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Resetless Lunatic+ Run COMPLETED (Deathless) (With Complete Guide)

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Chapter 7

-Stat Boosters: Chrom (Secret Book)

-Tonics: Robin (Mag, Def), turtle strat Fred (Def)

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Mag Tonic x3.


Turtle Strat

Note that this is a long strat where there is still a decent risk of Fred dying. This is more of a strat for underpowered Robins facing too much ground Counter or a lot of Wyv Counter without the damage output to one-shot them (very low Mag or having to commit to multiple Crit Thunders to get through C5 and 6). The high volume of Wyvs means that most of the time, a Robin with average Mag and a forged Wind should be able to YOLO her way through the meager ground forces.



-Remove all weapons but the Hand Axe from Fred’s inventory. Give him the Concoction and some Vulneraries.


Turn 1


-Robin right of bottom-left mountain tile. Equip Crit Thunder.

-Pair Fred to Chrom. Move Chrom onto bottom-left mountain tile. Drop Fred above him.

-EP: Archer dies to Robin.




Turn 2


-Fred attacks Barb with Hand Axe (at base Str, 5 vs Pavise+ leaving it with 34 or 11 vs non-Pavise+, leaving it with 28).

-Robin up 1 tile, trade away Fred’s weapons, then attack Barb at melee—at average 22 Mag, Robin with Mag Tonic and Thunder has 29 Attack (can kill non-Pavise+ in one hit, unless Aegis+; will eat 14 damage if Aegis+/Counter), which does 28 exactly to Barb to kill him. If not sufficient, use forged Wind. Against a Pavise+/Counter combo, use forged Flux.

-Chrom moves below Robin, trades away her tomes, then pairs onto her.




Turn 3


-Robin trades back the forged Wind and kills the Wyv below Fred.

-Fred trades the forged Wind away (NOTE: If incoming Barb has Luna+/Hawkeye combo, do not trade away the tome. In fact, if he doesn’t have Counter—or possibly settling for Aegis+ to just dampen the Counter—don’t trade it away, either) and heals if necessary. Other considerations: Robin needs to be able to one-shot a Thief on Plains if it has Counter (should be able to with average Mag of 22, unless Thief has Aegis+). Same deal with the Wyv that will be above her.

-Cordelia pairs to Fred.






Turn 4+


-If killed T3 Barb and lackies, can push up in a northward retreat if Wyv above Fred doesn’t have Aegis+/Counter combo. This allows Robin to stay equipped while evading approaching Counter melee Barbs (and Thieves, if Robin cannot one-shot them).

-If possible, try to kill to rig non-Counter enemies fighting Fred. With a Bronze Sword, he can semi-weaken them, but most importantly, gains 15 more Avoid against axes (NOTE: Possible issue is if Fred decides to start critting a lot, which could open him up to Counter melee or just way more attacks than comfortable; this makes facing Pavise+ actually a boon).

-Be very aware of the Hammer Barb’s positioning (it costs 3 Move for a Barb to get onto a Mountain tile), as he will go right after Fred if he can reach and get the kill (otherwise, any other enemy will just continue to body block Hammer Barb). He is very likely to butt up against Robin, which puts him nicely in range of both Fred and Robin. Robin can kill the Barb if he doesn’t have Counter, but if he does, Fred will likely need to spend a turn (or possibly two if Pavise+ or Aegis+ is involved) softening him up first. This is where a huge amount of the risk factor comes from, because if Fred needs his actions for healing, things could turn very ugly very fast.

-Try to leave the Thief who will be attacking Robin from below until after the Archers go down, as if that spot is clear, they may target Fred instead (and he doesn’t need more opponents).


Healing Usage

-In a drawn-out battle that went for 17 turns and involved Fred face-tanking Hawkeye for a large part of it, ~10 Vulnerary uses and 4 Concoction uses were involved. So should try to conserve Panne’s Concoction in C5 (although, trading a use to save an Elixir use is acceptable) and make sure I’m coming into the fight with 12 Vulnerary uses (Cordelia adds another 3, which should be enough safety net).


YOLO Strats

Turn 1


-Generally speaking, it’s better to deal with the foot enemies first, since the forged Wind should be able to one-shot them (barring Aegis+ and the Boss). With this in mind, the opening turn can really set the pace for the whole map.

-Attacking the closest Barb from 1 tile up, 1 tile left allows for killing him, plus engaging the closest 2 top Wyvs and the second Barb and the Archer.

-Attacking the closest Barb from 2 tiles below allows for killing him, plus engaging the second Barb, the Thief, the Archer and the closest bottom Wyv.

-Attacking the closest Barb from 2 tiles left allows for killing him, plus engaging the closest top Wyv, the Archer and the second Barb.

-Attacking the second Barb from 2 tiles left allows for killing him, plus engaging the closest Barb, the third Barb, the Archer, the Thief, the second-closest top Wyv and the closest bottom Wyv. Note that this one can be very dangerous, as it engages a ton of enemies and pulls the second ground wave early.

-Waiting 1 tile right of the Woods to Chrom’s right will pull the closest Barb, the Archer and the closest bottom Wyv.

-Waiting 1 tile below the Woods to Chrom’s right will pull the Archer and the closest bottom Wyv. Do note that while the two positions that skirt the enemy ranges are typically safer in the short term, mounting pressure and lack of space will make protecting Cordelia that much harder.


Turn 2+

-The enemies move in groups, with 2-turn gaps in-between (before they reach the party, anyway; they'll move turn after turn, but groups other than the first will require multiple turns to arrive).

-Moving into range of a member of the group will still aggro them earlier, but this splits up the enemy melee rather nicely. This means that only a couple non-Wyv Counter melee should be in range at most, allowing for picking off one, tanking the second’s damage, then healing on the off-turn. The diciest part is probably in having to take extra damage from using Wind over Crit Thunder because Wyvs and ground melee Counter are both in range.


Enemy Auto-Aggro

-T1: Front 4 ground, first lower Wyv, 2 closest top Wyvs.

-T2: Next 4 ground, no Wyvs

-T3: Cordelia arrives

-T3: Final Archer, Barb, next 1 Wyv each from upper and lower

-T4: Remaining 3 Wyvs and the Boss

-T5: 3 Wyv reinforcements


Turtle Version 2

Turn 1


-Fred paired to Chrom. Chrom goes to lowest Mountain tile and drops Fred up.

-Robin 1E of Chrom. Equip Crit Thunder.

-EP: Archer dies.




Turn 2


-Move Fred up 1 tile.

-Pair Robin to Chrom. Move Chrom up 1 tile and swap to Robin. Unequip. Heal if damaged, as Robin will have to attack next turn.

-EP: Top two Wyvs attack Fred. Barb attacks Robin from the right. Lower Wyv attacks from below.




Turn 3


-Robin kills the Wyv (use forged Wind if necessary)

-Fred takes Chrom, then trade-convoys Robin’s tomes

-Pair Cordelia onto Robin






Turn 4+


-Pass the Chrom start: Robin should have enough Avoid without Chrom, so focus on Fred’s survival is more important during EP. For PP, if Robin is attacking, she should take Chrom to do so; Fred should then take him back when trade-convoying her tome, as at C support, that gets him 3.5 more Avoid than with Cordelia. There’s also the higher chance of Dual Guard.

-The way the enemy ground units get mashed together, if Robin kills the Wyv to Fred’s right, this should make the second Barb attack him. This can make a difference of at least 6 less Hit; 11 if the Barb has Gamble. Being deeper in also means that the Archers and Hammer Barb will have a much harder time reaching Fred (they should still be a priority targets, though).

-Shortaxe Barb is going to target Fred from 2 tiles away and Robin won’t be able to do anything about it. If he has Hawkeye, especially with Luna+, consider the other turtle strat. Otherwise, his Hit should be really bad, which will let Fred ignore him (11 worse than Wyvs; 16 with Gamble).

-When the Boss is in range, don’t clear anything beside Fred, or the Boss will target him. Clear something 2 tiles away from Robin and he should shuffle into that spot.

-Be very careful in keeping track of Wyv positions. They are going to be constantly shifting, especially after Robin kills something.



-The Boss is one of those rare melee bosses. Be extremely wary of Counter, since he will not be one-shot by the forged Wind.

-32 Attack (21 Mag) to one-shot non-Aegis+ Thieves on Plains.

-25 Attack (17 Mag) with the forged Wind to one-shot non-Aegis+ Wyvs.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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I killed another run ^_^


Mario would be disappointed that you team-killed Goombella. :Orson:


Very nice! Glad to see you made it below 10h!


Thanks! It was a good run. My only regret thus far is that this last Friday's run didn't work out. My Mag was mad high, to the point where if I'd just had one more point, I could have used the forged Flux to one-shot the Counter Fighter who did me in. Unfortunately, it's that same Mag that made being forced to fight Counter and having the Crit Thunder flake out on me that got me.


With regard to the guides, right after I posted the one for C7, I noticed something about it that allowed for a second turtle strat. So I've been working on that. It still needs more testing and checking, but I think it's mostly safer than the original turtle strat. The most noticeable thing is that Robin isn't in as good a position for sniping the Boss before he gets into melee, which could be an issue if he has Counter, or Luna+ (and decides to pick on Fred). Anyway, I should hopefully have those revisions laid out within the next few chapters worth of guides.


Chapter 8

Tonics: Lissa (Mag)

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Flux, Def Tonic x5, Mag Tonic x7




-Robin in the lower-left slot. Cordelia, Fred, Ricken and Lissa can just go wherever.




Turn 1

-Move Robin down to attack Fighter. Do it from 1 tile right, 1 tile down from the Fighter to catch the Cavalier in it too, even if it has Counter. The one time to forgo this would be if the Dark Mages pose a legit threat to Robin.

-Move Cordelia/Fred and Lissa/Ricken into position just outside of the DMs’ range.

-Move Nowi/Gregor to the top-left of the small safe zone near them.

-EP: Robin kills two DMs and possibly a Cav.


Turn 2

-If the Cav didn’t die, kill it. Look for a good ending spot to draw in the rest of the DMs.

-Move Nowi/Gregor up as far as possible.

-Move Lissa up and Rescue Nowi/Gregor.


Turn 3+


-Once the DMs are all dead, draw the rest of the enemies into the sands. Their movement will be terrible, whereas our team is set up to dance circles around them. This should allow Robin to isolate and pick off Counter enemies 1-2 at a time. it’s okay to eat a Counter in order to thin them out, since Robin can move evasively and Lissa can dispense healing next turn. Also, the enemy movement is so bad that an unequipped Robin can just continually body block, with Lissa hiding behind her, until she’s healed.

-Cordelia can attract melee up to the top-left hill. Thanks to their poor movement, there’s always a safe spot she can attack with a Javelin from. Try to get her a couple kills this way.

-It may also be possible to feed 1-2 enemies from this first wave’s rush to Chrom. Look for non-Counter Fighters or Cavs.

-Have an unequipped Robin retrieve, then use the Master Seal. This will save the DM and Fighter for post-promotion EXP.

-If the very last wave of enemies has a lot of Counter on their melee (or Luna+ on the Killing Edge Myrm), you can draw them into the sands by taking out the DMs first. Kite around the Second Seal village enough and eventually the melee will split themselves up.


Cordelia Safe Kiting Spots





Revised Strat (No Rescue Charges)

-Deployment (left to right, top to bottom): Sumia, Cord, Fred, (blank), Chrom, Miriel, Robin, Lissa, (blank), Ricken


Turn 1


-Pair Fred to Cordelia. Move below Sumia, equip Javelin and wait.

-Move Miriel to Cordelia’s right.

-Move Ricken 1 tile right.

-Pair Gregor to Nowi and move 1 tile right, then 4 tiles up.

-Pair Chrom to Robin. Look at the skills of the DM and Cav east and south of the party. If they can kill Robin, attack the Myrm from 1 tile up and 1 tile left. Otherwise, attack from 2 tiles left.

-EP: Cordelia fights a DM, then Robin kills a DM and possibly the Cav.


Turn 2


-If the Cav is still alive, kill it with Robin such that she ends her turn in range of at least 1 DM. If the Cav died on turn 1, then move Robin in range of as many DMs as possible (heal with items if necessary).

-Nowi’s movement requires a bit of adaptation. Ideally, she wants to move as far up as possible. If she’s not in attack range, she’ll want to unpair to maximize movement. However, if Robin had to move down to kill the Cav on this turn, there’s a high chance one of the DMs also moved down to overlap its range. In this case, Nowi will want to remain paired and move below Robin to take advantage of Solidarity.

-Pair Lissa to Sumia and Miriel to Ricken. There’s a 2x2 Hill near the top Village. One of the lower tiles on it, and the tile below that, will be out of enemy attack range.. In the rare case that both are free, the left side is preferred. Move Sumia to the safe Hill tile and unpair Lissa below her.

-Move Cordelia below Lissa.

-Move Ricken below Cordelia and unpair Miriel below him.


Turn 3


-Move everyone other than Robin out of danger. This should be largely trivial because everyone will have way more Move than the enemies while in the desert and the DMs will all be too far back to catch up. However, the previous turn may complicate Nowi and Gregor a little. If they were attacked, they will likely have to move and Transfer-pair to Lissa and Ricken in order to escape. In an even rarer case, Ricken may need to first move 2 tiles right of Miriel so that Nowi can Transfer-pair to them. If they were able to unpair, they can simply pair to Ricken and Miriel.

-Move Robin to fight as many DMs as possible (should be all remaining DMs in most cases).

-EP: DMs die.


Turn 4+


-If a DM survived, position Robin to kill it.

-Slowly kite the enemies across the top of the large Bones sections, then down the right side. This will generally mean moving 2-3 tiles at a time. It's important to do this to prevent the mob of melee enemies from splitting up (the Cavs are prone to trying to come around the left side if the party is moving too fast).

-The end goal of the kiting is to have an unequipped Robin to the right of the lower-right corner of the Bones with Lissa right below her. This will jam up the melee and keep them from moving (even accounting for Pass on all of them). Robin may need healing, which is why Lissa is there (also to block the Pass tile). Have Cordelia trade Fred in for Chrom, then roam around the Bones looking for pick-offs. This strategy can get Cordelia to level 10 and Chrom as much as a level. Lissa also has some opportunity to pick up more EXP if she’s falling behind in Mag.


Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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Updated the C7 guide to include the new turtle.


Paralogue 2

-Stat Boosters: Chrom (Energy Drop)

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Wind x3, Concoction x2 (if running low on them).




-Deploy Sumia, Robin, Chrom, Cordelia.

-Position Cordelia and Sumia so that they can both reach the Mage across the river, as well as so that Robin can reach Cordelia and Chrom can reach Sumia.




Turn 1


-Pair Robin to Cordelia. Move her 2 tiles to the left of the Mage. If it has Counter, she may need to Javelin to soften him up.

-Pair Chrom to Sumia. Move Sumia to the right of Cordelia, swap to Chrom and transfer for Robin. Swap to Robin and kill the Mage (if Cordelia killed the Mage, then just wait).




Turn 2

-Have Robin attack the Boss’s group by picking off one of the melee. Prioritize Counter first.

-Separate Cordelia and Sumia, but keep them out of range.

-EP: The Boss’s team dies.


Turn 3+

-If Anna gets taken out really early, the closest remaining Barb will start heading back. Pick him off.

-Transfer-pair Robin and Chrom to Cordelia and Sumia. Fly them up to the island in the middle of the lake. The two bottom tiles are vulnerable to 2-range attack, but the top ones are safe. Rearrange to get Robin/Chrom into the bottom tiles and hide the fliers at the top. Keep ending turn until all the 2-range are dead.

-With the 2-rangers dead, the fliers can now try to lure the enemies into positions near the island. This will allow Cordelia to Javelin a few guys and get herself to level 10. Once she’s done this, the same technique can be used a few times to have Robin pick off enemies across the water.

-There will likely be stragglers who don’t want to be manipulated. If a lot of them have Counter, fly Robin/Chrom into the mountains and pick the Barbs off as they try to traverse it. Their very poor mobility should keep Robin from having to face much, if any, Counter.


Middle Island


-Enemy 2-range can reach where Robin and Chrom are. Cordelia and Sumia are in completely safe spots.




Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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[spoiler=This is too easy]

  • cat1803: I'm not pulling a brb until he's in the full swing of the run tbh
  • cat1803: I seem to jinx it when I do
  • cat1803: as does Yoshi
  • Czar_Yoshi: Fortunately, you don't have to worry about jinxing it tonight
  • GVRoyale: We don't have Yoshi to blame tonight
  • Czar_Yoshi: I've got that covered, right now
  • GVRoyale: Damnit
  • Kendriin: lol
  • Czar_Yoshi smiles devilishly

Now to see if you sink or not.

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Do you plan on trying out some other endgame builds? Or will you just stick with the 3 GF max level team?

There's not really much that has the same reliability and speed. A full bow setup with or without multiple Galeforce could possibly be a thing, but I can't think of anything that would give it a significant enough advantage to merit rerouting.

Paralogue 3

Tonics: Robin (Def), Lissa (Mag)


-41 Attack will one-shot non-HP+5 Fighters through Woods tiles. 37 for Mercs.

-Villagers don’t seem to like Mountains. Rescue will not move them onto one. It also appears to behave oddly with them and Woods tiles.

-The Villagers head toward the SW corner. Securing it with either 2-range all dead, or enough melee to body block, it’s easy enough to just turtle it. Knights can’t walk on Mountains. They like to act before Archers and will happily body block them to get in a melee swing.

-Lissa needs 10 Mag so a Tonic can take her to 6 Rescue range.


-Robin in the spot closest to the bridge

-Cordelia and Sumia in spots close to the river

-Bring on Fred: Bronze Sword, Orsin’s, Silver Lance, Vulnerary, Concoction


Turn 1

-Move Robin south into the Pegs’ range and equip the forged Wind

-Pair Fred to Cordelia and move Cordelia south and close to Robin as possible without getting into enemy range

-Pair Lissa to Sumia. Move into the forest and drop Lissa such that after the Villagers all move 2 tiles left, she can reach the topmost one


Turn 2

-Lissa heals the topmost Villager (this will divert either a Merc or an Archer in EP)

-Position Sumia 3 tiles away from Lissa, somewhere toward Robin

-Move Robin down to kill the Knight

-Move Cordelia into the bottom-left safe spot and swap to Fred


Turn 3

-Move Robin to kill the closest Barb

-Pair Lissa onto Sumia. Move Sumia below Robin. Trade away and convoy tomes (assuming both enemy Barbs have Counter, otherwise, can forgo this step). Rescue surviving Villager.

-If Fred can safely engage the bottom-left corner Barb, go into melee with a sword equipped. Otherwise, wait or go in unequipped.


Turn 4

-Robin kills the nearest Barb with crit Thunder. There is some risk if the Archer went after the Villager instead of the Merc because it’s possible to end up facing two Counter melee (Vengeance and crit gives decent odds of survival; using the forged tomes may also allow for one-shots).

-If Fred engaged the Barb, move 1 tile right and heal if necessary. If not, move to 2 tiles right of the Barb. Tank unequipped if necessary.

-Lissa move all the way down and Rescue Villager into just Archer’s range. She can heal him over and over and the Archer will ignore her if she can’t be one-rounded.

Turn 5+

-Robin finishes off Fred’s Barb

-Lissa heals the Villager until he’s in the far corner

-Try to have Robin engage as many non-Counter melee and 2-range as possible to thin out the crowd before turtling. If expecting to turtle, try to leave the melee Knight alive.

-Get into the corner to turtle with unequipped Robin in front, Lissa in the back and Fred on the Mountain (Knights will body block 2-range from targeting Lissa). Robin can then kill stuff at range with Lissa trade-convoying.

-Once all the 2-rangers are dead, use transfer shenanigans to get Sumia out above Fred while keeping Cordelia on him. Sumia then goes out to get the Blessed Bow.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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(Wow, it's been a while since I've posted...)

The guides are looking great. Hopefully the next attempts won't get impaled by Luna+ (I checked the footage and it didn't appear as though the DM that went 1-range had counter).

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Thanks. And yeah, I checked too. As I initially suspected, I gave up too much of my defenses to transferring out Chrom, such that two Fighters got to dig in with their 32 Attack, including the Luna+ one. Then the Cavs managed to land their hits too. All around some pretty bad luck, since those still would've been ~50-60 hit rates and it looks like all five enemies hit.

Anyway, guess we'll see... http://www.twitch.tv/kuroitsubasatenshi

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From tonight's chat:

  • mrkingdomheartsboy: what is the vertic on Twilight Princess in the community?
  • mrkingdomheartsboy: I personally loved it though I hated the controls (I had the Woo version)
  • Czar_Yoshi: TP isn't supposed to be a Waifu game, KHB

  • mrkingdomheartsboy: *Wii

Much later... Run done, Goombella finally has a (deathless) run under her belt! Cht.7 was the shakiest bit, Fred was on the verge of death so much, I was surprised he didn't keel over from fear! Final time was 9:36:51.25, which is probably a new record.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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From tonight's chat:

  • mrkingdomheartsboy: what is the vertic on Twilight Princess in the community?
  • mrkingdomheartsboy: I personally loved it though I hated the controls (I had the Woo version)
  • Czar_Yoshi: TP isn't supposed to be a Waifu game, KHB

  • mrkingdomheartsboy: *Wii

Much later... Run done, Goombella finally has a (deathless) run under her belt! Cht.7 was the shakiest bit, Fred was on the verge of death so much, I was surprised he didn't keel over from fear! Final time was 9:36:51.25, which is probably a new record.

First time she's gotten a run at all, actually. I would have grudgingly accepted one with deaths just to get her a completed run. And yeah, that was a pretty dicey C7. Fred got hit by waaaaay too many of those ~25-30 displayed hit rates.

Previous run was 9:34:02.18 unfortunately!

Heh, so if I could have YOLOed C7 instead of having to do a ten-minute turtle, I would have beaten it handily. Still, I'm happy these last two runs have both been my two best times and within a few minutes of each other. At least, I think it speaks to how I've finally gotten really comfortable with the mode (never thought I'd be EP-skipping C5), as well as the general consistency of the route.

I'm stuck on chapter 3 (I remember crying when I finished chapter 2), thank you so much...

Hey, I'm just glad the stuff I've done can also be helpful to others. Let me know if you have any specific questions about the stuff in the guides.

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I more of just answer loads and loads of questions than write big, permanent guides... You might want to credit some of the other contributors in The Lunatic Club (mostly Thor, also Irysa and Clipsey?). Kinda depends exactly what you're giving credit for.

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Yeah, some of the baseline knowledge that now contributes to these guides in fragments is the community collaboration that went on before any of us even started the big, dedicated topics.

Anyway, got the videos done for last week's Goombella run, which contains significantly less dumb and throws than last night (still frustrated because the game was playing extremely nice too >.>). Links below:

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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