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FE4 Gen1+Gen2 Tier Lists

Moishe Oofnik

Best Gen 2 Unit?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Gen 2 unit?

    • Leif
    • Aless
    • Celice
    • Shanan
    • Levin!Sety
    • Levin!Arthur
    • Leen/Laylea
    • Roddlebad

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I'm a little curious as to what makes Lex!Arthur so much better than Azel!Arthur that they're separated by a tier. I mean, granted. Vantage+Wrath is nice. But it would pretty much need a promotion to take full advantage of, but I guess Paragon can help with that. But the lack of Pursuit is what I kinda take issue of. Granted, the Pursuit Ring exists. But I think that's a luxury few units can afford. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, he can't use Elwind or Thoron before promotion.

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I'm a little curious as to what makes Lex!Arthur so much better than Azel!Arthur that they're separated by a tier. I mean, granted. Vantage+Wrath is nice. But it would pretty much need a promotion to take full advantage of, but I guess Paragon can help with that. But the lack of Pursuit is what I kinda take issue of. Granted, the Pursuit Ring exists. But I think that's a luxury few units can afford. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, he can't use Elwind or Thoron before promotion.

Prohably the fact he can reach promotion faster?

Granted I think Azel/Tiltyu is more possible than Lex/Tiltyu.

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Didn't I sort of acknowledge that by mentioning Paragon?

Yeah. I just think that's the reason tbh

EDIT: *looks at next post* I stand corrected.

Edited by -ZM-
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Ranking Azel!Arthur is entirely pointless because that Arthur is nothing but a watered-down carbon copy of Levin!Arthur who is better in virtually every way. Lex!Arthur functions completely different as a unit. In another thread marty even cruchned the numbers to prove that base level arthur can solo Ch.8 with Abush + Wrath.

Edited by Yojinbo
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*Base stats + promotion bonuses Arthur. When I first did my 0% Growths Playthrough without RNG abuse it was obscenely slow so I actually had time to pair Lex and Tilityu (my personal boots!douglas). With base stats + tron + magic ring + promotion bonuses Lex!Arthur trivializes everything except for Ishtar, siege tomes/ ballista (they're actually dangerous when he's in wrath range) and maybe Blume (I can't remember.) In chapter 9 he's also amazing, I believe he destroys everything except for Arion, that one dark mage, and maybe the boss of the empire's reinforcements. His magic growth is only 15%, so I'm not sure if the few magic procs he'd get would make a big difference.

Edit: I also think Lex!Tinny should be ranked somewhere in high tier. She has b staffs which is always nice, and her offense gets ridiculous, she can one shot a lot of enemies even in chapter 10/ endgame with the almighty wrath/ambush combo. This is probably slightly better than Hawk, who also has a spot in that tier, so maybe she should be right above him?

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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Ranking Azel!Arthur is entirely pointless because that Arthur is nothing but a watered-down carbon copy of Levin!Arthur who is better in virtually every way. Lex!Arthur functions completely different as a unit. In another thread marty even cruchned the numbers to prove that base level arthur can solo Ch.8 with Abush + Wrath.

Except for the fact that he has a better magic growth and Pursuit. Remember, overfilling something is the same as killing something normally. No, I am not implying that Azel!Arthur is better than Levin! or Lex!Arthur. I'm just pointing out that it's still a great pairing

Even Lex!Tinny has problems getting to promo purely because of her low level, which doesn't warrant high. Maybe near the top of high mid is good for her.

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Hmmm let me think... she has little trouble clearing the arena with wrath, so that's a big chunk of experience right there. She can easily be fed some enemies when she's recruited, some enemies near Conote, and some wyvern knights in chapter 9. She may even be allowed to help a child in chapter 8 (though that may be pushing it a little.) With that and four arenas, she can probably be promoted in time for chapter 10 to take over her brother's role of being absolutely untouchable. I would argue that that's good enough to put her in the low end of high tier, but the top of high mid would also work.

Edit: In response to the inevitable arguments of her not being mounted, this is 270 turns, not absolute LTC, so using a powerful foot unit here and there isn't completely inconceivable

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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Usually in subs runs i'm able to promote linda by chapter 9 while getting her conversation that pretty much takes her out of chapter 8, so I imigine promoting Lex!Tinny by Chapter 9 is pretty easy.

Edited by General Horace
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Lex is Tinny's best father by miles. She needs only a few levels before she starts killing everything, and it's not hard to give her levels when she has Elite and the almighty AmbushWrath combo. As Horace said, a c9 promotion isn't unfeasible, and Tinny can do a number of things as a Magefighter that Arthur can't. I've always found Tinny a lot better with swords, and she has the added staff utility, which is crucial in 10 and F.

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Except Azel!Arthur doesn't have the durability through skills or a holy weapon to take on mobs of enemies like Lex/Levin!Arthur can. Sending Azel!Arthur to fight a bunch of enemies is basically him getting hit by the first, counter-attacking and killing them, and then getting hit by the second and dying. It might take 3 hits to kill him, and he might dodge one or two, but neither will let him fight more than a few enemies at once reliably. And if you're just carting around a low HP Azel!Arthur to be a player phase nuke, I don't see him as being better than Midir!Lester (considering the latter doesn't have to wait to promote for a mount). I personally think Azel!Arthur is overrated and should be in Mid or something.

I think Midir!Lester can probably be Upper Mid; he gets inheritance and has pretty much exclusive access to the Hero and Killer Bows since Faval only cares about Ichival. I might be wrong but I think Hero Bow!Lester can kill the Dark Mages in Chapter 7 without getting countered, and they can actually do a lot of damage to most units. Then in Chapter 8 and 9 he can ORKO the ubiquitous wyverns, which is useful. He's not guaranteed to wreck the arena like Arthur but he faces the ranged arena, which is easier overall so he can get pretty far. I would put Julia in around the same place; she's not mounted but she has great EP combat with Resire and staff utility.

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Azel!Arthur is extremely overrated. He's a low-rent Levin!Arthur who, while he has Pursuit and a better Magic growth, doesn't have the almighty Holsety, and Elfire/Bolganon weigh him down too much to be of any real use. He's decent upon promotion, but with lack of Elite or a kill-everything tome, he's not promoting as quickly.

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Teeny is a footie

Her staff utility comes and ends with libro which outclassed by other contenders (FEE!Claude Sety!Clade All!Lana)

Joins Late in chapter 7

Unless you like return staff teeny!lex to clear the arena chapter 9 promotion is a bit of a stretch(Like mabye early chapter 9 by killing some mooks but just by arena no) but its still entirely possible

She has good offence but being a footie limits that offence to a degree and the fact that she starts with 5 move leaves her to some backline mook killing and arena clearing

so staff utility is nice but at best teeny is just an average unit (lex!teeny>levin!teeny) even with lex as a father

because Foot unit limits her combat

Arena clearing isnt even a sure thing

Lack of Pursuit

Isnt even the best at what she does

Joins late chapter 7 very underleveled

Cant keep up with the offence and isnt a likely rescue canidate when you have levin!sety Claude!Sety Shanan existing

Lester is high Bowlock isnt a problem in this game

Faval only cares about 1 bow and thats ichival and with dew he doesnt even have a problem maintaining it(bargain great offence)

Dew!Faval for Mid IMO

Lex!Teeny above all the teenys who might be at low or low mid at Mid

Last Thing before the new list update

The Sword!Twins

Jamka Noish Lex and Holyn are the assumed fathers

I think Mid good aviabillity great offence regardless of father god offence with noish skils+pursuit

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Teeny is a footie

Her staff utility comes and ends with libro which outclassed by other contenders (FEE!Claude Sety!Clade All!Lana)

Joins Late in chapter 7

Unless you like return staff teeny!lex to clear the arena chapter 9 promotion is a bit of a stretch(Like mabye early chapter 9 by killing some mooks but just by arena no) but its still entirely possible

She has good offence but being a footie limits that offence to a degree and the fact that she starts with 5 move leaves her to some backline mook killing and arena clearing

so staff utility is nice but at best teeny is just an average unit (lex!teeny>levin!teeny) even with lex as a father

because Foot unit limits her combat

Arena clearing isnt even a sure thing

Lack of Pursuit

Isnt even the best at what she does

Joins late chapter 7 very underleveled

Cant keep up with the offence and isnt a likely rescue canidate when you have levin!sety Claude!Sety Shanan existing

But she's worth the investment. 270 Turns is enough time to invest in Lex!Tinny when she needs only a few levels to wreck things. I agree that she most likely doesn't get Libro (it's usually glued to my Lana), but she can pick up Return/Recover/Warp and provide staff utility. She's naturally not your first choice for a staff user but she's arguably your best backup. She can do what most Lanas can't, which is fight. Azel!Lana is arguably your only fighting Lana option, so she wants to stay away from the front lines, where Lex!Tinny can afford to be closer to the front and provide much needed healing. Especially in bottleneck scenarios like Final creates, Tinny is that much more valuable. I'm not sure if she's contributing much after Ishtar's squad is gone, because from then on it's Seliph and Julia, but she may be able to take out a few Dark Warlords to help clear their path even more.

Also, her lack of Pursuit doesn't harm her that much. She has Continue and hits RES, and she has very high MAG, even with Lex as a father.

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I'm pretty sure the swordtwins are unfuckable.

How's DewxAyra anyways?

I'm also pretty sure that Levin!Lana can fight but why would you do that anyways.

Edited by Howard the Duck
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Dew!Swordtwins start out pretty strong, and have very good growths. Bargain is always welcome, and Dew can actually give Skasaher items to inherit. It's not optimal because they have much better fathers out there (and the odds of Lex, Holyn, and Noish being taken are very slim). But Dew!Swordtwins are probably in the top half of Swordtwins.

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But she's worth the investment. 270 Turns is enough time to invest in Lex!Tinny when she needs only a few levels to wreck things. I agree that she most likely doesn't get Libro (it's usually glued to my Lana), but she can pick up Return/Recover/Warp and provide staff utility. She's naturally not your first choice for a staff user but she's arguably your best backup. She can do what most Lanas can't, which is fight. Azel!Lana is arguably your only fighting Lana option, so she wants to stay away from the front lines, where Lex!Tinny can afford to be closer to the front and provide much needed healing. Especially in bottleneck scenarios like Final creates, Tinny is that much more valuable. I'm not sure if she's contributing much after Ishtar's squad is gone, because from then on it's Seliph and Julia, but she may be able to take out a few Dark Warlords to help clear their path even more.

Also, her lack of Pursuit doesn't harm her that much. She has Continue and hits RES, and she has very high MAG, even with Lex as a father.

base 8 22% growth post promo etc.

Im proposing her in Mid Which is very high compared to most teenys (who suck donkey balls)

she is usable but she really doesnt stand out

she doesnt have lanas early staff utility

she doesnt have lesters ORKO everything in 6 and 7

she doesnt have julias early game and endgame (staff utility and the most broken tome in FE)

she isnt a prime canidate to any staff but warp (Even then Claud!Fee exists which does what she does better)

she is good but she doesnt stand out in anything

"Just Normaly killing mooks is the same as over killing them"

why give tron to her when arthur has move and she doesnt

Return goes to nanna I dont see a reason why it doesnt go to nanna (She has move)

the diffrence beetween recover and relive in FE4 isnt amazing to warrent it self upper mid+All she can do with non libro healing staves is heal backline attackers

she just another staffbot which isnt notable enough to give her points when there are many better alternatives

and yes lana isnt being any good at offence without azel as father is true but she has good stats and early staff utility which is unrivaled until 8 (nanna)

what teeny does other units can do she is just another staffbot and justifies mid to me but nothing else being good only in late midgame and then just being an ok healbot (she isnt claud!Fury kids) is not worth OMG TEENY BEST UNIT XDXDXD GOD TIER BETTER THEN CELICE AND LEIF

Warp can go to the claud!fury kids claud!fee is the best gen 2 libro user nanna is better at returning and setys forfity+warp spam is better then hers

he can also get julias resire which is better then tron+vantage+wrath hacks

no boss killing utility too

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Dew!Swordtwins start out pretty strong, and have very good growths. Bargain is always welcome, and Dew can actually give Skasaher items to inherit. It's not optimal because they have much better fathers out there (and the odds of Lex, Holyn, and Noish being taken are very slim). But Dew!Swordtwins are probably in the top half of Swordtwins.

Idk, Dew goes alkright with most moms. He isn't top priority for them, except maybe briggid.

Holyn's kinda redundant with ayra, but he's a fast pairup.

Lex has better things to do, and Noish too. Granted Noish isn't in as much competition as Lex.

I'd say Holyn!Ayra is redundant because the skills are both high-ish damage swordskill. Dew!Ayra gets a high damage swordskill+sol.

Also, iirc, Dew!Skasa/Lach have better growths that Holyn!Swordkids. Idk about Lex!Swordies because he's got better things to create.

NoishxAny physical based mom is solid lol. the only bad kids he makes are Artur, Corple, and Lester iirc.

Opinions on Lex!Briggid while we're at it?

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the point of giving tron to Lex!Tinny instead of Lex!Arthur is because as soon as Lex!Arthur stops being able to OHKO everything he stops being good and starts dying instead. Lex!Tinny never stops ORKOing non-boss enemies with Tron so it makes more sense to give it to her in Chapter 10 and F.

I don't think bowlock is 'no problem' in this game. Because of the way enemies come at you in squads of 10, EP combat is very important in this game. The only squad that Lester can take out by himself is that bow knight squadron, which is like one squad in the entire game. He shouldn't be higher than Upper Mid IMO.

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A personal favorite of mine is Jamke/Ayra. Ulster and Larcei get insanely good growths and skillsets don't overlap. The only problem is that Ulster doesn't get anything, but I usually have Jamke kill a boss that drops a silver blade, or something.

It helps that both parents are footies.

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