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I feel like I'm completely alone on this.


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I personally like most of the mechanics of Thracia but I agree. The execution could have been better in some cases, however I agree 100% with how dismount works. It encourages variety and even then some mounts are still ridiculous as foot units (See Dean and Brighton in Manster). Not gonna be a popular opinion, but I respect the opinions you all have.

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Not healing status naturally never really got to me since Restore was plentiful, at least I don't recall running out of it. It has made me both eager/afraid of doing a no staves run though (particularly that last Cyas chapter).

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Not healing status naturally never really got to me since Restore was plentiful, at least I don't recall running out of it. It has made me both eager/afraid of doing a no staves run though (particularly that last Cyas chapter).

Also the whole Leif can't be statused thing (iirc anyways he's oddly immune) Edited by Jedi
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Also the whole Leif can't be statused thing (iirc anyways he's oddly immune)

My immediate thought there was that it's so he can't be captured but you could just as easily remove all his weapons and let an enemy capture him too. That makes me curious as to what happens if an enemy captures him. Do you get a gameover instantly? Or do you get one when the enemy leaves the map? Or are enemies simply designed not to capture Leif to avert these problems. If so that's something that could be taken into account when making a strategy. That was one really beneficial thing I found about capturing. Because defenseless units can be instantly captured, it made pacifistic defense of choke holds impossible.

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Out of 7 billion people on the planet, I'm pretty sure you're-

Oh shi-

The funny thing here is that I'm actually with you, Sophie. I don't really know if it was the mechanics themselves or something else about the game, but I just found a lot of aspects about Thracia annoying. Capturing especially disappointed me, since it's a mechanic that had been really hyped up and I thought would be pretty cool to use but I ended up wishing it just wasn't there.

I think the problem may have been a lot of these ideas are actually pretty good on their own. Dismounting, Capturing, uniform stat caps, Fatigue.

But then when you have to take them all into account together, it causes a lot of unneeded complexity. Personally, I hardly use mounts in FE5 just because of how much I dislike the sword lock. I'd much prefer if mounts simply lost their horse and stats and kept their weapon rank that they used so you could actually have lance and axe users indoors.

It's kind of a cycle too. We have these mounts who end up needed swords, but because we can't afford to purchase them because this game is cheap as fuck gives no money, we have to capture and steal items. But our units end up getting stat nerfs to do it, so the uniform stat caps hurt when we want to capture with foot units that we have to use because we can't bring our mounts indoors or because they're fatigued.

Well in this regard I feel that they would actually know... a bit on how to fight with their preferred weapon on foot.

Maybe just drop or lower max weapon rank while on foot or something.. I dunno.

I don't like how escaping works either. I don't like the idea of losing a unit if you forget to let them escape or something. I mean, it makes sense, but it's still kind of annoying.

this one is weird too

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I could be remembering something incorrectly, but for some reason I remember not having access to a restore staff in Salem's chapter, which was pretty annoying.

The first Restore staff is in 14x with Linoan. Salem's chapter is 12.

Edited by Sirius
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I don't know anybody besides myself who thinks Thracia is the best game in the series and not a lot of people seem to appreciate the game's mechanics all that much, especially Fatigue [which is the best of all the mechanics imo]. Most people will probably say it's too janky for them but that's kind of why I love the game so much. So I don't really see where TC is coming from because the way I see it, a majority would agree with what the OP says.

Edit: If anything bothers me about Fatigue it's that its effect is actually fairly limited and easy to work around.

Edited by Yojinbo
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fatigue is probably better suited as a hard-mode-exclusive type of mechanic. it causes a disproportionate amount of stress for novice players because they constantly have to think about whom to deploy and not getting into too much combat even though combat units have like 40+ HP and never get fatigued.

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My immediate thought there was that it's so he can't be captured but you could just as easily remove all his weapons and let an enemy capture him too. That makes me curious as to what happens if an enemy captures him. Do you get a gameover instantly? Or do you get one when the enemy leaves the map? Or are enemies simply designed not to capture Leif to avert these problems. If so that's something that could be taken into account when making a strategy. That was one really beneficial thing I found about capturing. Because defenseless units can be instantly captured, it made pacifistic defense of choke holds impossible.

I think, it was to prevent massive amounts of frustration. Funny in a game of mechanics that seem to frustrate a lot of people.

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yeah but Celice is supposed to have Tyrfing by then and unless I'm mistaken that one boss in Chapter 2 is the only one you face before you get a Restore staff

@Yojinbo- there are quite a few people who like Thracia a lot? Like, if you look at this thread there are two other people (Xinny and Dondon) who have it listed as their favourite game, and while it gets flak for being frustrating, it gets a lot of praise for having a lot of unique mechanics too, particularly capturing and fatigue.

I think fatigue would work better against combat units if warping through so much of the game wasn't a thing... and also if S Drinks weren't buyable so that people who'd played through the game more than once would actually care about it. Really for me I think a lot of FE5's difficulty comes from that; it hits people playing blind way more than it hits people who've played the game before. I mean, to a certain extent that's always true but not so much as with FE5.

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I agree with BBM, most of Thracias difficulty is from a first time play through, you'll be befuddled with the "Wtf how was I supposed to know THAT!?" Despite that, I still feel its one of the most solid fe titles. Which in a series of solid games is saying quite a bit.

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Fatigue was fun. Forced unit diversity to some extent.

Or horde S Drinks but eh.

I won't defend dismounting though. All it did was further emphasize otherwise average units like Fred being shit without his horse. Meanwhile, Carrion and especially Fergus barely suffered, if at all.

Let's not forget how Dean becomes next to useless once the outdoor chapters are done with.

Dismounting worked best in FE3 due to the old weapon experience system, so at least you weren't screwed if you focused more on lances as opposed to swords.

The thing I really dislike is the final boss. Because...well...


Beldo sucks.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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