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Ya he was definitely right, at least compared to me. I live in the USA and that's considered part of the Western world. And when you're facing north, west is to your left. Hitler was also part of the Western world, but he was further east than the US. So he was more right than I was by a pretty significant margin.



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Hey, you guys. Sorry, if I should have put this topic up in another part of the forum, but I'm fairly new here, so I apologize in advance, if this is the wrong place for something like this. I have recently browsed through a lot of forums regarding Fire Emblem and some other video games and I have come across a very, very disturbing thing.

Opinions aren't acceptable anymore.

Is it just me, or did anyone else see something like this:

Post: Oh, boy. FE:A is my favourite Fire Emblem!

Reply: Go away. FE:A is stupid crap

*more people join in and bash on Guy A*

I mean, wow, right? Of course, not everyone is like this (and I don't, I repeat I DON'T want to offend anyone personally, so please hear me out on this one). The above is just an example. It could also be replaced with anything. Pokémon's first generation for example. If you see someone innocently state that Gen 1 is their favourite, you can expect a chain of comments bashing this person for stating his/her opinion.

I know, it sounds like I'm whining, but something like this can be very personal to some. I myself said something and the very next day I had a chain of comments below my original post that bashed me for having this very opinion (that opinion being Charizard being my personal favourite Pokémon). It seems to be a common thing across the internet nowadays. Certain opinions are not acceptable anymore. It says something that I myself am scared to admit that Charizard is my favourite Pokémon or that my favourite game is Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (after Fire Emblem Awakening of course). Did you ever feel that way with something you liked that the rest of the fanbase didn't? Did you ever get bashed for stating your opinion?

I guess I just want to know if I'm alone on this one or if anyone out there agrees with me that this is truly frightening.

And again, I apologize if this is the wrong section.

The thing is, the behavior of a lot of Genwunners has made people hate Gen 1 fans, and now that Pokemon is nearly 20 years old a lot of Pokemon fans have never played the original Pokemon games. Being that I'm only sixteen, I don't recall playing any Pokemon games made prior to Diamond and Pearl (Pearl was my first game) and even then, that was two years after they were released because I wasn't into Pokemon until I was ten. I've never played any games set in Kanto (barring HeartGold, where Kanto is available later). Alpha Sapphire was like a new experience to me because I've never played the original Ruby and Sapphire.

Honestly, it's okay to prefer Awakening to the older games. If anything, it's a good entry-level game to FE because a lot of the older games are much harder. We have to accept that franchises do change. If FE still went by the oldest games, Marth wouldn't be wearing any pants. In fact, looking up "Early Installment Weirdness" on TV Tropes shows that most franchises have some form of this. And not just video games - even some cartoons, anime, and TV shows have this.

Edited by Philax
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So long as they've tried other FE games I don't mind...

It's when they act like the other entries don't exist that I get upset.

Eh, I think you're being a bit too strict in the first line. There's nothing wrong with picking up an FE game, liking it, and yet not pursuing other entries in the series. For my part I wouldn't get upset if a FE13 fan consistently failed to acknowledge the earlier games, but I can kinda understand that feeling.

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