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Who could Ike's wife be?

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Yeah, but look at how heavy Alondite is. It, along with Ragnell is the heaviest weapon in the series, if not one of the heaviest. I just can't realistically see a little thing like Mia or Mist wielding it.

Wimmin' ain't stronk enuff to wield MANLY weppins' and dey should stay in the KITCHEN!

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Wimmin' ain't stronk enuff to wield MANLY weppins' and dey should stay in the KITCHEN!

No need to give Alondite to Mia. An ordinary knife should be sufficient to make Ike's sandwiches.

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ahaha no. Gurgurant is 25 Weight. Hammer is also tied for heaviest, so they're not /the/ heaviest.

The broken weapons (as in what a weapon becomes once its uses go over its limit) from FE4 say "hi". Clocking in with 30 WT in each weapon type save (apparently) for tomes. Also, the ballistas and siege tomes from the same game.

AND! AND! Since Blesses give you +5 STR in East mode and iirc +3 in Normal/Hard, I would assume it would make it easier on her to carry.

I'm afraid that bolded part's not true. You never get any additional stat boosts from weapon blessings outside of Easy mode. (I'm pretty sure Micaiah would have an easier time doubling Ashera on Normal/Hard if that really were the case. For instance that is.)
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But no, seriously, this thread is great.

Any potential rival is met with fierce opposition. Even going as far as to insult the appearance of a fictional character with no specifics on why the opinion is formed in the first place, leading the observers of this thread to assume hatred bred for the shallowest of reasons.

paging kon

paging kon

s'not worth it

IKE-n see why Kelsper is telling you to stop. You'll lose KON-TROLL of your temper at this rate. You might end up being M-I-A if the mods are forced to intervene. Edited by shadowofchaos
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Elincia doesn't HAVE to marry Geoffrey. She has an ending where she doesn't marry him, you know. If IS wanted this pairing to be set in stone, why didn't they just give them an automatic A support like they did Sothe and Micaiah? Sothe and Micaiah is the only one in the game I would think to be 100% canon (outside of stuff like Largo x Callil, of course) due to the default A support. The A support CAN be removed, but the simple fact that it's THERE at all has to account for something. Geoffrey and Elincia don't have this.

That's... really flimsy. I know I'm tossing out Gameplay mechanics, but seriously? Elincia's got a paired ending already (Ike's don't conflict one bit with him having a kid with Mia, Elincia's does) and simply having a paired ending with him makes it much more likely that she did end up with Geoffry. After all, nothing's saying Priam is the child of Ike and Mist either since Mist doesn't HAVE to marry Boyd.

If you want to ship Elincia and Ike, fine. Elincia's actually my second-favorite pairing for Ike and, if Mia's not available for whatever reason, I generally encourage it when seen. But when we're discussing 'likelihood for Priam's ancestor' you should try to point out something, like, how Ike might have chosen to leave Ragnell with Elincia than 'Elincia might not have married Geoffry'.

What says Mia is the most likely wielder of Alondite? Why can't Ike hand it to Titania who can get swords as a Gold Knight? Why not Gatrie who can also wield swords? I can't see Mia really being able to even barely lift that thing up, it's so heavy. Ragnell is the same weight and even Ike still needs to use two hands with it on accasion. I still don't see him and Mia as anything more than friendly rivals.

Not to snark, but did you miss the bit where Ragnell and Alondite's original wielder was a woman who managed to duel-wield them and didn't exactly look hyper-buff either? Not to mention Mia isn't some scrawny girl who just picked up a stick but a mercenary who trains regularly and is a veteran of two wars. To be honest, if anything, Elincia is more likely to 'not be able to wield it' since she's a princess who fights on pegasus-back and dabbles in healing-magic as well. There's no reason at all to believe Mia is incapable of wielding the blade plot-wise.

Gameplay-wise you want as many wielders of the amazing weapons as possible. This means you'll want someone wielding Urvan, someone wielding the Wishblade, and so-forth, if possible and Alondite, basically a clone of Ragnell, is not something to be passed up. Many of the better units simply have other weapons available and you want as many on the field. Since Ragnell is Ike's and you want another SS sword user and Mia is easily the best...

Mia wanders looking to hone her skills and seek out her white-dressed rival she talks about so much. It says nothing about her leaving the continent or anything.

Actually it says she left to seek out new opponents and traveled the whole continent. Her seeking out her rival isn't mentioned. Likewise Ike's ending doesn't say he left the continent either, just went to 'lands unknown' (which is entirely possible and the two aren't exclusive either). We now know he went through the gate but we don't know where that gate is in Tellus. For all we know it could have been in Oliver's basement.

I also don't think Ike would EVER have a child and then just leave. He's not like that. He'd stick around and raise the kid. For sure. So yeah, there are a lot of problems with that theory.

Firstly Ike may not have known he had a child. Beer can do funny things to a mans mind afterall. Secondly, he may not have been planning to leave the child behind. He may have had the kid and raised them a bit before leaving to spend some time exploring only to stumble through the gate and not figure out a way back. Lastly, that would apply to ALL the Tellus girls and not just Mia.

Also, not every descendant of a beorc and laguz couple is a Branded. Sanaki isn't a Branded and she's descended from Altina and Lehran. Also, it's actually stated that most of the time, the Brand doesn't even show up for several generations. Stefan is Branded, but both of his parents were beorc. Priam could have a laguz ancestor and not have the Brand.

Sanaki has also had multiple generations and a lot of time for her bloodline to get diluted, but that doesn't matter. Why would they make Lethe the mother then not leave the slightest hint that she was the mother? This isn't like Elincia or Mia whom were, when you get down to it, normal humans. Lethe was distinctly NOT a normal human.

Also, Ike doesn't even have to give it to someone in his group, he could give it to somebody else he interacts with in Part 4 or at the end of the game.

While it's true he CAN give it to anyone there has to be a motive to doing so; or else you may as well be arguing that Meg is Priam's ancestor (and she actually CAN wield it!). Mist is actually at the top of the chain if he didn't take it with him, seeing as she's family and all that, but Mist is also kind of his sister... so yea. Not likely Priam's ancestor. So, Mist aside a close friend would come next and Mia would be both the closest friend who could actually get some use from it (Boyd sure can't use it). After that he might have given it to Begnion as a holy relic but unless you're gonna claim Sanaki is Priam's ancestor that gets us nowhere. So Mia is the only person whom Ike may have given Ragnell to that really gets us anywhere.

Ike can SS both of his weapons (otherwise, how could he use his dad's axe, Urvan?). So I see no reason why other units shouldn't be able to SS more than one weapon as well.

Because the game isn't designed that way. That's all the reason needed.

My favorite Ike pairing is either unknown female(new continent) or no one (Priam descended from Mist x Boyd).

Not to rip on a Mist/Boyd pairing, but how would Mist be able to teach her kid Aether if Ike wasn't around to teach them? Mia's at least got a lot of sword-training experience, but Mist's combat is horseback-based and that's an entirely different thing. If Mist tried to Aether on a horse... it wouldn't be pretty and Sandrock would have to leave Ether's head in your bed as a warning. It's that bad an idea.

No need to give Alondite to Mia. An ordinary knife should be sufficient to make Ike's sandwiches.

But Ike eats Manwiches and no good Manwich can be cut with a puny knife!

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Not to rip on a Mist/Boyd pairing, but how would Mist be able to teach her kid Aether if Ike wasn't around to teach them? Mia's at least got a lot of sword-training experience, but Mist's combat is horseback-based and that's an entirely different thing.

Not exclusively. As a Cleric in RD she isn't on horseback, so she's got some ground combat skills. I still don't know if I'd trust her to teach a kid Aether though, unless she really developed those skills...

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Not exclusively. As a Cleric in RD she isn't on horseback, so she's got some ground combat skills. I still don't know if I'd trust her to teach a kid Aether though, unless she really developed those skills...

Right. Forgot about that. I still have the PoR image of her in my head. Anyways... Yea. I wouldn't trust Mist to teach the Aether either. Sure, she's Ike's sister, but she has to divide time between sword-practice and healing and there is no real proof she cares about the former. I can see her able to wield Alondite due to natural talent, but not bisecting herself with Aether? Yea... Even if Priam is her descendent it just makes more sense to have Mia teach it.

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so like why does ike need to have a wife at all

couldn't he just have knocked up a chick and ditched her or financially supported her without taking vows

or he could have cuckolded some random poor dude

I think it's phrased this way because "Who did Ike knock up?" comes off a little vulgar, though it is more accurate.

Not to rip on a Mist/Boyd pairing, but how would Mist be able to teach her kid Aether if Ike wasn't around to teach them? Mia's at least got a lot of sword-training experience, but Mist's combat is horseback-based and that's an entirely different thing. If Mist tried to Aether on a horse... it wouldn't be pretty and Sandrock would have to leave Ether's head in your bed as a warning. It's that bad an idea.

Knowledge of Aether doesn't seem very relevant, given that several generations have passed and that skills in Tellius are apparently learned using scrolls anyway. There's no indication in the game script of what Aether means in terms of lore (can only members of Greil/Elena's bloodline learn it or is just a gameplay thing? etc.)

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or he could have cuckolded some random poor dude

Ike seems generally too...well meaning to intentionally cuckold someone. Unknowingly cucking some guy seems more likely, or better yet, he gets knocked out in a random fight and some perverse cougar nurses him back to health whilst simulteanously dealing with morning wood. It's a doujinshi/fanfic just waiting to happen!

kill me

Edited by Irysa
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I'm afraid that bolded part's not true. You never get any additional stat boosts from weapon blessings outside of Easy mode. (I'm pretty sure Micaiah would have an easier time doubling Ashera on Normal/Hard if that really were the case. For instance that is.)

Micaiah completely capped can't double auras with blessings on Easy. Unless Ashera has less speed and I missed something, she won't.

Shame too, she did only 7 damage/Attack

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Cell division happened, obviously.

No, seriously, I think Priam is just a dude with a mental illness. He has delusions and thinks he's the descendant of an hero, who nobody knows how he looked like anymore because he lived centuries ago. He just found a sword he thought that had to be Ragnell because his delusions told him so. And because IS is a troll, he vaguely looks like him and got some lord skills. He's pure fanservice.

Also, this thread turned out the exact way I thought it would turn out. Awesome.

Edited by General Asthar
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Micaiah completely capped can't double auras with blessings on Easy. Unless Ashera has less speed and I missed something, she won't.

Shame too, she did only 7 damage/Attack

Micaiah has 38 AS (33+5) on easy mode. The auras have 35 so she can't double them. She only can double the auras with Nasir's whitepool.

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Micky has the highest speed cap of all magic classes. She's even faster than Haar.

Dracoknights aren't known for amazing spd caps.

Shame a lot of them have Spd growth comparable to rabbits.

I guess I've been spoiled by FE8 Sages, lol.

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Dracoknights aren't known for amazing spd caps.

Shame a lot of them have Spd growth comparable to rabbits.

I guess I've been spoiled by FE8 Sages, lol.

It's true that sages have a good speed cap in the GBA series and FE9. In FE9 the speed cap is even the same as falcon knights.

But it's FE10!

Magic users are fucked here. Either they're slow (Soren, Micaiah, Sanaki, Rhys and Ilyana) or the fast ones (Laura) have a pathetic speed cap. Calill and Tormod have pretty much no availibility.

Edited by The Taninator
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I don't understand. Ike left in RD by himself or with some dude. How can any pairing in the RD universe with Ike be possible, if not head-canon?

Well yeah that's why the random girl theory is the most plausible one, but I mean technically it isn't impossible to write an RD pairing around those endings.

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Well yeah that's why the random girl theory is the most plausible one, but I mean technically it isn't impossible to write an RD pairing around those endings.

Sort of... It's not impossible at all that Ike had a kid in Tellus. After all, just because the game didn't say Ilyana started a family in her epilogue doesn't mean she never had kids. The problem is that both supports and the endings to RD were... rushed... so they didn't give any definite bits. For all we know there originally was going to be a paired ending between Ike and Elincia that resulted in little Priam's ancestor running around. But now, due to time constraints and poor planning, it's just pure speculation.

But going 'random village girl' is no fun for anyone.

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It's not impossible for Ike to have had a kid in Tellius, but it's pretty farfetched, imo. I believe in the random unknown girl theory myself. Otherwise, of course, I stick with Ike x Elincia.

I saw your reply to one of my posts, btw, Snowy, but it seems to have gotten buried amongst a lot of other ones now. xP So, from what I remember it saying, I'm just going to point this out. Regardless of who gets Alondite, I don't think that really matters in Ike's choice of a wife. Just because he gives someone a fancy sword doesn't mean he loves them. By that logic, Geoffrey and Kieran fall in love because the former gives the latter a Silver Axe. :P

I also believe a theory that Ike x Elincia WAS an originally intended pairing, but IS cut it for some reason like half way through the Tellius saga. They become close friends in PoR, but in RD, it seems like that never happened. :/ Or, given that Elincia's death quotes mention Ike more than any other person, they might have intended for them to have feelings for one another, but not pursue a relationship due to their duties. I believe either theory is 100% possible.

Edited by Anacybele
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