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Masquerade Part 2.2: Klaatu, Barada... Necktie

Nanami Touko

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Vesta hustled as fast as her tiny trotters could take her. Walking in snow was particularly difficult as her wee legs were short and the snow was ever so tall.

Someone ought to plow nature... She thought to herself, grumbling as she shuffled in the powdery mess. Maybe I should invest in some good stilts. Or High heels. They make heels for hooves, right?

Very grumpily, Vesta moves to (27, 6)

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NPC Phase!

Makin agreed with Kadin's sentiments, and while she was fighting the cold and didn't want to use her energy to talk, she moved ahead of them. The boss had to act the boss.

Makin to 27,11

Vriska was a bit annoyed to see Lanos fly off after telling her to stay close, but yelling at him wouldn't solve much. The idiot behind her, though... No, she had to try and fix things. When they were across this bridge, she'd do just that.

Vriska to 28,6

Ingverd did his best to keep up with the pack, hoping that whatever was screaming wouldn't be catching up to them anytime soon.

Ingverd to 29,6

Enemy Phase!

Sonia felt the ground shake under her feet. It quivered. It trembled. The snow was definitely moving-- a claw, diving straight for her heart, shot from within the pile she was on, knocking her aside, but missing the fatal blow!

A grotesque creature pulled itself from the snow, chittering and shuddering, staring her down with several eyes.

Creation A attacks Sonia
52 hit
Roll: 56,94

On the bottom path, another creature of similar size and structure, slovenly moved out of one of the caves, further on ahead. These monsters looked less pleasant than the most deranged of bandits...


Player Phase!

Turn 2/11!


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"Oh. HELL. NO" Vesta shouted as she set her eyes on the ugly whatchamacallit that had materialised in her vicinity. "I am not going to be aberration-chow. None of these guys are gonna be aberration-chow. You ain't gonna be eatin' DIDDLY. EFFIN'. SQUAAAT."

Vesta CHARGES BOLDLY to (23, 6) and chucks a hatchet at the doohickey mcthingamabob

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Trist's lance sizzled against the unholy flesh, a tendril reaching out and slashing him against the arm as the blob of flesh seems unphased by the attack

96 hit
roll: 83,92
18 damage!

Creation Counters
63 hit
roll: 61,12
7 damage!
Group gains 1 EXP, Trist gains 1 Lance WEXP

Sonia finds out that this magic of hers is incredibly effective against the immorally constructed flesh!

82 hit
roll1: 62,83
roll2: 24,37
Double hit
34 damage!

Group gains 1 EXP, Sonia gains 2 Light WEXP

Vesta's BOLD CHARGE leave the monster with a large gash in it's already wounded chest!

94 hit
roll: 13,20
8 damage!

Group gains 1 EXP, Vesta gains 1 Axe WEXP
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Charging forward as he pulled his new lance from the holder on his saddle, Tristram hesitated for a second, seeing that his guess had been right and that the monsters were the ones the fortune teller had showed him. Shaking his head, he slammed his lance into the enemy's torso, before disengaging and pulling away. Sadly, he paid for his hesitation as the monster scored a hit in return as he pulled away. Wincing in pain, he wasn't paying attention and so was almost startled from his saddle as what appeared to be a tiny ball of pure rage appeared next to him and flung a hatchet at the monster. Realizing that it was Vesta, he chuckled slightly.

"Hey there Vesta. It'll be alright. We'll get through this."

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Vesta made a disgusting screeching noise as she watched her hatchet make its way into the beast's torso. Her usual technique of "throw sharp object first, ask questions later" seemed to have worked in her favour yet again.

"Well, if this thing eats more weapons and less bits of us I reckon it'll be a cinch," She huffed, catching her breath from her sprint. Her tiny stump legs were best suited for short bursts of speed. "How's yer arm, by the by? That looked like it smarts. I don't think this thing will be a pushover..."

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Kendeall grumbled as he saw the beasts before the group - well, only one beast now, considering Sonia basically exploded one with light magic. "S'still too fuckin' cold for this."

Kendeall grumbles and grumps to (26,4).

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Trist shook his arm out and twisted it to see the wound. "It smarts a bit but it isn't too bad. My own fault, really. I hesitated because, well, I'd been shown these things by a fortune teller. But I didn't really believe they were going to be real. And, well, they are. I wish I'd trusted it enough to warn everyone at least."

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"What in--" Kadin turned to meet the creature. His eyes were open wide in shock as he couldn't believe the abomination presenting itself in front of him. Him above, what is that? As Sonia cast her magic to burn its flesh, Kadin almost instinctively followed with a lunge at the beast. "Watch out for the other piles! Make sure they are safe first!" He spoke in an alarmed, raised tone.

Kadin hold, attack Creation A.

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Meredith ran towards the monster, and stopped just short of Trist. His arm bled, but it didn't look too deep. Part of her wanted to make sure he would NEVER EVER be injured again. Her practical training managed to override it. "As long as these things don't track us by scent, you should be all right. If your injuries get worse, please fall back. You can fight and scout, which is more than someone like me can do."

Meredith moves to 23, 4

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Tristram frowned at Meredith. "Don't talk like that. My wounds will be fine, and I'm not going to abandon the group just because of a cut like this. You're just as important to the group as I am, don't ever believe otherwise."

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"The hell are those things?" Angus muttered. Sure, they'd seen zombies and stuff recently, but he wasn't even sure what the creature he was looking at was. Whatever it was, it was still standing after taking a couple of hits from the others, so he moved in to help out and hopefully put the abomination down.

Angus moves to (22,5) and attacks with his Iron Bow.

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Kadin's lance managed to strike itself straight through the creature's head, knocking it off, and leaving the wriggling mass of flesh to fester on the ice!

122 hit
12 damage
Creation A dies!
Group gets 3 EXP, Kadin gets 2 Lance WEXP

Angus notches an arrow and sends it flying, stunning the monster long enough to fire off a second, taking it down!

94 hit
roll1: 80,95
roll2: 64,49
Creation B dies!

Group gains 3 EXP, Angus gains 3 Bow WEXP
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"W-whoa, what?" Maja was left somewhat speechless. The creature was beyond the undead they've fought before. They weren't just reanimated, they seemed to be twisted in form for a purpose. That... not a single respect for the dead. Who would do this kind of thing?

Breathing in the cold air and flinching at the monster's final screeches, Maja walked away without taking her eyes off the creature until her back hit something soft and familiarly cold. It was another snow pile. Finally turning to where she had walked, Maja gulped in tension. That... that could also be...

Maja to (24,10), attack the snow pile (using mahou yari) with panic caution.

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Maja stumbled forward and struck her lance in panic into the snowpile... Which turned red after a few moments, a creature gurgling its way out of the mess and standing, seemingly taller than the last.

75 hit
roll: 75,52
12 damage

Group gains 1 EXP, Maja gains 2 Lance WEXP

Ferdinand sees this hulking beast, and decides that it needs some more wounds!

Ferd to 24,11, attacks with Shortbow!

95 hit
roll: 58,94
8 damage
Group gains 1 EXP, Ferdinand gains 2 Bow WEXP

NPC Phase!

Makin, despite the cold and pressure to lead, didn't hesitate a single moment before charging in to attack that creature that had spawned itself near Maja! "W-Watch out!" she stammered, striking into it with her Lancereaver!

82 hit
roll: 67,75
14 damage
Group gains 1 EXP, Makin gains 2 Sword WEXP

The creature, seemingly unphased by this, swung right back at her, a claw scratching it's way across her scales, causing a sharp yelp.

65 hit
roll: 60,74
14 damage

Ingverd and Vriska pressed on, hoping there wouldn't be much more danger, and not appreciating the sounds of battle they were hearing from across the bridge.

Ingverd to 25,5, Vriska to 24,6, Wagon to 26,6

Enemy Phase!

The Creature that Makin had swung into saw prey in her, and attempted to make it so!

65 hit
roll: 15,23
13 damage

Blood pouring out of her tail now, Makin swung back with a fire in her eyes! On the brink of death or not, this adrenaline and screaming was getting her mind off of the cold, so in a morbid way, she was rather pleased about it!

82 hit
roll: 47,1
42 damage
Creation C dies!
Group gains 3 EXP, Makin gains 4 Sword WEXP

Panting above the corpse, she cracked a small smile to Maja. "D-Don't r-rush i-i-in like that... Oh, th-that hurts..." She whined at the pain, but they had to press on... And both of their healers were right there, so it wouldn't hurt for long, but, still...

...Though, the terror was far from over. As if roused by their fellow creature's dying breath, piles of snow began to quiver and erupted into more of the gigantic abominations. The mercenaries had best start running...

Player Phase!

Turn 3/11!



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