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Resetless Lunatic+ Run COMPLETED (Deathless) (With Complete Guide)

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Well specifically the point there would be early Second Seals.

Actually my rational was the items Inigo gets if he kills some units. A free elixer/Killing Edge would be mighty handy I would imagine. Speedwing or Bullion M would be icing on the cake.

It would probs be best to use Libra!Inigo in that event. Staff usage with a prepromote and some dance spam every chance you get might make it possible to nab a few kills.

Second seals are simply a nice touch.

Also we still get morgan so unless I'm mistaken why would it be pointless because it's before chapter 16? Doesn't morgan unlock Inigo?

Edit Edit: Not to mention he gives a Killing Edge regardless and the boss drop a Master seal. Considering this can be done after chapter 13 it's worth considering especially since, as far as I can remember, units in the fort don't move unless aggroed. It's probably not worth it in the long haul but it's worth considering none the less.

Edited by AnUnculturedLittlePotato
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KEs and Elixirs are both buyable already and you'd probably use up more than one of each on that Paralogue anyway since it's really hard. Chrom has plenty of them anyway too. Also Morgan access doesn't matter because of how late Inigo will arrive.

So anything good happen last night? I'm at home and couldn't tune in.

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The first C1 of the night was like that one Prologue where Fred whiffed a key attack and the run kept going because the RNG decided to let both Robin and Lissa dodge the boss's attacks. So that C1 still somehow finished, although I'd used up way too many healing items and Mag rolls were being junky. I had to run the Interceptor strat on C2 despite not having the Mag, because high Luna+ count and my shortage of healing items. In the end, I didn't pick off the Barb and he picked off Lissa.

The final run of the night looked like it might be going somewhere, but C5 actually killed it, in part because I think I threw it with bad positioning. The other factor being still having only 6 Res and both Dark Mages having Hawkeye, as well as one of the Wyvs having Hawkeye. Basically, I was doing the "blessed Robin Def" strat, which was working, but the Hawkeye and poor Res were wearing me down through attrition. I tried to compensate for the higher incoming damage with a Maribelle Mend heal, but I think that ended up putting her and the rightside Wyv out of position, so I couldn't kill the Mage (had to use Robin's turn to get the Wyv instead) and then rely on getting a couple dodges against a ~60ish and ~47ish displayed hit. Neither dodges happened, so that was run over.

Swapped to Days of Ruin, where that final trial map ran for 3 hours. I kinda figured it'd go long, because single-production-facility maps have a bad tendency to stalemate, but that map was surprisingly worse than I even expected. What I might do for backup next (since Explorer's of Sky is still en route) is a combination of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (as suggested by Gawain, also to get some variety again, since SPRG-heaviness) and Days of Ruin Free Maps, so that people can get more moo (I only got to play her once in a standard map capacity) and suggest what other COs they'd like to see showcased more (in addition to me using this to buy time to relearn a bit of Ecclesia, since I've been challenged to play it like an old school Castlevania; that is, LV1 Hard mode >.>).

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PSA to everyone: the current run is 6 hours in, at Cht.11, and currently deathless. It'll still be going for a few more hours but barring major derps the danger chapters are all done and this very well could be The One.

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I've noticed that the more spammy the game decides it wants to be with Counter, the more exponentially the run time inflates. The finished deathless run is a 14-hour monstrosity. Special mention goes to C14, C21 and C23 being especially spammy with it. C22 also decided to give all the worst skill combinations to the first two waves of Deadlords (Luna+ on all the Brave weapons!). Then C24 decided it was bored spamming Counter, so only threw a nominal amount around while spamming Luna+ so as to still limit how much EP combat I could get away with.

Makes me doubt Sunday as a viable run day too (this would've gone way too late if today wasn't a stat holiday for me). :/

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Yeah, I'll be highlighting it into smaller chunks again (probably around 5). It should be currently available as a VoD too, but even with the Internet hiccup that cut it into two, the two parts will likely be unwieldy. If thei hiccup makes the transition poor enough, I'll also have to look into getting a Youtube channel and uploading to that, since I've got an uninterrupted hard drive copy of the run. I also need to edit and highlight the run with deaths that I got before this one (I'm so far behind on editing >.>). I'll post here once I've got the highlights all figured out.

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Yeah Sunday... Even with that early start I couldn't wait around for the finish. School just happens and it makes me sad. After that one hour Cht.14, there was nothing I could do about it.

So deathless is done, what next? Obviously a bit of a break an then maybe cutting down the run days again, but what's the new goal? Do it faster? Get someone other than Dusky and Yololi to finish?

As a side note, the chat has officially ran out of things FE-related to talk about.

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Yeah, I'll be highlighting it into smaller chunks again (probably around 5).

Again still can't believe you did this, but I suppose it was both of our luck days, and again Congratulations.

Can't wait for the highlight reels, I fell asleep around chapter 13 then woke up at around chapter 20.

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Thanks! And likewise for your own completion!

Yeah Sunday... Even with that early start I couldn't wait around for the finish. School just happens and it makes me sad. After that one hour Cht.14, there was nothing I could do about it.

So deathless is done, what next? Obviously a bit of a break an then maybe cutting down the run days again, but what's the new goal? Do it faster? Get someone other than Dusky and Yololi to finish?

As a side note, the chat has officially ran out of things FE-related to talk about.

Well, thanks for showing as much support as you did. There's always the recordings in case you're interested in parts you missed too.

I want to do another deathless run, as a sort of proof that the first wasn't a freak accident. Sort of like how the two runs with death complement each other. I'll definitely be looking for ways to make it faster, though, as the whole length thing makes one, maybe two days of the week viable for worst-case-scenario-length attempts. I think I'll be taking suggestions for Robins from the chat again, though. Now that at least the first deathless run is handled, I can relax a bit in terms of bean-counting time between failed attempts. So yeah, I guess part of the goal will be getting another Robin through to the end. As for the break, yeah, I think I need to rest up a couple weeks (I'd make it only one week, but I'll be out of town the weekend after next). Two successful attempts over two consecutive weekends has really worn on me. I might still do something non-resetless with Awakening on Friday, but I'm not sure what.

And it doesn't surprise me that the chat's run out of Fire Emblem topics for the moment. I mean, people have been chatting about it for a few months now, so it's bound to run dry from time to time.

Anyway, as promised, here's the highlights:

Last Week's Completed Run - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Yester-today's Deathless Run - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Here's the tentative schedule:

May 19, 9PM PST -Days of Ruin Free Play Maps

May 22, 9PM PST - Possible Awakening Something (Undecided); if not, Days of Ruin

May 24, 9PM PST - Days of Ruin or Ecclesia

May 26, 9PM PST - Days of Ruin or Ecclesia

May 29 - Out of Town; No Stream

May 31 - Out of Town; No Stream

Jun 2, 9PM PST - Possible Awakening Routing; Ecclesia

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If Apo was possible I'd say do it, there's a lot of people who'd like to see it. Since it's currently kind of not, I wonder if it would be worth starting a new story run (probably not Lunatic+/Cla this time and with more of an emphasis on the DLC)... Personally I'd go for anything that involves chat suggestions for an Avatar-M since there's been nothing but F recently.

Speaking of which I nominate Goombella for new returning Avatar.

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Well, my streaming 3DS has no DLC in general, not just a lack of Apo. I'm not too keen on rebuying it, either, although, if I did, Apo would be either the first or second I'd get (Future Past would be the other contender).

Hmmm, maybe I'll do male Robin Lunatic/Classic story run and take chat suggestions on my entire team, then. The last Lunatic+ run I did (it was more of a standard gameplay run, since I skipped most of the story), I tried to take suggestions and make them viable, but two of the three pairs quickly fell behind while Panne kept up because, well, because she's Panne. It'd be a lot easier to make them work without the Lunatic+ skills in play. It'll be interesting, anyway, since I pretty much never play male Robin (I've only ever done one run where he didn't even get married; it was a Lunatic+ run that I tackled with a Warrior crit build).

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I find it hard to believe a human being managed this. Looking forward to copy-pasting your prologue and chapters 1-4 strats to get me on my feet. This has probably been said a lot already by a lot of different people, but this is an excellent resource!

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All right, updated the title to something more appropriate, as well as made some long overdue edits to the original post. It's now got links to every successful run, as well as links to the C1 guide and the C2-4, plus P1 notes.

On a side note: this is a reminder that while I'm taking a break from doing resetless runs, I'm still going to be doing a vanilla Lunatic/Classic story run with a male Robin that uses a team suggested by the chat. So come on in at 9PM PST with your shipping goggles on. The only suggestion that was made Tuesday was Robin/Nowi, so the opportunities to get your crack/favourite/unfavourite pairing in are still wide open.

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That may be a bit difficult to fit in, as I'm currently slated to use:






Tentatively, there's also Libra/Panne.

I mean, there might be room to attempt it, since Maribelle, Libra and Olivia can technically gain EXP without taking CEXP from everyone else, but I'm not sure.

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Well, we've already got one earlygame Cav to train, and two more non-Chrom/Robin units in Sumia and Lon'qu. And frankly, given how things were going last night (2% crits aren't likely to be the defining factor of this run, but if Robin spam met with that much resistance, what will happen to the other units?), I'm a little wary of the run falling into one of Lunatic's famously unforgiving pitfalls.

If Stahl and Lon'qu weren't around... Then things would be different and I'd love to see Sully on the field. I'd still love to see her, I just don't think it's a good idea.

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Yeah, that's why I put emphasis on the 'might' part, because it's just that iffy. What I might do is bring Sully along instead of Vaike to fill his back-up/utility role. If she happens to pick up some weapon rank, maybe she can see some use a bit later. No promises, though.

On a side note, somehow I'm ending up with the second generation being almost all girls. On a normal run, this would be great for me, because then male Morgan could have hooked up with any number of them. >.> However, I've been looking over the support list and it's actually looking a bit sad for female Morgan. Her choices are basically to hang out with her sister or marry Brady (or possibly Yarne, if the whole Libra/Panne thing works out).

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