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Valentines Day


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I'm hanging out with a lady friend of mine tomorrow. We aren't dating but it'll be fun, I'm half tempted to try asking her out..

Why not? Worse that she can say is "no".

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@Jedi: How did things go with your lady friend?

Whoops late reply! Well I didn't really ask her out or anything. We just had a really good time in town, I thought about saying something, but we pretty much just hung out. Shared dinner and such

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I think being reminded that you were conceived on Valentine's day brings up a bunch of strange mental images that you never want to see

thankfully I'm immune to such mental images but most people aren't...

Luckily I think I dodged a bullet there being born in early November.

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What if she says no and laughs too


That's when you pat yourself on the back for finding out she's not your type without having to spend gobs of money! :P:

Whoops late reply! Well I didn't really ask her out or anything. We just had a really good time in town, I thought about saying something, but we pretty much just hung out. Shared dinner and such

Sounds like you read the situation well! You should have another opportunity to ask her - don't rush it!

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I think its premium foolishness one should respect a loved one fully everyday not on one day and less on the rest.

Think of it like mother's day. Some people do the "appreciation in the wrong way", others just want to set aside a special day to spend more time than one usually could because life gets in the way. One day that my loved one doesn't have to worry about dinner. The one of the few times she gets to have her favorite meal and desert. One of the few times we can enjoy a meal we usually don't. Think of it that way. Not "loving them more on a single day". I let her know I appreciate her every day. There is nothing wrong with enjoying ourselves near an economy inspired lovers celebration day.

Going two days early was a fine move as the restaurant was not packed that day.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I spent it massively hungover and throwing up into my boss' toilet so asking out my best mate wasn't high on my mind

I'm glad, though - it might have pressured me into announcing my feelings early. I'm glad Valentine's Day exists, I've just never really done anything for it.

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