through.

"Oh look, chests! ...WHY NO LOCKTOUCH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *restart*"

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I laughed at Robin talking to Chrom about how to get the best daughter and how Cherche ignores Virion in the last comic. Also Donnel man nobody fucks with him.

Yeah it's really weird seeing in-universe characters talking about selective breeding to get Galeforce and Armsthift XD

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Wow, sorry I didn't reply everyone! I didn't see the pages extended beyond 4...XD

This last artist has gotten pretty meta, it looks like.

Yeah! In today's batch they even poke fun at the support conversations / the ways in which people go about forming "bonds" XD

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I have to say, these comics are entertaining! Thanks for the translating. I really like "The Past Called Today", with Cynthia arriving in front of an explosion. XD

Though, would you mind some criticism? I noticed some errors (not translation errors) with authority titles and Gregor's way of speaking (and more?). I won't point out the errors if you don't want, but if you're alright with it, I'd be glad to say.

Edited by DarkGold777
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I have to say, these comics are entertaining! Thanks for the translating. I really like "The Past Called Today", with Cynthia arriving in front of an explosion. XD

Though, would you mind some criticism? I noticed some errors (not translation errors) with authority titles and Gregor's way of speaking (and more?). I won't point out the errors if you don't want, but if you're alright with it, I'd be glad to say.

I don't mind at all! I won't implement corrections until I'm done with all the pages though (Not much longer now!) I only played the Japanese version so often I have to look up what the localizers did and miss things sometimes XD

So please, by all means go ahead and list the problems you see. : )

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Alright then, thanks for permission! :D

Page 27: In the first panel, Sumia calls Chrom "Lord Chrom". However, she never calls Chrom such in the English version. Instead, she formally calls him "captain". (I think she might have called him "Captain Chrom" before, too? Or maybe that was only Sully who said that...)

Page 28: In "Qualities of a Hero", Gregor says, "...but I'm a mercenary, yes?" Gregor never really refers to himself in 1st person. How does "...but Gregor is mercenary, yes?" sound?

Page 32: In "Nagging", in addition to him saying "me", Gregor's last line seems to informal for him to speak, specifically the "tch" and "you guys" part. Perhaps it can be reworded to, "At least be calling Gregor "father"..."?

Page 33: Gerome calls Minerva "Minerva-chan" which he never says in-game... I'm guessing the English version of that nickname is the "Minervykins" nickname Gerome accidentally uses in his C support with his father? ^_^

Page 34: Robin calls Basilio "Lord Basillio", and while Basilio is a khan, he is normally referred to as just "Basilio". I imagine he WOULD be referred to as "Khan Basilio" in formal situations like Chrom once referred to Flavia as "Khan Flavia", but the situation is informal, so just "Basilio" is fine.

Page 42: Same as 27, Sumia called Chrom "Lord Chrom".

Page 49: "Ephraim's Brave Lance" is actually just "Ephraim's Lance". (That would be a strong lance tho)

Page 51: In addition to "Lord Flavia" being used (perhaps let Chrom call her "Khan Flavia" this time? I think he called her such in the English version of the scene), Flavia is supposed to be the "East-Khan", while Basilio is the "West-Khan".

Page 52: Donnel usually calls his mother "ma". The "divine strategist" thing is excusable, though, because Owain. :P

Page 53: Lucina WAS born already, although that was probably the original dialogue writer's fault. ^_^; Perhaps just have Robin mention Morgan not being born?

Page 55: Say'ri calls Tiki "Lady Tiki", not "Master Tiki".

Page 56: The "Shield of Seals" is actually the Fire Emblem, and it's King Gangrel.

Page 66: Another "Lord Chrom", but for Frederick's case, replace it with "milord".

Page 74: Henry's trying to help her sleep, not lose it. XD

Page 75: Gregor's lines in the last panel are again not his usual manner of speech, but I dunno what to put in, sorry. ^_^;

Page 4 (sorry, I went out of order plz don't hurt meh): Lord Chrom again...but it might be alright this time. Not sure.

Page 8: Testing curses is Tharja's thing, not Henry's. Maybe have Stahl guess that Henry's thinking about how many enemies/Risen he'll make bleed in the next battle?

Page 18: Replace "Lord Chrom" with "milord Chrom" in the second panel, then just Chrom in the 3rd.

That's my analysis of the errors. I hope it helps in the translation efforts!

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Kirokan, for all this work you are beautiful and compliments, really. You should get all the love of the Forum.

It means a lot to me to hear you say that : ) Thank you very much!

Alright then, thanks for permission! :D

Page 27: In the first panel, Sumia calls Chrom "Lord Chrom". However, she never calls Chrom such in the English version. Instead, she formally calls him "captain". (I think she might have called him "Captain Chrom" before, too? Or maybe that was only Sully who said that...)

Captain Chrom sounds good to me!

Page 28: In "Qualities of a Hero", Gregor says, "...but I'm a mercenary, yes?" Gregor never really refers to himself in 1st person. How does "...but Gregor is mercenary, yes?" sound?

Gregor speak is so hard... XD Right, got it! I'll make sure he doesn't use the first person. Somehow must have missed that one!

Page 32: In "Nagging", in addition to him saying "me", Gregor's last line seems to informal for him to speak, specifically the "tch" and "you guys" part. Perhaps it can be reworded to, "At least be calling Gregor "father"..."?

That sounds fair to me!

Page 33: Gerome calls Minerva "Minerva-chan" which he never says in-game... I'm guessing the English version of that nickname is the "Minervykins" nickname Gerome accidentally uses in his C support with his father? ^_^

Minervykins is probably what they used for Minerva-chan, yep! Will keep that in mind.

Page 34: Robin calls Basilio "Lord Basillio", and while Basilio is a khan, he is normally referred to as just "Basilio". I imagine he WOULD be referred to as "Khan Basilio" in formal situations like Chrom once referred to Flavia as "Khan Flavia", but the situation is informal, so just "Basilio" is fine.

Page 42: Same as 27, Sumia called Chrom "Lord Chrom".

Page 49: "Ephraim's Brave Lance" is actually just "Ephraim's Lance". (That would be a strong lance tho)

Ah, another user pointed this one out, I have yet to correct it though. Will be sure to!

Page 51: In addition to "Lord Flavia" being used (perhaps let Chrom call her "Khan Flavia" this time? I think he called her such in the English version of the scene), Flavia is supposed to be the "East-Khan", while Basilio is the "West-Khan".

Page 52: Donnel usually calls his mother "ma". The "divine strategist" thing is excusable, though, because Owain. :P

Understood about Donnel! Owain is Owain XD

Page 53: Lucina WAS born already, although that was probably the original dialogue writer's fault. ^_^; Perhaps just have Robin mention Morgan not being born?

That's a good point. I'll probably shift the focus on Morgan, or change it to "our daughters haven't even grown up yet" or something, too.

Page 55: Say'ri calls Tiki "Lady Tiki", not "Master Tiki".

Page 56: The "Shield of Seals" is actually the Fire Emblem, and it's King Gangrel.

I wasn't sure if the Shield of Seals was still called the Fire Emblem when separate from its orbs or not. XD Understood though!

Page 66: Another "Lord Chrom", but for Frederick's case, replace it with "milord".

Page 74: Henry's trying to help her sleep, not lose it. XD

You're right! I had to go look up their support conversation to see he is in fact helping her (or attempting to). It still fits the karmic title too (the bird she scared away is the same one he kills unknowingly for her to sleep) XD The Japanese could go both ways!

Fixed and uploaded!

Page 75: Gregor's lines in the last panel are again not his usual manner of speech, but I dunno what to put in, sorry. ^_^;

Noooo I need help with Gregor lines! XD (No worries I'll figure it out...)

Page 4 (sorry, I went out of order plz don't hurt meh): Lord Chrom again...but it might be alright this time. Not sure.

That's fine!

Page 8: Testing curses is Tharja's thing, not Henry's. Maybe have Stahl guess that Henry's thinking about how many enemies/Risen he'll make bleed in the next battle?

This one was a hard one, as it seems in Japanese Henry is more a counterpart to Tharja in hex-mania. So I'm not sure whether to change the actual dialogue slightly to fit with his personality more or leave it as it is (like when they were having their hex combat later)... guess we'll see!

Page 18: Replace "Lord Chrom" with "milord Chrom" in the second panel, then just Chrom in the 3rd.

That's my analysis of the errors. I hope it helps in the translation efforts!

Some responses in bold within the quote above! I read through all of them though and will be sure to add the minor corrections on my edit run through!

Thanks a bunch for all the time and effort put into the replies (and for being nice about it!) I'm sure the readers will all appreciate it too. : )

Edited by Kirokan
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It means a lot to me to hear you say that : ) Thank you very much!

Some responses in bold within the quote above! I read through all of them though and will be sure to add the minor corrections on my edit run through!

Thanks a bunch for all the time and effort put into the replies (and for being nice about it!) I'm sure the readers will all appreciate it too. : )

You're welcome! Again, great job on your work here. :)
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77 and 79 seem to be broken

Strange! They worked for me. Just in case though, I edited the post and inserted the links and such manually again. Try it and see if it works now.

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They're wonky on your blog, too. Can't make them bigger.

It doesn't even work to manually change the url. For example, opening 76 full size and changing the "76" in the url to "77" doesn't do anything. Changing the "76" to "78" opens page 78 like it should.

edit: Erm, it's actually an issue with my Firefox browser...? It works perfectly in my IE browser. ._.;

Edited by Tsamimi
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