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so i ordered an acai bowl yesterday (acai sorbet with other fruit in it for those that don't know) and left it in the freezer overnight. i'm eating it now and it's really cold. now i'm really cold.

that's how you confess your feelings. outright with no prior warning. the least sense you make, the better.

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Um..... yeah Ein you might want to rephrase those...

But oh now that you say "Soul" after my post I just remembered that was Soul that would create issues calling him Furet before, not you.....

The behaviour was so similar it made me think it was you all along

BUT also I understood a little of what you're saying and my response is: the fact that you say "Furet-I mean Parrhesia" means you acknowledge the fact that he does not want to be called that anymore, you do not need to know why he doesn't like it. You can respect one's wishes without knowing why they wish for it to be so.

If you actually didn't know yet that he really really does not like being called that, then yes he really really does not want to be called that anymore.

So now you know.

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do you seriously think i'm asking sf for relationship advice

how little faith in me do you fucking have

SF or just FFTF? How much little faith do you have in SF as a whole!

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He does not believe in our divinity... D:


...I am genuinely curious if anyone ever did that letter thing? ...think I did that once. In elementary? :0

it didn't go well

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Holy shit i cannot for the life of me decipher your sentences

Not sure if you're serious or if you're nitpicking (pretty sure it's the latter), but he basically said "when/why did he become "paressia"?".

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Not sure if you're serious or if you're nitpicking (pretty sure it's the latter), but he basically said "when/why did he become "paressia"?".

I agree the overall message is pretty easy to understand, but I do think that Ein's grammar was kind of muddled.

Also it's Parrhesia. You were pretty close. You might have confused Parrhesia with Parsee.

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Not sure if you're serious or if you're nitpicking (pretty sure it's the latter), but he basically said "when/why did he become "paressia"?".

I think he was making a point about the nature of Ein's reaction.

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You posted the thread and you know how this place goes. What did you expect would happen. usually

Bully how. I only bring it up because of he said to Soul like him making this thread would not become what he did not want to hear/read/see from it despite what would happen but I dunno how what he wanted out of it. And it's kinda like he think peeps are SF are not so great in terms of actually talking with for various reasons I do not comprehend. Somehow.

Passive aggressive how. I still have no idea why he no longer goes by Furet. Like did something happen I am pretty sure I have 100% no clue that happened because you guys converse with one another by other means? If that is the case then I will gladly oblige and no longer refer to him as Furet jokingly if it really does offend him. For some reason. A reason I have no idea what it actually is.

What did you expect would happen: Hilarious ideas of how to confess: expected. People calling him Furet: not expected.

Bully how: You showed that you knew Parrhesia wanted to be called Parrhesia, but instead of erasing your first attempt and replacing it, you posted both. You may have meant it as light teasing, but teasing does fall under the umbrella of bullying. Teasing is a (light) synonym for provoking.

Passive aggressive how: You could have asked him why he didn't want to be called Furet, but teased him instead.

Edited by Makaze
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I agree the overall message is pretty easy to understand, but I do think that Ein's grammar was kind of muddled.

Also it's Parrhesia. You were pretty close. You might have confused Parrhesia with Parsee.

Does it matter? That wasn't the point. By the way, I sincerely hope I don't have to clarify that was rhethorical. (; ...or that I purposely didn't care much about misspelling Furet's new display name.

I think he was making a point about the nature of Ein's reaction.

Doubt it...

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...wait, wait, wait. I just realized the proper way to confess romantic feelings to a girl!!! I can't believe it took me so long to realize that you should do this!!!

Is it really that easy? I always rely on this technique when confessing my feelings to a guy, but I've never tried it on women before...

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Passive aggressive how. I still have no idea why he no longer goes by Furet. Like did something happen I am pretty sure I have 100% no clue that happened because you guys converse with one another by other means? If that is the case then I will gladly oblige and no longer refer to him as Furet jokingly if it really does offend him. For some reason. A reason I have no idea what it actually is.

so i mean a bunch of people already said it but

when you say "furet- i mean parrhesia" it's not the same as talking and having a slip of the tongue. you typed "furet", hit the hyphen, sipped your tea, and continued on your merry way.

it's not for you to wonder why he doesn't go by furetchen anymore - fuck, i don't even know why nor do i care - it's for you to not be a rude person and passive-aggressively (that's textbook passive-aggression, dude.) "slip" and use his old name.

and the furet- implies, strongly, that you already knew going into it that he prefers to not be called that


EDIT: i feel like i should add that "jokingly" calling somebody something that they'd prefer not to is a privilege reserved for friends, lol

Edited by Integrity
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oh yeah

Not sure if you're serious or if you're nitpicking (pretty sure it's the latter), but he basically said "when/why did he become "paressia"?".

i'm 98% sure fuccboi was being internet mad about how ein used a whole ton of words to say, like, nothing.

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when you say "furet- i mean parrhesia" it's not the same as talking and having a slip of the tongue. you typed "furet", hit the hyphen, sipped your tea, and continued on your merry way.


i'm 98% sure fuccboi was being internet mad about how ein used a whole ton of words to say, like, nothing.

98%? How do you calculate it!?

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no offense, i just want to say that i think love confessions should be the least of your worries if you're going to get upset over what people call you online.

and please, no letters. if there's no chance to reliably see her in person, then at least try to do it over the phone.

Lots of alcohol, and then when you're both drunk just start making out. Works every time.

A+ advice

so how'd it go cici~~

This this this this this

I..... idk how to offer advice on asking out because mine didn't ask me out >u> But in a way he did confess I guess? Because he'd be all "you are too cute and I am going to make you fall for me" which back then really scared me but that's because I'm paranoid ^o^ But I guess a thing to not do is say "I am going to make you fall for me"~!

E-even though he succeeded at that...

BUT BUT BUT idk how many people are like this but I'm only comfortable being asked out by someone after I've gotten to know them really well because I really don't like to risk any heartbreak :c

So if there are lots of people like me... what you SHOULDN'T do (though to someone like me this sounds like a given) is ask somebody out when you've only known each other for a few days. That's what somebody did to me once... And even though I was already thinking "h-he's kinda cute~" while I was flattered I got a little intimidated by that and said "why don't we wait to get to know each other better?" And then we did and then I found out he was definitely not for me and so I said "no thanks"

Flirtiness can be real flattering imo... for the most part. Because again, I'm paranoid and a flirty guy kept toying with me in the past when he really felt nothing for me, once I realized that I became afraid of flirts. So when Integrity was a huge flirt it scared me too~ BUT eventually as we bonded more and more, as he grew on me and I trusted him more it just seemed real flattering~~ Which helped him grow on me QUICKER

I have no clue if what happened to me had the most successful methods out there... But given all that (IN CONCLUSION TO THIS ESSAY) I'd say definitely be confident, make sure you two have been given time to get to know each other (al-although this is more of a method to stay together than to get together, I guess...), and don't be afraid to be a flirt. Just as long as you aren't too overbearing on it, I think... (oh and Integrity's mistake was that he flirts with everybody, so once I started to fall for him I became uncertain if he really MEANT anything he said to me because he flirted with everybody else too >u>)

actually sooner is better when it comes to asking someone out on a date. if you let something linger for too long without asking you end up increasing your chances of having a crush not see you as much of a dating interest. and you end up getting closure quicker, you'll find out if the person is not your type much sooner and you get to bypass that whole awkward friendship stage. assuming the person you meet isn't from a dating app, about a few days to a week of chatting via text is a good enough timeframe before asking someone out. if you do meet a person from a dating app, ask for numbers on the app then ask them out asap.

yeah playful flirting is basically a big key to gaining attraction. being able to flirt well with confidence will absolutely spark interest in whoever you're trying to attract.

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actually sooner is better when it comes to asking someone out on a date. if you let something linger for too long without asking you end up increasing your chances of having a crush not see you as much of a dating interest.

So I just happen to be the complete opposite, then!

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