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Who could Ike's wife be?

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Considering that not a single character is even allowed to say that they are gay, I'd say that it's in a similar situation to what we have IRL.

Do you realize how much fan rage would ensue if IS had even one character say that they're gay or lesbian? Go check out what happened when Marvel did this with one of their heroes. I hear a lot of fans were mad.

Ike understood immediately once Gatrie mentioned that what he was admiring was the women, and was gone when Gatrie was asking him which one he fancied. And before Ike even knew Aimee was a crazy stalker, he immediately rejected her and left as soon as her intentions were known

Doesn't mean Ike can't ever love a woman. ONE situation where he walked away doesn't mean anything. Like I said, he was probably caught off guard and made a bit uncomfortable at randomly being asked if he fancied the maids. And again, just because Ike is trying to avoid ONE woman doesn't mean he can't love another. I'm into guys and there are certainly some I would avoid the way he avoided Aimee.

As for Ike's ending with male characters, note that his ending never changes. Only Soren and Ranulf's change if they have an A support with Ike and they're not written as romantic at all. Only that they traveled alongside him. Nothing about romance whatsoever.

You're reading way too much into this. IS simply wanted to go a different route with how the lord gets a wife in Ike's case. Instead of saying outright that he can marry by giving him a marriage ending with a woman, they left it up to our imaginations and then put the icing on the cake by adding Priam. Awakening IS a fanservicy game, but do remember that it was treated as if it would be the last game in the series. It was possibly IS's last chance to confirm a bunch of things that they wanted to get out there at some point, like whether Ike married (a woman) and raised a family or not. And Priam's existence suggests that he could have.

I also agree with Sangyul and Baldrick. Ike didn't seem interested in either gender at first, but that could've change later on.

Edited by Anacybele
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ya know Ike could just be like aromantic, or hell even asexual. i feel the whole reason ike neve has a specific girl clinging to him the entire two games is both because he just doesn't have an interest in romance, and because IS defiantly intended ike to be a change of pace from other lords.

i mean look at him, he doesn't have royal heritage (gwain being an awesome general doesn't really count as royal heritage, and his mom was just a priest), he doesn't even live in nobility (mercenary work=farthest from nobility) he doesn't actually really want to be a leader (refuses the Lordship title, leaves nobility in RD, hell he even puts up a bit of a fuss about leading the greil mercenary's) and instead of having high ideals, and big dreams for peace, he's a down to earth person, who deals with practicality, and just wants to be left to do small time work helping people. he's a character foil to every other FE protagonist out there and as such it would make sense to not give ike a love interest because that would be fitting in to the standard role of every other fe protagonist too much, it helps to bring out just how out of the mold he is (which is probably one of the reasons he's such a powerful unit as well). ive heard that POR didn't sell as well in japan, and i don't know if that's true or not but it would make sense seeing how out of the traditional role of shining prince ike is and really how normal ike is.

Do you realize how much fan rage would ensue if IS had even one character say that they're gay or lesbian? Go check out what happened when Marvel did this with one of their heroes. I hear a lot of fans were mad.

all i have to say is fuck the fan base then if they make a big deal of something like the idea of two dudes or two lady's fucking each other, we live in a progressing world and if someone wants to be left behind in the times then by all means become a relic.

though they shouldn't shoehorn it in that'd be worse.

after all cant we all just get over the idea that people having sex is a thing that can happen and there doesn't have to be romance or love involved in it at all? people can have casual sex, and they can have casual sex with any gender they want.

Edited by ShinyPichu
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True, one of the reasons I love Ike is because of how different he is from the other lords. I like that he's this handsome, rugged, and manly mercenary rather than one of IS's several bishy/not so manly princes. He also wields a unique weapon compared to the others. Ragnell is the only gold-bladed weapon in the series that's wielded by a lord character. It's also probably the only two-handed sword wielded by one.

I do still wish that the marriage tradition hadn't also been cast aside though. I'm a romance nut. :P

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Do you realize how much fan rage would ensue if IS had even one character say that they're gay or lesbian? Go check out what happened when Marvel did this with one of their heroes. I hear a lot of fans were mad.

You know what, Ana? I...


Forget it. It's just not worth it.

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i wouldn't say ikes rugged and handsome, to be honest he really just kinda comes of as normal in every way. normal appearance, normal personality, he's not a special snowflake lord, he's just a normal dude, which is what makes it satisfying in my mind when he dose incredible things because he seems and acts so normal. also romance is central in a romance story, if your playing fire emblem simply for romance between people then i feel your playing it for the wrong reason. unless your playing fe13 i guess. but that's just how i feel about it so go ahead and enjoy it if ya want.

EDIT: actually now that i think about it there was more of an outrage that fe13 DIDN'T include gay marriages, at least from western players. at least from what i remember.

Edited by ShinyPichu
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I think he's quite handsome, but that's down to opinion, so if you don't think he is, that's fine. :P

I never said I play FE simply for romance... But it IS a reason I enjoy it. I love the stories, the gameplay, and characters too, generally. PoR and RD are my favorite games in the series and they don't have as much romance as the other games (even though this disappointed me a little). So yeah.

And if it's only western players that want gay marriages, then they're a minority. The games have to cater to European, Australian, and Japanese fans as well.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, with homosexuality getting all the attention politically, the west flipped when homosexual pairings were impossible in FE13 (despite there being an incredibly justified gameplay reason).

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I don't even understand the complaints about no homo pairings in the game. The marriage system is there to produce children, and gay couples obviously can't do that. The kids wouldn't be able to exist. So I always felt that these complaints were dumb. And perhaps the developers aren't into shipping homosexual pairings.

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I don't even understand the complaints about no homo pairings in the game. The marriage system is there to produce children, and gay couples obviously can't do that. The kids wouldn't be able to exist. So I always felt that these complaints were dumb. And perhaps the developers aren't into shipping homosexual pairings.

Lucius/Raven, Heather/Neph, and others say hi.

Heck Pricilla and Lucius' supports has this:

Priscilla: You are–how can I say this?–beautiful. Your face is like a woman’s… No… Your face is even more beautiful than that of a woman… …I’m sure even a few lords must have fallen for you…

Lucius: You…must understand. I am…a man. As a child, I was often teased for my appearance, and I have never once profited from it. Perhaps you meant to imply…otherwise?

But yeah, the gameplay reason I mentioned is exactly as you put it.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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But none of those pairs have romantic endings. If IS wanted to outright do homo pairings, then we'd see such endings.

Raven and Lucius

After the conflict, Raven revealed his past to Hector. Hector offered to rebuild Raven’s home, but Raven refused. He and Lucius travel as mercenaries, but Lucius is pleased to see his friend’s heart has been eased.

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I see no romance or marriage there. Also note the "his friend" part. Try again.

The point is, and I don't ship them, mind, that is the only paired ending either has.

You also brought up Heather's open Lesbian nature up yourself.

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Eh, I guess the last thing I'll say for now is just that it isn't realistic to use the fact that Ike never outright says he likes Soren/Ranulf or that the endings aren't explicitly romantic as evidence against him being gay. It's a Japanese game published by Nintendo, they can't tempt controversy too much. To make a gay main character you still have to be subtle if you want to avoid those fan outrages that have happened in other instances, especially considering these games came out in the mid 2000s. Heather is a minor character so it was less likely to be controversial if she were a little more outspoken, even then it's still just implied that she likes girls. Not only that but Ike isn't an emotional guy to begin with. If he did make a full-on Chromfession all of a sudden, to anyone, it would be beyond out of character.

Of course, there's plenty of other things that can be taken to suggest he is absolutely not into romance at all, so yeah, the debate shall continue forever I suppose.

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I also agree with Sangyul and Baldrick. Ike didn't seem interested in either gender at first, but that could've change later on.

Well, the difference is that I don't think that changed for Ike. Priam isn't even a factor for me, so I'm content to believe that he lived his life without any romantic companionship. I'm perfectly fine with believing that Ike is asexual and he "stays" asexual. (Also, be careful with wording because the way you worded this makes it sound like you attributed the second sentence to me, when it is not what I believe.)

Also, I'm pretty sure Europe is also "the west".

Edited by Sunwoo
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Lyn also has Kent as an option, bringing her up to four total male options.

The thing about Ike is that I don't think he's interested in women, but I don't think he's interested in men either. I think Soren is at least interested in Ike, but I'm not 100% sure if Ike likes him romantically or just as very close friends.

I have to quote this just because it is the best response.

The Ike is asexual idea never gets brought up enough. I think Ike is just straight up not interested.

The example brought up about the Gatrie conversation is less about Ike's aversion to women and more about Ike not wanting to deal with Gatrie's bullshit.

His lack of A supports in PoR aren't really indicative of him not liking women because A supports in PoR are not romantic by default to begin with. Call it too much anime, but Ike just strikes me as the typical "too single minded for romance" trope that's been done a million times over.

Also I don't think Ike is romantically interested Soren, he is just well aware of the fact that he is the only person Soren trusts and returns the favor.

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I have to quote this just because it is the best response.

The Ike is asexual idea never gets brought up enough. I think Ike is just straight up not interested.

The example brought up about the Gatrie conversation is less about Ike's aversion to women and more about Ike not wanting to deal with Gatrie's bullshit.

His lack of A supports in PoR aren't really indicative of him not liking women because A supports in PoR are not romantic by default to begin with. Call it too much anime, but Ike just strikes me as the typical "too single minded for romance" trope that's been done a million times over.

Also I don't think Ike is romantically interested Soren, he is just well aware of the fact that he is the only person Soren trusts and returns the favor.


Though I also don't think it's implausible that this changes later in his life after RD.

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The point is, and I don't ship them, mind, that is the only paired ending either has.

You also brought up Heather's open Lesbian nature up yourself.

Yes, but she still has no paired endings or anything. IS could be fine with making a gay or lesbian character, but not with pairing them up with someone on-screen.

Also, what Radiant Head said above. I seem to agree with him a lot. :P

When it comes down to it though, I still hope that IS didn't intend for Ike to be gay. Or even bi, I guess. Homosexual pairings and characters are just not a thing I'm into at all. And I'm done with this debate, I guess. :P

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I have to quote this just because it is the best response.

The Ike is asexual idea never gets brought up enough. I think Ike is just straight up not interested.

The example brought up about the Gatrie conversation is less about Ike's aversion to women and more about Ike not wanting to deal with Gatrie's bullshit.

His lack of A supports in PoR aren't really indicative of him not liking women because A supports in PoR are not romantic by default to begin with. Call it too much anime, but Ike just strikes me as the typical "too single minded for romance" trope that's been done a million times over.

Also I don't think Ike is romantically interested Soren, he is just well aware of the fact that he is the only person Soren trusts and returns the favor.

pretty much yeah.

in all honesty i only care about ike if he's with soren, otherwise ike's just too bland for me to care.

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Though I also don't think it's implausible that this changes later in his life after RD.

Well, t's no less implausible than any other character changing. Just because it's ambiguous it doesn't necessarily mean Ike's confused. (To clarify, if Ike was attracted to a woman he met later on it doesn't mean he went from asexual to straight, but he was always straight and wasn't interested in anyone he met before).

Also I second what Boron said.

Edited by Baldrick
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That's what I meant. I see Ike more nonsexual than asexual. The game doesn't define him as having any particular interest in romance, but it doesn't mean he goes the rest of his life that way.

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Yeah, and you wouldn't believe how many fanfics and fanart pair Ike up with someone, the most common lovers I've seen for him being Elincia, Soren, and Mia, in that order. Though that's partly due to the fact that I run the Ike x Elincia archive on ff.net and have to approve fics before they get added to it. Although, it keeps growing and is one of the largest FE archives on the site. Still, my findings are kind of skewed by that. I'm fairly positive that Ike x Soren is actually the most abundant. xP

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Pff, I've been writing Ike x Elincia for years now. I have multiple fics that have the pairing in it, whether it's outright fluff scenes or just mentioned. I've revised the older ones though (mostly). My writing skills improved over time, of course.

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