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FE4 Gen1+Gen2 Tier Lists

Moishe Oofnik

Best Gen 2 Unit?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Gen 2 unit?

    • Leif
    • Aless
    • Celice
    • Shanan
    • Levin!Sety
    • Levin!Arthur
    • Leen/Laylea
    • Roddlebad

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Wrong. Sety does not get Resire. Sety has B Rank Light, Resire is A.

I was confuzzled with thracia Y U DO THIS TO ME JUGDRAL

(Resire is B light in thracia)

but still lightning is preety dope and has good weight

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Why use lightning... When you can use Elwind? Or Holsety? Or Tornado?

Noish!Larcei for High mid. No mount, but she is almost guaranteed to kill anything she meets in battle with good growths and skill set. Scathach doesn't have continue, so Mid.

Holyn and Lex! Larcei for Mid. Not as good skill sets and/or growths compared to Noish.

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Why use lightning... When you can use Elwind? Or Holsety? Or Tornado?

Noish!Larcei for High mid. No mount, but she is almost guaranteed to kill anything she meets in battle with good growths and skill set. Scathach doesn't have continue, so Mid.

Holyn and Lex! Larcei for Mid. Not as good skill sets and/or growths compared to Noish.

claude!sety he doesnt get any tomes for inheritence naturaly and claud cant buy elwind or claud!sety being capable to wield tornado

Agreed on larcei I think noish!skasha below her in upper mid holyn!skasha and dew!skasha in mid and lex skasha in lower mid

great skills good growths but footie

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Is Johan going to be in Mid for sucking?

Mount no pursuit (I wished he was lexes kid and not his crappy father) No Hero axe preety suck but better then yohalva in miles so IDK

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You should probably update the OP at this point so that we know what changes are made.

I am going to update it when the claud!diadora thing is made I guess Ill do slight modifications doe

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Johan is actually pretty strong in chapter 7, but past then he doesn't do a whole lot.

I've lost track of what pairings are being discussed but there's very little inscentive for Sety to get rid of lightning (if he did, who would use it anyway?). Tornado can only be used by Levin's kids anyway, Tinny's the only one that really benefits from it.

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i didn't mention leaf because he doesn't benefit from it

it's literally a waste of an item slot on him. If you really want 1-2 range might as well give him a magic sword so at least when he counters at 1 range he does damage.

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Ranking different iterations of Lakche and Skasaha is kind of pointless because they're gonna be to all intents and purpose the same units that will mercilessly overkill mooks and generally perform similarly well, regardless of whether Lex, Noish, Holyn, Jamka, Dew or even Ardan is their father. The only oddities are Azel!Skasaha and Claude!Skasaha who functions as a magic sword user. Lakche and Skasaha should just be ranked high mid with no special annotation of their father, Claude!Skasaha or Azel!Skasaha may deserve a spot of their own.

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Faval really isn't that strong despite having a holy weapon IMO. Ichieval's hit is very poor against important bosses that he'd otherwise be good against, and he doesn't have anything else that really make him anything other than a good generic enemy killer. Thieving is nice, but like others have stated, passing money around in gen 2 isn't as big of a deal because of inheritance.

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Just to conclude my previous line of thought:

Lana, Lakche, Skasaha, Lester, Nanna, Leen, Faval and Corple all should be tiered only one time on the list and without consideration of who their father is. They're either are too stable to give a shit about it or there is only one real way for them to work as a viable unit. Arthur should be tiered twice [once as Levin!Arthur, once as Lex!Arthur], Delmud should be tiered twice [once as Beo!Delmud, once as Azel!Delmud] and Sety should be tiered twice [once as Levin!Sety, once as Claude!Sety]. Fee could probably be tiered even three times [once as magic sword user, once as physical fighter and once as flying staffbot with Claude as her father].

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Just to conclude my previous line of thought:

Lana, Lakche, Skasaha, Lester, Nanna, Leen, Faval and Corple all should be tiered only one time on the list and without consideration of who their father is. They're either are too stable to give a shit about it or there is only one real way for them to work as a viable unit. Arthur should be tiered twice [once as Levin!Arthur, once as Lex!Arthur], Delmud should be tiered twice [once as Beo!Delmud, once as Azel!Delmud] and Sety should be tiered twice [once as Levin!Sety, once as Claude!Sety]. Fee could probably be tiered even three times [once as magic sword user, once as physical fighter and once as flying staffbot with Claude as her father].


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I agree with all that, but I think you could probably separate Nanna the way you did with Delmud. I'd probably keep the same fathers since I don't think Claude's staff bump really gives her anything.

Actually scratch that, I think Lana could be separated too. Every other father is basically the same for her, but Claude and getting chapter 6 rescue can be really big and pretty high up for her.

Edited by Psych
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Nanna belongs into the "too stable to give a shit" category in my book. Even if you do the shittiest pairing possible for Lachesis [which is probably a tie between Lachesis x Ardan and Lachesis x Holyn] you'll still end up with a mounted staffbot that has Charisma and amazing availability.

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Fee should go into the group of really stable kids, along with her brother.

Even if you give her Midir/Alec as a dad, she'll have the hero lance lol. Additionally, she gets perks from mage-dads via magic swords and better staff usage.

Aideen pairings kinda depend on "do you want to be able to use Lester?" If yes, then don't pick a mage-dad lol.

seconding Artur getting multiple placements on the list.

Levin!Artur, Lex!Artur, and other!Artur.

Edited by Howard the Duck
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Tbh even the majority of physical units are bad fathers for Lester. Alec/Fin aren't good fathers for him because Pursuit + Iron Bow won't cut it, Noish!Lester probably isn't a whole lot better and while promoted Ardan can pass down Bows it's a terrible pairing regardless ... still not as terrible as Aideen x Dew and Aideen x Holyn though which gives Lester absolutely nothing useful to inherit at all.

Other than the obvious choice of Jamka!Lester and Midir!Lester there isn't much you can do to make him useful. Beo!Lester could kinda work out maybe because Pursuit + Charge but I haven't tried it.

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I'd put Claude!Lana between Levin Sety and Finn, since I honestly feel the turns you can save with Rescue in chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9 are much higher than anything Finn contributes. I could see a case for her being higher than Sety, but I don't know if I could argue higher than that.

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