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I hate it when they draw big breasts on female characters


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Except ya know, most of those "greek gods" are actually drawn by men too

Which I think there should definitely be more body diversity in male superheroes (though compare spiderman with Thor and there's a clear build difference vs most iterations of she-hulk don't actually get much bigger than your average female superhero) but there is a difference fundamentally in the way male heroes and female heroes are idealised in the current industry, that being said I think there could be a couple of more strong-man type character builds or something, would be interesting to see

It's not just the amount of clothes or the body type, but rather, the way the heroes are posed, as well (though this has been getting better thanks to both more female artists in the industry and awareness in male artists to not portray women as such) but women are often posed in ways that present them as titillating even mid-battle, sultry poses while fighting when the current mission at hand has nothing to do with seduction, while male heroes most often have poses that portray heroicness and power

There is a lot more that goes into character design and presentation than just body types; It is also entirely possible to respectfully draw an attractive, big-breasted woman doing heroics well, but a lot of designs fail to do that. It's definitely possible to design something that shows a lot of skin, but still look like something you can kick ass in.

I will also remind you that, boobs don't really do much in battle, but muscles make you lift more and punch harder

in a genre about punching people into orbit


look if you really want to look at actually sexualised men I can totally draw some if you pay me

speaking of comics though i have not read the issue of Thor this week, gotta go do that

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i hate it when people complain about other people's artwork. Now, if the plot/shenanigans are heavily based on breasts, that's not something i'm terribly interested in, but if not, i mean, ok whatever

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I don't get why artists draw females with busts that are bigger than their head. And anyone that's seen stuff like Queen's Blade knows that the big busts are taken up to eleven there. It just doesn't make any sense.

Edited by Larverto
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the series is still heavily skewed towards glorious man muscle tho

is there a problem with glorious man muscle?

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the series is still heavily skewed towards glorious man muscle tho

That's like, literally the whole point of the series, it's the signature visuals, it doesn't pretend to be something else, it doesn't give any differential treatment (other than not having a lot of women) esp later on and it's literally one series compared to like 80 years of comic book history

Also, its target audience is still male, part 1-part 6 are SHOUNEN manga and 7-on is Seinen

Edited by Thor Odinson
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JoJos is full of muscular men posing yet nobody seems to get in a tizzy about that

There is an extraordinary marked difference between how JoJo characters pose and what you see in Marvel. JoJo is all about power and bigness, yes, but let me show you something.


Heres Jolyne. Shes actually a main protagonist. A JoJo.



She looks scantily clad, but in truth, her poses are full of power on her own. The first one especially is very natural and shows off her guns more than anything else. The second one has dem hips, but the focus is more on her expression and her, once again, guns. Thats really not a boobs-and-butt pose.

If you see Jolyne in a full on bnb pose, its likely fanart.


Lisa Lisa is supposed to be attractive, but also a master Ripple user. Her poses and expressions convey this. She may have moments of fanservice (bathtub), its of her own volition. Her poses are always power.

The only female character who really has a lot in the way of sexualization outright, is Bast Mariah. Shes also an antagonist, and its within her character to act like that. (Shes a serious troll and her stand makes for some hella awkward situations between Joseph and Abdul.

As for the male characters, only the Pillarmen are all shirtless. You see a lot of definition in JoJo characters' muscles and stuff, but they are all conveying the same thing: Power. Jotaro's pose conveys aloof power:


Part 2 Joseph is more flamboyant, but still conveying power:


You get the point. Everyone in JoJo is conveying power and usually in control of their situations.

Contrast Marvel Heroines and Heroes together:



Im sure thats from the Avengers film cover. Note how Natasha is in classic boobs-and-butt pose.

Gee this sure makes sense...


How come She-Hulk isnt as big and powerful looking as Hulk?


Her main focus isnt even her power or guns...


You know where your eyes go straight for.

Contrast Thor, whos pose conveys his obvious power:


Ya know?

Arguing the double standard with JoJo doesnt work. Its like Lumi said, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is deliberate posing to convey fabulosity and power. For just abou every character. Even the dog.

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pfhahaha yeah look at all that power right there

I know right? Joseph and Caesar are posing and being absolutely fabulous at it. Totally accepting of their spangly outfits and showing off dem abs and guns.

if you are trying to disprove my point, you backfired. Hard.

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I know right? Joseph and Caesar are posing and being absolutely fabulous at it. Totally accepting of their spangly outfits and showing off dem abs and guns.

if you are trying to disprove my point, you backfired. Hard.

So essentially that posing is emblematic of power because you say it is. Essentially they could pull be doing handstands while contorting their bodies into pretzels and it would make them exert power. But similar pictures of females that accentuate feminine characteristics instead of rippling muscles is pure sexism.

The only thing they're exerting in these pictures is fabulousness lol

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