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Nintendo announces new console

Elibean Spaceman

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I'll be disappointed if I find that I can no longer buy new Nintendo consoles because they're making games for phones instead. I'd no longer be able to be a fan because I'd only want to play the older stuff, which will eventually no longer have any support. I have no interest in mobile gaming. At all.

Way to take a "partnership" to the absolute extreme. Nintendo officially stated they will only let their properties be USED in mobile gaming with their direct involvement with DeNA. Not that they are going ONLY Mobile.

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You do realize Nintendo started as a Trading Card Company, that also did a Taxi service and at one point Love Hotels right..?

It wasn't strictly gaming until well the Game&Watch/Arcades and the NES.

I just love how a company went from a gambling, yakuza mafia type of business to children toys.

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I just love how a company went from a gambling, yakuza mafia type of business to children toys.

Well Nintendo does mean "Leave luck to heaven" so that gambling slogan as it were remains :P.

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As I stated a post ago, marketing is quite the beast. You have to adapt. Something Nintendo has done right AND wrong over the years. As much as I absolutely love every Nintendo console with all my heart, some decisions they've made in the past have made me go.

"Huh?", The Wii U while on a nice recovery needs a boost still (Which this year should provide considering the superb lineup). However superb lineups do not always equal good sales.

Nintendo alienated their fanbase with the Wii despite its MASSIVE and I mean MASSIVE success and a good set of games. It completely alienated some of their more hardcore fans to the point they jumped ship if they hadn't already.

The Wii U was marketed confusingly when it first came around and people who did buy the Wii. Thought it was an add-on or thought (if I have a Wii why do I need a Wii U?) While the resurgance has seen some very solid games, see Smash 4, Mario Kart 8, Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, etc. It's reverse backlash and marketing was so BIZARRE not to mention its timing was pretty bad. Consider the 3DS which started on the wrong foot as well. The Wii U was released around the time the 3DS saw its sales just SKYROCKET.

When it comes to the 3DS, I'd honestly prefer a 2DS with the capabilities of the 3DS, because the 3D means absolutely nothing to me with the exception of headaches. I'm not the only one who feels this way, it's pretty obvious.

The WiiU...I pretty much always thought was a portable Wii, which apparently it is and it isn't. It's pricey, you need a lot of tech to make it work the way you want to, and until recently, game availability for it has been pretty standard which...is disappointing. If you look at the library of games for the systems. Retro remakes through WiiShop and the current game shelves are littered with games that just aren't being bought.

NES->SNES jump the differences are indescribable.

SNES->N64? I don't even need to explain the quality jump. N64->Gamecube felt like it was becoming slightly more niche, while at the same time giving us a bit less of uniqueness at the expense of refining what the N64 had, and that pleased the market quite successfully.

Gamecube->Wii was an interesting jump, but Nintendo really tried to back it up with the new fad of motion control. The results were probably more Hit/Miss than anything else Nintendo had really done console wise, but they weren't terrible, especially since they added in lots of solid third party games and really worked to push their own games to the top, ala Brawl, Mario Kart and Mario Party.

Now, the jump from Wii->WiiU...forgive me for being uninformed, but what was done for the WiiU that made it worth its place in the market? They're finally churning quality games out, but I feel as though the Wii and Wii U sold themselves on what was essentially a gamble of a gimmick becoming popular that had mixed results to the public.

WiiU->NX has to be something truly awesome and innovative, to bring Nintendo back to the top of where they had been for decades. They can either attempt to perfect mobile gaming through some technology that we're not really even aware of yet, or build an entirely new console that offers to the public something that we both haven't seen before, can adapt to easily from standard gaming practices, and can sell pretty broadly. I'm more interested to see something like the NintendoPhone, where it's a portable gaming device that can make calls and operate on data networks, rather than a cell phone with a 3DS cartridge slot. They're building cars with built-in Routers and Recievers for WiFi. Handheld gaming technology can't be that far behind.

Hell, Nintendo used to sell the GameBoy, and built that up from the bottom by adding a Backlight to their GameBoy Advance before going to the DS for massively enhanced gameplay. Split Screen technology was pretty fabulous, though vastly underutilized to its fullest. Few games required 3D to play, and it was limited to audiences that could adjust to it anyway. It was an asthetic change that didn't market itself as well as it could've.

Edited by Sara.
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Way to take a "partnership" to the absolute extreme. Nintendo officially stated they will only let their properties be USED in mobile gaming with their direct involvement with DeNA. Not that they are going ONLY Mobile.

Then what's this Nintendo NX thing going to be if it's not a mobile gaming device/hardware/whatever?

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Then what's this Nintendo NX thing going to be if it's not a mobile gaming device/hardware/whatever?

Imaging a modified 3DS that you could make calls/text with, with smooth bluetooth compatability, a rock solid speaker system for handling calls on speaker phone, a neatly designed top flip that makes using the 3DS as a phone functional (for calls you don't want the masses hearing) due to its size probably not being too large, a bigger touchscreen for easier web browsing (or two touch screens IDK) flash compatability for playing online browser games, social app linking that isn't limited to just Miiverse or whatever it is (I dunno I don't use MiiVerse for anything and I don't see much reason to do so unless I'm missing the point of it), and availability to do things like Pokemon trading from literally anywhere that you get Cell service from Verizon/Sprint/etc.

THAT'S what I imagine coming up

Edited by Sara.
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Good luck getting that to compete with the iPhone and Android.

The problem is that the above phones cater to a wide customer base, whereas Nintendo would have to be appealing to people who want their phones revolving around their identity as a gamer.

Edited by Radiant head
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Oh I know

I'm just saying, that if Nintendo does put a mobile device out, it's going to have to compete to earn its place in the spotlight and replace other people's phones.

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Then what's this Nintendo NX thing going to be if it's not a mobile gaming device/hardware/whatever?

There's the kicker. We don't know yet. It's probably best to come back to this topic in a month or five and see if there's more news.

Now, the jump from Wii->WiiU...forgive me for being uninformed, but what was done for the WiiU that made it worth its place in the market? They're finally churning quality games out, but I feel as though the Wii and Wii U sold themselves on what was essentially a gamble of a gimmick becoming popular that had mixed results to the public.

I believe the WiiU is the best current-gen console because it has vastly more games than any other.

Wii games.

Wii U games.

NES games.

SNES games.

GBA games.

DS games.

Indie games.

If that isn't enough games for you, then I don't even.

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Imaging a modified 3DS that you could make calls/text with, with smooth bluetooth compatability, a rock solid speaker system for handling calls on speaker phone, a neatly designed top flip that makes using the 3DS as a phone functional (for calls you don't want the masses hearing) due to its size probably not being too large, a bigger touchscreen for easier web browsing (or two touch screens IDK) flash compatability for playing online browser games, social app linking that isn't limited to just Miiverse or whatever it is (I dunno I don't use MiiVerse for anything and I don't see much reason to do so unless I'm missing the point of it), and availability to do things like Pokemon trading from literally anywhere that you get Cell service from Verizon/Sprint/etc.

THAT'S what I imagine coming up

Ohhh. So like a sort of hybrid? I might be down for that. Would depend on how Ninty handles it.

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I really don't see this being a full-out phone. Maybe a new handheld with "smart" features (inb4 New 3DSi XL) or a tablet. This announcement has definitely made me rethink buying a New 3DS though, until we know if it's being replaced soon. Whatever it is I hope it's not their next home console because while this thing is still a ways away announcing the Wii U's successor next year seems too early.

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I highly doubt that Nintendo is going to drop the 3DS and WiiU lines anytime soon. Even if sales are not superb on the WiiU, it is way too soon to introduce the next console. The WiiU is only 2 and a bit years old at this point. If anything, the NX is NIntendo's way of expanding into the mobile games market. I highly doubt the NX will be replacing anything, just expanding.

One of the slides in the IGN video has the NX, WiiU, and 3DS all in different bubbles. This indicated to me that all three are distinct products.

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Then what's this Nintendo NX thing going to be if it's not a mobile gaming device/hardware/whatever?

You know... there is nothing bad about expanding your business to include mobile... That doesn't mean they'll drop console gaming at all.

Both Microsoft and Sony have additional sources of income...

Edited by Naughx
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Yeah, but Microsoft and Sony didn't start out making games and game consoles, I believe. They made computers and TVs and stuff first. Nintendo has been first-party games and consoles only for a long time now. But as long as they keep making their own handhelds and home consoles, I'm good.

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When I think about it, it seems about time Nintendo got into the smartphone game business. Seems like a nice fit for them.

And, like, obviously they're making a new console/platform. I think we can expect Sony and Microsoft to be as well. I think I remember Nintendo announcing the Wii ("Revolution" at the time) some 3-4 years before its release.

As long as the eventual name doesn't have "Wii" in it. (Wii U2, let's go)

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lol, Wiigi would be hilarious. XD And give love to a certain green-clad plumber that's always been needing/wanting it except in 2013. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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I hope it's a Console-Handheld hybrid. Make it happen, Nintendo!!

O M G, i would love that.

I feel like im the only one not terribly arsed about the news about Nintendo's new direction. In fact, i feel like its probably a good move. I like Elie's whole idea of a Nintendo smart phone product.

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Now that I think about it, with the N3DS being able to support ports from the Wii like Xenoblade, I think Nintendo can definitely make handhelds in such a way that it's still unique enough and preferable to what they do on phone platforms, even if it doesn't reach as wide of an audience. Question is if people will still buy them.

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No, Nintendo would not be wise to move to the mobile market. You overestimate how many people really play those dumb-looking phone games. Playing those games adds additional costs to having the phone plan, which is already a hefty fee. I should know, as doing so uses up data on our own plan, and if we go over the data plan, we get charged more money. People want to save money, not have to spend more than they already do. Nintendo is going to make people do just that if they go and add even more to the mobile phone market.

I'll be disappointed if I find that I can no longer buy new Nintendo consoles because they're making games for phones instead. I'd no longer be able to be a fan because I'd only want to play the older stuff, which will eventually no longer have any support. I have no interest in mobile gaming. At all.

This is my reaction to this new system.
I don't use smartphones.

I highly doubt that Nintendo is going to drop the 3DS and WiiU lines anytime soon. Even if sales are not superb on the WiiU, it is way too soon to introduce the next console. The WiiU is only 2 and a bit years old at this point. If anything, the NX is NIntendo's way of expanding into the mobile games market. I highly doubt the NX will be replacing anything, just expanding.

One of the slides in the IGN video has the NX, WiiU, and 3DS all in different bubbles. This indicated to me that all three are distinct products.

Because I won't be getting it! It shouldn't be the consoles next generation. The Wii-U is only 2 yrs old. It's too soon to have a new console. This NX should only be it's new portable system, but it'll hurt the New 3DS's sales if this were to be released too soon.
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Because I won't be getting it! It shouldn't be the consoles next generation. The Wii-U is only 2 yrs old. It's too soon to have a new console. This NX should only be it's new portable system, but it'll hurt the New 3DS's sales if this were to be released too soon.

Consoles usually get announced like 5 years before they actually manifest. Wii U will probably be in support until at least 2017.

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The OP really should change it to hardware, nothing specific has been stated so far.

Don't you guys remember the rumors about the Nintendo Fusion a while back? It was something involving combining the console and handheld.

I'm going to repeat what I've heard else where. The "N" stands for Nintendo and the "X" is supposed to cross two things together, in this case consoles and handhelds. Nintendo already started this thing with the new Mario Versus Donkey Kong.

Nintendo will never make a phone IMO.

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