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Who could Ike's wife be?

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I doubt it. Homosexuality is still looked down upon in a lot of places. It'd make more money if Ike was pushed with a female. I certainly wouldn't go see it either if he was made gay in the film, of course.

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A Romance-centered Fire Emblem movie is in general a terrible idea. It's fine if there are couples and the like in it, but having the movie revolve around a romantic couple (as a lot of Disney movies typically are) will give people the wrong idea as it's NOT what Fire Emblem is about.

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A Fire Emblem film would need some political drama and epic wars of fantastic proportions. See Lord of the Rings, movies or books.

It would have to fall along that line in my opinion.

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Realistically though, a movie studio is way more likely to adapt Akaneia/Ylisse before they ever go anywhere near Tellius.

Even popularity aside, the problem is that Radiant Dawn's story is horribly contrived to work as a coherent movie. It works perfectly fine as a game, but the screenwriters have a ton of fixing to do to make it work as a film adaptation.

Edited by Radiant head
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A Romance-centered Fire Emblem movie is in general a terrible idea. It's fine if there are couples and the like in it, but having the movie revolve around a romantic couple (as a lot of Disney movies typically are) will give people the wrong idea as it's NOT what Fire Emblem is about.

Yeah, I should've specified before, I meant that the movie would simply have Ike x Elincia in it, not have it be the focal point. My bad. You're right, an FE movie centered on a couple wouldn't show people what the series is really about. Disney has done movies where there is romance, but not as the focal point too, most notably with Frozen. Kristoff and Anna became a couple, but the plot of the story revolved more around Anna and Elsa's relationship as sisters. The love between siblings, rather than the love between a couple. Kristoff x Anna was just icing on the cake, really.

Radiant Head, you have a good point too. Tellius's entire story would have to be split into parts or something to get every detail in and not result in a watered down plot with cut details.

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A romance movie is probably the best option, though. The post-Jugdral games are more notable for their characterisation rather than their narrative, and it's a safer bet than political intrigue. You wouldn't want it to be the next Final Fantasy: Spirits Within.

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A movie, especially a Disney movie, would be a terrible idea for any game in the series. There's just way too much going of for it to be properly condensed into at max a couple of hours. Making it a TV series like Game of Thrones would be a far better idea, not that I think it would happen.

And Frozen is neither a good nor notable example. The plot revolves more around everyone, especially Anna and Elsa, being dumbasses than their relationship. If you want a good sister dynamic, then go watch Lilo and Stitch. They have the most deep and genuine relationship of all of the siblings that have ever been in a Disney movie.

Say what you will, I think a political marriage between Elincia and Geoffrey makes a lot of sense and my mind won't be changed.

And if Elincia puts her country above even who she loves romantically, then that just supports this idea even more. She would have married so she can produce a legitimate heir to take the throne when she is gone, which is a political thing. She has nothing to lose by marrying Geoffrey whether she really loves him that way or not. She wouldn't face any pressures to get married and Geoffrey is someone Crimea obviously trusts given what the ending says ("all of Crimea supported their marriage"). They could bring up a proper heir.

Also, if Elincia married Ike because she loves him, that doesn't mean she's putting him or love above Crimea. She's letting someone that makes her happy help her watch over Crimea. Talking about a scenario where Ike returns to her court, of course. And I don't think Ike deciding to return because he loves her is out of character at all. In fact, he is definitely the sort that doesn't choose his friends or people he really cares for based on their background or rank. He makes all sorts of friends. Laguz, beorc, children, adults, girls, boys, men, and women. I think it would be more OOC for him to reject Elincia simply because she's a princess/queen. This is why I wrote my fan A support for them the way I did. Ike and Elincia finally reveal their love for one another, and Ike says he'll return to her court for her. She brings up the fact that he hated being in it, but he simply says that as long he has her by her side and that he can still do mercenary work every now and then with his Greil Mercenaries buddies, he can deal with it.

The nobles would be in absolutely no position to object or do anything about a marriage between the two either, as they'd get in serious trouble with pretty much everyone due to the fact that Crimea owes Ike a lot after he saved it.

And yes, I know that every other lord has been able to marry someone and that having a lord that doesn't marry anybody at the end IS a nice change of pace, but I feel that in this case, an ending for Ike and Elincia where they get together would've done SO much more for the story and their character growth/development. Ike is a commoner and Elincia is royalty. Both have leadership thrust onto their shoulders while they're still really young. They also both lost their parents. They can honestly relate a lot to each other. Ike commands a group of mercenaries and Elincia is the only heir left to Crimea's throne. Imagine how touching a story could come out of this if they grew and developed together as they became strong enough people to overcome the obstacles that were getting in their way of being together. It's like I said before, they remind me a lot of a classic Disney pairing between a common guy and a princess, only with even more depth and development.

Look, you are allowed to believe what you want to, and I want to believe what I want to. I'll just leave it at that. I'm honestly getting pretty tired of getting into this debate over and over too. >_<

Your mind never changes, this is known.

There isn't even a need for her to produce an heir since Renning is someone who exists. In the event of Elincia's passing Renning has every right to claim the throne with no backlash since he was set to be the heir to the throne before Elincia was born. She has nothing to lose by marrying Geoffrey, but nothing to gain either. It's the entire reason that their marriage being political makes no sense.

Life in the court is the one thing that Ike is repeatedly stated to never be used to and actively dislikes it. Even being friends with literally every member of royalty he still can't stand it. Not to mention that no matter what happens he always leaves everyone behind, with only Soren and/or Ranulf to follow him. So staying with Elincia to live in the court with her is completely out of character for him. Maybe not in this perfect Disney world you've set them up in but certainly not in the actual canon.

Being the Queen's husband would necessitate Ike being active in the life of the court, much the same as Elincia. Ike has repeatedly showed that he can't stand that life and discarded his own nobility once the need for it was gone.

Not really. Relating to each other doesn't mean that they should fall in love with one another, just that they can relate to each other. Making them discard their own personal beliefs just so they can become a couple only serves to damage both of their characters, and harms the overall morals of the story.

You will believe whatever you like no matter what I say or do. My entire argument has been based on the script itself and I can even provide quotes to support what I say, so it's not a matter of believing what I want to. And if you're so tired of getting into these debates then don't continue them. You are not being forced to respond, are you?

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Realistically though, a movie studio is way more likely to adapt Akaneia/Ylisse before they ever go anywhere near Tellius.

Even popularity aside, the problem is that Radiant Dawn's story is horribly contrived to work as a coherent movie. It works perfectly fine as a game, but the screenwriters have a ton of fixing to do to make it work as a film adaptation.

I think given the size of the Tellius stories they might be better off doing it as a high budget TV series I think RD would be perfect for this sort of thing. I mean just think of how Game of Thrones works its pretty similar to RD in that regard actually.

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Uh, by the time Elincia passes, Renning will be an old man, far too old to have his own children, then the Crimean royal line would be dead and gone. :/

My argument is based on script and facts I've seen in the games as well. Ike hates nobility and the lifestyle, but that doesn't mean he won't deal with it for the sake of someone he really cares about. Hell, if he wasn't willing to, why would he have ever let Elincia make him a general at all in the first place? If he really did just consider Elincia a friend and nothing more, yeah, I can see why he'd leave the court. But if he fell in love with her and she returned his feelings, I can see him actually deciding to stay to make her happy.

Where did I ever say anything about discarding any personal beliefs?

And I continue sometimes because it seems that every time I stop, people just accuse me of being a coward and running away and only because I "know I'm losing the argument", which is never true. I just want to end the pointless back and forth when we're not going to agree.

EDIT: Oh, I've seen Lilo and Stitch. That was one of the few Disney movies that bored me, honestly. I LOVED Frozen though.

Edited by Anacybele
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Because old age is the only way someone can die? Better go tell the Herons that, I'm sure they'll love to hear that they were doing it wrong. I'm not saying that Elincia would ever have children, I'm saying there is no immediate pressure for her to conceive an heir. It's also not possible for Renning to be too old to have his own children. Unless he's sterile he could have children far into his life, even if he's 80+

The noble lifestyle is the one thing Ike detests above all else. Not even Soren becoming the true King of Daein would convince Ike to stay in the courts. He wasn't even willing to then, he had no choice in the matter of becoming General.

"overcome the obstacles that were getting in their way of being together" Said obstacles being Elincia's duty to her country and Ike's hatred of the noble life.

You have quit due to losing the argument a handful of times. You are not the only one that can be involved in this debate, you're just the only one responding. I don't care whether you stop or not, I'm still going to continue the discussion as long as someone is willing to respond.

It's still a far better example of the love between sisters than Frozen is.

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Now that there is a time and place I can discuss, I'm addressing some earlier posts:

I don't see a reason to be mad at her... Yaoi and yuri isn't her thing. Accept it. Isaac warned us once.

And as someone who also has AS her behavior is 100% understandable.

No, I don't think it would change his character. But Ike being gay or even bi would cause me to like him less and he's one of my favorite fictional characters ever. If this were, say, Lucina or Marth or someone I didn't care much for, I wouldn't give two rocks about their sexuality. But Ike is someone I really like a lot, and I'm not into homosexuality or bisexuality.

Maybe this is a little homophobic, but I definitely don't hate gay and lesbian people, as I've also already said.

And sorry, I guess what I said wasn't needed... I don't know how to not be "defensive" either. I always do it without even knowing I'm doing it, so it seems impossible...

If this was towards me or including me, nah, I wasn't mad. I just didn't know why she was being defensive over my post when I meant no finger-pointing of any kind. Also I kind of lost track of who said what and wanted a more personal answer.

But no worries. No feelings harmed; no offense taken.

Quick response because needing to leave suddenly but I wanted to put that out there. Also, men are not like women in that they have a "specific" time of when they can produce reproductive stuff. Getting more detailed would require an anatomy lesson I have no time to entail.

And I do believe that Ike may not have been able to submit to a whole lifestyle for the entirety of his life. It would be very taxing on him when he has no interest.

Edited by Dual Dragons
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Where did the movie stuff come from...?

I'd like an FE7 or maybe FE10 or FE4 movie, but so long as it's mature, not childish.

I had a dream about a FE10 movie once though. LuxSpes was an intern >_>

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I don't think any game would work as a movie adaptation. Maybe one of the backstories like the Scouring, Anri's story or the first Yune/Ashera conflict.

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I never said PoR specifically. I meant Tellius in general. And PoR's story isn't boring at all.

Because old age is the only way someone can die?

Like anyone will have Elincia die young after all the development she went through? And if Renning waits until he's old to have a kid, he won't be around very long to teach them the way of his family's life so he/she could be a proper heir. Elincia would be a better choice to do such a thing since she'll be around longer, and at this point, she might as well just have her own child.

The noble lifestyle is the one thing Ike detests above all else. Not even Soren becoming the true King of Daein would convince Ike to stay in the courts. He wasn't even willing to then, he had no choice in the matter of becoming General.

He detests it more than the Black Knight, who killed his father? He detests it more than war, bloodshed, and killing? Sure, he's a mercenary, but he's not Henry here. I can't see Ike choosing to let the Black Knight go if he had to choose between taking a noble title or allowing him to run free. I don't think Ike hates it THAT much. And Ike could've just run away for all he cared, he didn't have to stay. It would've made him look really bad though, like he didn't really care about Elincia at all when he certainly does. So he became a general for her. It's silly to assume that even if he's in love with her and she loved him back, he'd reject the idea of staying with her to keep her happy. It's just not in his character.

I think he'd be in Soren's court too, actually, if Soren became the king of Daein. They're best friends, and Soren is so loyal to Ike that he just would not let him go.

"overcome the obstacles that were getting in their way of being together" Said obstacles being Elincia's duty to her country and Ike's duty with the mercenaries as well as his conflict with the nobles.

Fixed that for you.

You have quit due to losing the argument a handful of times.

What? Uh, no, I haven't. I don't recall doing such a thing at all.

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Maybe not quitting, but you do often say "Let's stop talking about this" or "This is getting off-topic" or "I'm sick of talking about this". Since you keep responding, it makes it look like you're pretending to not enjoy it as a tactic to emotionally manipulate others. If you're really not enjoying it, you should stop and not worry about what anonymous people on the internet think of it.

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Like anyone will have Elincia die young after all the development she went through? And if Renning waits until he's old to have a kid, he won't be around very long to teach them the way of his family's life so he/she could be a proper heir. Elincia would be a better choice to do such a thing since she'll be around longer, and at this point, she might as well just have her own child.

He detests it more than the Black Knight, who killed his father? He detests it more than war, bloodshed, and killing? Sure, he's a mercenary, but he's not Henry here. I can't see Ike choosing to let the Black Knight go if he had to choose between taking a noble title or allowing him to run free. I don't think Ike hates it THAT much. And Ike could've just run away for all he cared, he didn't have to stay. It would've made him look really bad though, like he didn't really care about Elincia at all when he certainly does. So he became a general for her. It's silly to assume that even if he's in love with her and she loved him back, he'd reject the idea of staying with her to keep her happy. It's just not in his character.

I think he'd be in Soren's court too, actually, if Soren became the king of Daein. They're best friends, and Soren is so loyal to Ike that he just would not let him go.

Fixed that for you.

What? Uh, no, I haven't. I don't recall doing such a thing at all.

Read what I said. There is no immediate need for Elincia to conceive a child, so there is no reason she needs to somehow be forced into a relationship with Geoffrey. I was pointing out that Renning could have children of his own as well, so it's not as if the Crimean family is in desperate need of heirs. These are possible situations and while they aren't likely they can still happen. Not that this is at all guaranteed to happen.

Don't twist my words. Ike's only choice was becoming a noble, because he could not be given control of the newly formed army otherwise:

Sanaki: You're as impudent and impatient as ever. Heed me, Ike. If you are to help lead the Crimean Liberation Army, you must be given a more appropriate title.

Ike: If you're talking about making me a noble, I'll decline, thanks. That'snot my kind of thing.

Sanaki: You are not in a position to refuse. Giving some nameless mercenary control of Begnion's troops would be...problematic. And more importantly, it would affect the troops. You will resign yourself to this and receive peerage from Princess Elincia.

(Exit Sanaki)

Ike: What? No, wait! This is absurd... Blast! Of all the foolish...

Elincia: I'm...sorry about this. If you're absolutely opposed to it, I won't force you.

Ike: No, I have to do what's necessary


Ike: Hmm... I suppose. Not that it matters to me.

And in Radiant Dawn...

Ike: Yeah, we've been away for too long... Dealing with Crimean nobles always seems to take longer than it should. At least now we can finally get some rest.

Titania: Still, it was nice to be needed, don't you think? Especially for a band of mercenaries as poor as we are.

Mist: You know, Ike, if you hadn't renounced your lordship, we wouldn't have to run around like this to support ourselves.

Ike: Mist, I...

Mist: Oh, I know. I'm just teasing you, silly. Besides, I'd rather spend my time helping people. Who wants to live like some overstuffed noble, anyway?

He did what was necessary to assist in the war, not for Elincia's sake. Honestly it sounds like Ike should stay solely for Elincia's sake rather than his own. At least, that's what I'm getting from your posts.

Soren never forces Ike to do anything. He refuses to, even. Soren would sooner abandon that throne than leave Ike, and at the same time if Soren were to choose to stay that doesn't mean that Ike would want to. Even if it's for the sake of his dearest friend Ike will not stay in the noble life. That's what I'm getting at.

Nothing was wrong. The mercenaries are more than capable of taking care of themselves under Titania if Ike were to truly leave.

"Whatever, I'm done with this conversation. We'll never agree/my mind isn't going to change and that's that, so drop it." You've said things similar to this on a number of occasions when you were at a disadvantage in the current argument.

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Maybe not quitting, but you do often say "Let's stop talking about this" or "This is getting off-topic" or "I'm sick of talking about this". Since you keep responding, it makes it look like you're pretending to not enjoy it as a tactic to emotionally manipulate others. If you're really not enjoying it, you should stop and not worry about what anonymous people on the internet think of it.

Yes, I do say "this is getting off topic" when things are getting off topic. Yet people keep responding anyway.

But Kon keeps insisting on the same things over and over in this argument, so I really have no need to reply anymore.

You've said things similar to this on a number of occasions when you were at a disadvantage in the current argument.

Except I never was at a disadvantage. I don't think I was, anyway. I kept arguing against your points with arguments that I find valid.

Ike never became a general for Elincia's sake? lol that just does not make any sense.

My overall opinion is that Geoffrey x Elincia and making Ike leave and disappear without a trace was a poor way to end things and that Ike x Elincia should've been an option for an ending. That is all.

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Yes, I do say "this is getting off topic" when things are getting off topic. Yet people keep responding anyway.

If they're not concerned about going off-topic, why do they need to be the ones to stop?

But Kon keeps insisting on the same things over and over in this argument, so I really have no need to reply anymore.

She said, before replying to Kon again.

My overall opinion is that Geoffrey x Elincia and making Ike leave and disappear without a trace was a poor way to end things and that Ike x Elincia should've been an option for an ending. That is all.

I don't like the fact that the sky is blue. Doesn't make it any less blue.

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Like I said, whenever I'm the one to stop, they just say I'm a coward and ran. It doesn't matter whether I was at a disadvantage in the argument or not. I'm just tired of being called that when all I want is to go talk about something else (either related to the thread topic or in another thread). I'm sorry if this has gotten anyone frustrated or offended. I meant no harm by any of this.

I don't like the fact that the sky is blue. Doesn't make it any less blue.

Um...? I'm sorry if I don't understand?

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Yes, I do say "this is getting off topic" when things are getting off topic. Yet people keep responding anyway.

But Kon keeps insisting on the same things over and over in this argument, so I really have no need to reply anymore.

Except I never was at a disadvantage. I don't think I was, anyway. I kept arguing against your points with arguments that I find valid.

Ike never became a general for Elincia's sake? lol that just does not make any sense.

My overall opinion is that Geoffrey x Elincia and making Ike leave and disappear without a trace was a poor way to end things and that Ike x Elincia should've been an option for an ending. That is all.

I've only been responding to your points, and repeating things that you either missed or flat out ignored. It's not as if you haven't repeated yourself ad nauseum in this argument either.

In other arguments, you have. I've been arguing with quotes straight from the script, all you have been doing for the most part is arguing based on your own headcanons, which are at conflict with what is present in the game.

How does it not make sense? Please, enlighten me. Though Crimea had yet to be retaken when Ike was made a lord, there was still winning the war against Daein that had to be done. Are you saying that Ike took down Ashnard only for her sake too? Because if you are I'd like to see proof of it.

The way you've been arguing makes it sound as if Ike X Elincia should have been the only ending and that there's no way that Elincia and Geoffrey's relationship wasn't a forced one. Preferring your headcanons is fine but you've been insisting that everything you've said is supported by canon when it isn't.

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Like I said, whenever I'm the one to stop, they just say I'm a coward and ran. It doesn't matter whether I was at a disadvantage in the argument or not. I'm just tired of being called that when all I want is to go talk about something else (either related to the thread topic or in another thread).

Nobody has told you that in the last pages.

In fact, I think that only happened once in this thread, and it was, like, weeks ago.

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Like I said, whenever I'm the one to stop, they just say I'm a coward and ran. It doesn't matter whether I was at a disadvantage in the argument or not. I'm just tired of being called that when all I want is to go talk about something else (either related to the thread topic or in another thread). I'm sorry if this has gotten anyone frustrated or offended. I meant no harm by any of this.

Um...? I'm sorry if I don't understand?

If you're that bothered then just ignore those trying to egg you on. If you want to talk about something else and the thread continues to go in a direction you don't like, then leave the thread. You're not the topic creator and can't exactly make anyone stop what they're doing. If the thread was really getting off-topic, then a mod would step in and get it back on track.

He means that even if you don't like it, it doesn't make it less true.

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Jave, I mean it's happened in more than one thread, not just this one.

How does it not make sense? Please, enlighten me. Though Crimea had yet to be retaken when Ike was made a lord, there was still winning the war against Daein that had to be done. Are you saying that Ike took down Ashnard only for her sake too? Because if you are I'd like to see proof of it.

Elincia hired Ike and his group to be her escorts and protect her from the Daeins. From that point on, Ike is literally doing everything he does for her and for her sake. They traveled a long way together and talked a lot. They got along very well too. I just don't see Ike doing everything he did simply to win the war and not at all for his employer who he became good friends with.

The way you've been arguing makes it sound as if Ike X Elincia should have been the only ending and that there's no way that Elincia and Geoffrey's relationship wasn't a forced one. Preferring your headcanons is fine but you've been insisting that everything you've said is supported by canon when it isn't.

Well, that wasn't my intention, my apologies. If I had a say in the endings, the Geoffrey x Elincia one would stay as is while the Ike x Elincia one would either have them get married or simply remain close friends, with Ike doing a lot of jobs for her and keeping in touch by writing to one another or something. I would leave it up to the developers on which Ike x Elincia ending they like best. Either one would be fine with me, honestly. I would enjoy the marriage one more, but the non-marriage one is still pretty sweet to me.

I would've written Ike's regular ending, where he has no A supports with anyone that would change his ending, as him spending the rest of his days fighting off bandits and protecting people all over the continent as commander of his father's mercenary company, to carry on Greil's legacy. He does gain respect from most of Tellius, so it wouldn't be farfetched for his group to be hired by Gallia or Begnion or something again.

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