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Grangel's head

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It's one way to incorporate a playable enemy. The crazy laguz in Tellius would be another amusing one.

(just. . .don't do this to the Jugdral guys. . .please. . .they deserve better than a floating head)

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Then Tiki wouldn't be a thing.

Since Gangrel and Aversa are both there but we didn't see any other major FE villains (there was someone with Walhart's headpiece and long hair, but no name), and they're both from Awakening, I doubt they're just randomly (by the/an antagonist) generated villains.

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To me it seems that the playable characters get more humanoid 'persona' (lacking a better bit of terminology) and the villains are a bit more... inhuman/weird/strange/creepy/unnerving. My guess is that one of the ones we didn't see named is Black Knight.

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I guess some Fire Emblem characters are going to be abstract monsters or bosses. I'd laugh if this one was Kellam.


It would be all the more fitting if he first appeared as a statue in the background that players are likely to look over. His design is more plain than a lot of the other enemies so it could work.

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I guess some Fire Emblem characters are going to be abstract monsters or bosses. I'd laugh if this one was Kellam.


Better yet, just make Kellam a blank space.

Also, I think I know what's with the Gangrel head. It's Gangrel's head and the weird triangle decoration from the Trickster class - now, where'd the rest of the body go?

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