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Least Favorite Unit (Chrom, Lissa, etc) In Terms Of Personality.


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I hate Lucina because the whole "I must save the world!" Thing is just about all there is to her and she just plain bores me. Yes, I've read some of her supports. I also don't like her design. And her fanbase is annoying (though not as annoying as Chrom's).

She's also kind of selfish if the Avatar is her mother or husband. I can't explain it well, but Sangyul put it into good words awhile back.

I can't understand the love for her. We'll just have to agree to disagree here.

This is about the characters personality, not fanbase. A characters fan base does not make them who they are.

I don't think she was being selfish though. I mean, one measly life for the lives of millions is not selfish. She was thinking of the greater good. Having Robin live and taking a great risk would have been selfish. They decided to not take the easy way out and risk the entire planet being destroyed instead, which is stupid.

If anything, Chrom is selfish for having Grima live in order for his best friend to stick around, putting future generations at risk. But take into consideration how much Chrom and Robin have through together, every battle and Emmeryns death, such a decision would be hard to make, killing someone very close to you like a brother or sister.

Edited by Rabbattack
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I hate Lucina because the whole "I must save the world!" thing is just about all there is to her and she just plain bores me. Yes, I've read some of her supports. I also don't like her design. And her fanbase is annoying (though not as annoying as Chrom's).

She's also kind of selfish if the Avatar is her mother or husband. I can't explain it well, but Sangyul put it into good words awhile back.

I can't understand the love for her. We'll just have to agree to disagree here.

Considering Lucina is the only who can save the world in the apocalyptic future, yes, I would imagine saving the world is rather important to her. And since she has seen what happens if Grima isn't stopped, it's not too much of a stretch to believe that she will do everything in her power to stop the events that lead to the end of the world.

Also, lol @ Gerome being emo. That's the first thing I thought when he showed looking all Nightwing and being so melodramatic every time he opens his mouth.

Edited by Eselred
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I've never used Severa in any of my playthroughs, but I first heard her lines when my brother was playing the game. I immediately wanted to punch something.

I also dislike Severa, but she still isn't as bad as other units in my opinion. She still makes a decent waifu. Edited by Rabbattack
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Don't care for Ricken or Yarne, Ricken for being mediocre and having "I wanna be tall" for a gimmick. I'd probably like him more if he played volleyball. Yarne is just irrationally afraid of everything, and is probably one of the worst cases of story and gameplay segregation since he's actually pretty durable.

I also don't understand when people dislike a character only because of their fanbase. Seems kinda silly to me.

I used to be like that with regards to Saber from F/SN, because so many people were always like "ZOMG, TEH SEIBAAAAH!!!1!!!. It really is dumb to hate something because of the fanbase.

Edited by The Geek
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I've never used Severa in any of my playthroughs, but I first heard her lines when my brother was playing the game. I immediately wanted to punch something.

9 years ago I would have agreed. I got pretty mad at haruhi, the same way you do at severa, but now I don't really mind. It's charming, in a way. Might be because I'm a male tsundere irl. *shrug*

I used to be like that with regards to Saber from F/SN, because so many people were always like "ZOMG, TEH SEIBAAAAH!!!1!!!. It really is dumb to hate something because of the fanbase.

[spoiler=Everyone knows that Kotomine is the true #1 waifu, open spoiler to see Kotomine and his younger self wearing Kohaku's and Hisui maid uniforms and rejoice:]20130523100857614.jpg

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[spoiler=Everyone knows that Kotomine is the true #1 waifu, open spoiler to see Kotomine and his younger self wearing Kohaku's and Hisui maid uniforms and rejoice:]20130523100857614.jpg


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Considering Lucina is the only who can save the world in the apocalyptic future, yes, I would imagine saving the world is rather important to her. And since she has seen what happens if Grima isn't stopped, it's not too much of a stretch to believe that she will do everything in her power to stop the events that lead to the end of the world.

Who said it wasn't important to her? Who said they didn't believe she would do everything in her power to stop Grima? I just don't see anymore to her character than that and she comes off as flat and uninteresting to me.

I also don't understand when people dislike a character only because of their fanbase. Seems kinda silly to me.

Who said they only dislike a character because of their fanbase? I gave several reasons for disliking Lucina.

Also, why do people always complain when someone says they dislike Lucina? They dislike her and have their reasons for it, whether you like it or not. Deal with it.

Edited by Anacybele
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Who said they only dislike a character because of their fanbase? I gave several reasons for disliking Lucina.

Getting a bit defensive there. I just don't find it a valid reason for disliking a character, you stated other reasons yes, but sometimes people don't other than "their fanbase is horrible". My point still stands.

Edited by Jedi
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I was just wondering why you brought that up, is all. Now I know, though, my mistake. But yeah, disliking a character ONLY because of the fanbase is silly.

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Who said it wasn't important to her? Who said they didn't believe she would do everything in her power to stop Grima? I just don't see anymore to her character than that and she comes off as flat and uninteresting to me.

Who said they only dislike a character because of their fanbase? I gave several reasons for disliking Lucina.

Also, why do people always complain when someone says they dislike Lucina? They dislike her and have their reasons for it, whether you like it or not. Deal with it.

You have to understand that other people have opinions too, and if they don't like yours they will critique it. You are entitled to believe what you like, but don't expect people to not react differently.

I don't believe anyone said it wasn't important to her, rather they were just bringing it up.

And I agree, Chrom is selfish at times as well.

If you're talking about Chroms selfishness compared to Lucina the I disagree.

Just bringing this up again.

Selfish-lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure. This description fits Chrom more than Lucina. Lucina would be the exact opposite of selfish sacrificing her husband, mother, or friend/fathers friend in order to protect the world. Sacrificing her family to keep others together.

So Lucina is not selfish as well as Chrom.

I do agree that she doesn't stand out as much and has a sort of bland personality, but this is in a game where everyone is crazy.

Pls no h8.

Edited by Rabbattack
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People overstate Lucina's "blandness". She's a girl who has the world on her shoulders and is extremely sincere. If anything she's one of the only kids that acts appropriately considering what the future was apparently like. Can you seriously blame someone who's lost literally everything, had to redefine their life purpose and grow up in an extremely small span of time to take initiatve and lead the remaining survivors in an attempt to save everything for being like that? She's incredibly mature for her age but also shows a lot of unsureness and immaturity due to lack of experience. She really really cares about people, enough to make massive sacrifices, but self loathes and doubts simulteanously. She is a LAYERED character in a game full of characters who are defined by personality gimmicks.


I also don't understand when people dislike a character only because of their fanbase. Seems kinda silly to me.

Also agreed.

Lets rundown the kids again cuz i really think Knusperkekswhatshisname missed the mark on some.

  • Lucina doesn't understand jokes because their concept isn't facilitative in a world of terror like the future past. Her mind develops an electra complex to bar out the thoughts of having the weight of the whole world on her shoulders, since saving her father will save the world as well, she can concentrate on both while only thinking of one. As she gets older and travels to the past, she eventually comes to terms with the burden she carries, but she still obsesses over her father in an unhealthy fassion. This obsession is almost enough to make her commit Matricide/Mariticide. Almost. Cute ol' Lucy almost becomes a lunatic psychopath.
  • Owain escapes into his fantasy world through his chuunibyou (basically delusions).
  • Inigo craves for love from females the same way a wanderer does crave a drink after straying in a desert for three days without liquid intake. Even though he likes to flirt with females, for some reason he finds it embarassing to be seen dancing, even though he is a dancer at heart. It doesn't make sense from a average persons's perspective. Histrionic personality disorder.
  • Brady is extremely lachrymose.
  • Kjelle has a inferiority complex.
  • Cynthia's skull is as empty as her environment when she grew up. She thinks too little. She is the polar opposite of Lucina.
  • Severa hides herself behind her ice queen demeanor (related to Kjelle's issue. Might be the reason she is attracted to Kjelle)while all she wants is to be loved. She desperately needs a warm hug.
  • Gerome went emo because his beloved mother left him all alone, he must have been mommy's darling.
  • Laurent is a closet pervert who overanalyzes generic events on a regular basis. I can't relate to him very well.
  • Noire suffers from persecutory delusion(paranoia) and is extremely whimsical and unstable.
  • Don't get me started on Yarne.

On Lucina: I think you are right, except for that last sentence. Lucina does that because she believes it for the best. Chrom talks her out of it and she accepts it right away. She really doesnt have an unhealthy obsession with her dad. Its more that shes terrified of losing him again.

Owain uses his fantasy world to cope. But he is not completely unaware of whats going on in the present or the future.

Inigo flirts because he was told that he needed to come out of his shell. To be more "assertive" or confident in approaching people. Apparently dancing is seen as rather feminine and he is already really insecure?

*chortle* Brady puts on a tough guy face because hes really sensitive and has insecurities about his ability to defend himself. He only cries when pressed.

Kjelle does not have an inferiority complex. Shes rather introverted and her outlet is training and growing stronger. She wants to be strong to protect people, not just to be better. Her non-sibling supports with Lucina talk about this in detail.

Cynthia is a lot like Owain. She is not emptyheaded at all. She uses her hero persona in order to cope with the harsh realities of the world. By telling herself shes a hero, she comes to believe it, and finds the will to fight. Dont sell her so short like that.

Severa's problem is that she thinks no one gets her. She is the one with the severe inferiority complex, mostly due to her mother. So she lashes out by bullying everyone else to make herself feel better.

Gerome had the horrible truth of the future really sink in. So he acts all aloof in the present because he doesnt want to get too attached, only to get hurt all over again. He hides his face for a similar reason. The mask is his shield, and Minerva is the only thing left that he can count on.

Wow, you are really wrong about Laurent. Hes very analytical, but his observations are for the sake of helping his teammates. While maybe going a bit overboard with his watching everyone, he means well and desperately does not want to be alone. He wound up in the present long before Lucina and the others did. That wigged him out a bit, so he is a bit clingy.

Noire created the Blood And Thunder persona in order to cope with not just the future, but her mum. She poured her energy into believing a stupid talisman could help her fight. Even without the talisman, she can summon the persona. Its because shes terrified and not at all certain what to do. When shouting, she feels more confident.

Yarne is and believes himself to be the very last of his kind. On top of that, his future is really freaking terrifying. Hes quite literally the little scared bunny rabbit that needs to find his courage. Hes actually the only one who doesnt really try to cope right away, but tries to run away. Because of the status of his species, i kinda dont blame him.

You forgot Nah. Nah jumps to conclusions too quickly. This results in Dragon First, Ask Questions Later. Manipulating people a bit with this is her way of trying to figure things out. She also doesnt want to be seen as a child.

Most of these kids all have sad coping mechanisms because of the trauma they faced.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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You have to understand that other people have opinions too, and if they don't like yours they will critique it. You are entitled to believe what you like, but don't expect people to not react differently.

I don't believe anyone said it wasn't important to her, rather they were just bringing it up.If you're talking about Chroms selfishness compared to Lucina the I disagree.

Yeah, I know other people have opinions. But I don't like when people criticize my opinions.

This description fits Chrom more than Lucina. Lucina would be the exact opposite of selfish sacrificing her husband, mother, or friend/fathers friend in order to protect the world. Sacrificing her family to keep others together.

Except Lucina decides that she just can't kill her mother/husband, she loves them too much. She decides that she would rather her mother/husband remain alive than kill Grima and save thousands.

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I know I called Chrom a hypocrite, and Lucina is - by extension - the same. No one knows what the future holds. That's why its potential is infinite. Isn't this the theme of this game? Isn't this why Chrom and Lucina challenge their fate and overcome it eventually? Isn't this a beautiful fairy tale you'd want to tell your children and grandchildren? Isn't this a fitting end of a very long running franchise? Thats what NintendoIS must have been thinking.

Edited by Knusperkeks
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Gangrel, stupidly evil for the sake of being evil and he got revived for no good reason, just to try to show "oh i'm not so bad" Yes you are.

Not as bad as Valter but that's not a high standard.

I don't really like Gangrel either, I find him petty and annoying. Also his 'lol I'm so evvvvvvvvil' moments are corny and make it hard to treat him seriously as a villain.

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I was just wondering why you brought that up, is all. Now I know, though, my mistake. But yeah, disliking a character ONLY because of the fanbase is silly.

The best explanation I can come up with is negative association. Even if the character themselves isn't bad, some people can't stop associating them with something or someone else, and that makes them want to avoid or dislike those characters due to what they are associated with. I will admit that my own dislike of Frederick is due to negative association. I don't hate him, but at the same time I can't bring myself to like him due to constantly being reminded of something I'd very much prefer to forget about

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Chrom is my least favorite lord of all time, mainly because I don't think he has any originality. He's pretty much a Marth/Ike/Sigurd ripoff with maybe a bit of Ephraim thrown into the mix. I guess the same could be said of the previous Lords/Ladies, but I see it more in Chrom than I do anyone else. Also, his whole relationship to Marth doesn't make sense.

But I think that the worst units personality wise would have to be the Einherjar. I mean, they have no personality.

Even the Celica Einherjar?

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