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Plot discussion, speculation, etc.


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So, it seems Fire Emblem If will have two stories to tell. Fire Emblem Hoshida looks to be the traditional "fight off an invading army" narrative, possibly with a twist, while Fire Emblem Nohr will charge you with solving "internal conflicts", whatever they may be. There's also a third possibility where you do not choose one country over the other.

- Gameplay implications? Apparently, the Hoshida side will give players a World Map in which you can use skirmishes and the like to train units and get money, whereas Nohr will be like other games in which you go straight from one chapter to the next. What could be some of the other ways the gameplay between the games could differ?

- Characterisation? Kamui is going to be a Hoshidan royal raised in Nohr, which reminds me of Altenna from Genealogy of the Holy War. What will be Nohr's situation and royal family be like? Could we finally see a Trabant-like ruler explored in real depth? There are many beautiful possibilities, and I'm getting hyped just thinking about it. (Please don't break my heart again IS ;_;)

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My biggest question is whether or not you fight Hoshida if you choose the Nohr path. In the direct it sounded like the antagonists would be people in Nohr regardless of what path you choose, and the choice was really about who you side with to stop them.

-This may be going out on a limb, but perhaps different classes could have different promotions based on the path you choose. For example, Peg Knights could become Falcon Knights in the Hoshida path and Dark Fliers in the Nohr path.

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I've been watching the trailer again and again. Each time I watch it I get so hyped, it looks really interesting and has great potential alon with a deep story; playing with the concept of family as the people who raised and cared for Kamui and contrasting it with the idea of bloodline is a good way to start.

About the plot? It intrigues me that Nohr is referred as the Glory-seeking Kingdom, makes me think that probably Hoshido began the war for whatever reason and somehow managed to defeat Nohr or claimed a precious treasure, the Fire Emblem or just honor, or whatever. Perhaps Nohr, in retaliation, kidnapped Kamui and raised him/her and want to seek revenge and claim the lost honor/glory. So as the plot is developped, Kamui has to choose whether he/she supports Nohr's in its ambition or just sides with Hoshido to seek peace. Maybe the idea is between peace/order and glory/chaos.

It hypes me more that Kamui is the formal antagonist and hopefully lacks Robin's duality (hero/villain aspect). Asides, what's the role of the dancer? She seems to wear a dress when siding Hoshido and another one when siding Nohr.

All in all, this game seems splendid, I hope there won't be mayor meltdowns, and #Nohr

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My biggest question is whether or not you fight Hoshida if you choose the Nohr path. In the direct it sounded like the antagonists would be people in Nohr regardless of what path you choose, and the choice was really about who you side with to stop them.

-This may be going out on a limb, but perhaps different classes could have different promotions based on the path you choose. For example, Peg Knights could become Falcon Knights in the Hoshida path and Dark Fliers in the Nohr path.

Having promotions different for each path would be cool and add more to the whole "choices that the player has to make" but I don't know how that would work out, especially how in Japan they're coming out with two FE games and one game is the Hoshida path and the other is the Nohr path. I'd feel pretty disappointed if I had to shell out extra money just so I could have a Dark Flier/Falcon Knight promote...

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This may be going out on a limb, but perhaps different classes could have different promotions based on the path you choose. For example, Peg Knights could become Falcon Knights in the Hoshida path and Dark Fliers in the Nohr path.

I think units will depend of which side you choose. Pegs, myrmidons and the new classes seen in the first trailer will be in the Hoshida path. While wyverns, knights, cavs, etc will be in the Nohr path.

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-This may be going out on a limb, but perhaps different classes could have different promotions based on the path you choose. For example, Peg Knights could become Falcon Knights in the Hoshida path and Dark Fliers in the Nohr path.

My thoughts they might have different classes entirely, with Hoshida being speed-focused and Nohr being power-focused. That might be a good compromise, though.

I've been watching the trailer again and again. Each time I watch it I get so hyped, it looks really interesting and has great potential alon with a deep story; playing with the concept of family as the people who raised and cared for Kamui and contrasting it with the idea of bloodline is a good way to start.

About the plot? It intrigues me that Nohr is referred as the Glory-seeking Kingdom, makes me think that probably Hoshido began the war for whatever reason and somehow managed to defeat Nohr or claimed a precious treasure, the Fire Emblem or just honor, or whatever. Perhaps Nohr, in retaliation, kidnapped Kamui and raised him/her and want to seek revenge and claim the lost honor/glory. So as the plot is developped, Kamui has to choose whether he/she supports Nohr's in its ambition or just sides with Hoshido to seek peace. Maybe the idea is between peace/order and glory/chaos.

It hypes me more that Kamui is the formal antagonist and hopefully lacks Robin's duality (hero/villain aspect). Asides, what's the role of the dancer? She seems to wear a dress when siding Hoshido and another one when siding Nohr.

It would be neat if the choice was between two different ideologies. Trying to achieve peace through uniting the world by force, or diplomacy.

The dancer may be a deuteragonist who follows you in both paths.

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I thought it was mentioned in the direct that most characters would be unlockable with either route but the circumstances of recruiting them would be changed. Or perhaps the characters that appear so far will be the only characters to be exclusive.

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I thought it was mentioned in the direct that most characters would be unlockable with either route but the circumstances of recruiting them would be changed. Or perhaps the characters that appear so far will be the only characters to be exclusive.

I really hope not. This would be such a cop out on IS's part.

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What if the Dancer Lady is a royal born from the Nohr's royal family but raised in Hoshido? Many cases of these political hostage, they would exchange a hostage from each side. Because since Dancer dressed in mostly white in the trailer and official arts, this could be a real possibility. This could be a reason why she will be accepted into the Nohr's side when you choose to join them.

OMG, my shipping senses is really telling me to marry them together when I get the game.

Edited by Awakener_
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This is not what I think will happen, because of idealistic bull rap, but hear me out. So, in the Nohr storyline, you fight a civil conflict. What if, in the process of this, your character became King? Then, you claim the throne of Hoshida, and unite the realms in an Austro-Hungarian arrangement. Now, this is unlikely, because IS probably won't let you be a conqueror, but I would want to play as a conqueror type protagonist.

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This is not what I think will happen, because of idealistic bull rap, but hear me out. So, in the Nohr storyline, you fight a civil conflict. What if, in the process of this, your character became King? Then, you claim the throne of Hoshida, and unite the realms in an Austro-Hungarian arrangement. Now, this is unlikely, because IS probably won't let you be a conqueror, but I would want to play as a conqueror type protagonist.

The third secret path have you not sided with either Hoshido or Nohr, conquest path is real possibility.

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The third secret path have you not sided with either Hoshido or Nohr, conquest path is real possibility.

The problem with that path is that it doesn't sound plausible. But I'd take it so long as no ancient evil bullshit gets thrown at us.

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I thought it was mentioned in the direct that most characters would be unlockable with either route but the circumstances of recruiting them would be changed. Or perhaps the characters that appear so far will be the only characters to be exclusive.

they said you would meet the characters differently not recruit them so my guess is the recruitable characters from the opposite game will be commanders

What if the Dancer Lady is a royal born from the Nohr's royal family but raised in Hoshido? Many cases of these political hostage, they would exchange a hostage from each side. Because since Dancer dressed in mostly white in the trailer and official arts, this could be a real possibility. This could be a reason why she will be accepted into the Nohr's side when you choose to join them.

OMG, my shipping senses is really telling me to marry them together when I get the game.

that's a very good and plausible idea in my opinion

MODEDIT: yo don't doublepost

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they said you would meet the characters differently not recruit them so my guess is the recruitable characters from the opposite game will be commanders

I don't expect ALL characters to be freely recruitable (certainly not Marx and Ryoma) but if a LOT of characters are going to be route exclusive, we're going to need a lot more characters than normal to fill each game. My top guess is just to have the royal family characters be exclusives and have most characters recruited under varying circumstances.

What if the Dancer Lady is a royal born from the Nohr's royal family but raised in Hoshido? Many cases of these political hostage, they would exchange a hostage from each side. Because since Dancer dressed in mostly white in the trailer and official arts, this could be a real possibility. This could be a reason why she will be accepted into the Nohr's side when you choose to join them.

OMG, my shipping senses is really telling me to marry them together when I get the game.

Her changing outfit along with her placement in the trailer and promotional art makes me think she's going to be a neutral party.

Also my understanding of political hostages is that the dominant group takes the hostage to control the lesser group. For example, in Game of Thrones, the Starks put down a Greyjoy rebellion and take on a Greyjoy hostage but the Greyjoys don't get any Starks because there's no reason to give THEM political leverage.

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I don't expect ALL characters to be freely recruitable (certainly not Marx and Ryoma) but if a LOT of characters are going to be route exclusive, we're going to need a lot more characters than normal to fill each game. My top guess is just to have the royal family characters be exclusives and have most characters recruited under varying circumstances.

To be fair FE usually has tons of characters that lack balance.

We'll have the same amount as usual, but maybe from a gameplay standpoint we won't have characters that are directly BETTER, than others in the same class, depending.

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The Dancer is a goddess, or a Manakete goddess similar to Naga and the dragons from FE4. I'm betting my two cents on this.

Also, Marx is probably a prince. Wouldn't put past him to be the plot-wise Chrom to the MU, even if the latter's importance is much higher than the former's gamewise. Same about the Haohmaru samurai guy, I think he's also got close ties to the ruler of Hoshidan.

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Here's my theory for the game story so far:

Judging by the buildings at 0:53, Porcupine the First (very likely to be Kamui's father) as well as Kamui were in Nohr for whatever reason. At this point, Kamui is probably a young child and his/her younger sister is old enough to remember him. Also, Kamui is old enough to have a childhood friend(Hinoka) who remembers him quite well, and is probably very close to due to the dialogue in Hinoka's scene. Porcupine dad becomes a pin cushion, and either porcupine dad or Kamui pleads with Garon to let Kamui live, which leads to Garon saying that 'You will live, as my child that is."

Why Hoshido doesn't react to this is still unknown.

In the scene that shows Ryouma introducing himself as Kamui's older brother, the sentence structure is off, due to the '...' at the front of the sentence. Kamui may have been made to forget some of his Hoshido heritage through magic or some other story gimmick.

Then, there's the Hoshido archer dude's line. I won't put a proper translation here as the line can be translated in many, many different ways depending on context and the lines before it. It's basically Hoshido archer dude saying that Kamui(or maybe someone else?) had betrayed Byakuya. Who or what Byakuya is, we probably will never know until the game comes out. It could be the Empress' name, or it could be a dragon-god in their religion who granted some with manekete powers.

As for the very last scene where Marx tries to cut down Kamui(or again, maybe someone else), Marx tells Kamui to 'properly apply the justice that he(Kamui) believes in'. This could mean that Kamui had done something contradicting the idea of 'justice', which brings us to that scene with Marx.

And that's all I have with regards to the dialogue.

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The king(?) of Nohr says "生かしてやろう、吾子としてな" ('I'll let you live as my child') which implies that Kamui was kidnapped/hostage exchange/given to the Nohr kingdom or something and that really interests me. Because how old exactly is Kamui when this happens? On one hand, yes if he's old enough for his younger siblings to remember (Hinoka might not be a childhood friend, I thought Kamui was her long lost sibling from the trailer but who knows) then it makes it really odd that Kamui was able to integrate into Nohr because that's some traumatizing shit right there. ON THE OTHER HAND, if he does remember AND still manages to think of Nohr as family that'd be really interesting. It certainly seems like the Nohr royal family members are fond of him.

Also Byakuya is just what they refer to Hoshido as (the "white night" kingdom) just like Nohr is the "black night" kingdom. The MU calls them by those names in the text (when he's talking to dancer lady in the gameplay clip)


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Also Byakuya is just what they refer to Hoshido as (the "white night" kingdom) just like Nohr is the "black night" kingdom. The MU calls them by those names in the text (when he's talking to dancer lady in the gameplay clip)

Thanks for clearing up the Byakuya thing. Didn't pay attention to the kanji in that part and just read it as Hoshido and Nohr respectively.

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Also on a related note, considering the context right after it, I'm 99% sure that archer dude is referring to Kamui with that line (I've been watching so much shounen and I was literally expecting the whole sentence to be the "I won't forgive you" schtick because that line ends like that probably 90% of the time). The next part has Marx telling Kamui to prove his "justice" that he believes in, so I'm pretty sure those two lines are what the opposing faction says about Kamui if he ends up betraying them.

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The king(?) of Nohr says "生かしてやろう、吾子としてな" ('I'll let you live as my child') which implies that Kamui was kidnapped/hostage exchange/given to the Nohr kingdom or something and that really interests me. Because how old exactly is Kamui when this happens? On one hand, yes if he's old enough for his younger siblings to remember (Hinoka might not be a childhood friend, I thought Kamui was her long lost sibling from the trailer but who knows) then it makes it really odd that Kamui was able to integrate into Nohr because that's some traumatizing shit right there. ON THE OTHER HAND, if he does remember AND still manages to think of Nohr as family that'd be really interesting. It certainly seems like the Nohr royal family members are fond of him.

Also Byakuya is just what they refer to Hoshido as (the "white night" kingdom) just like Nohr is the "black night" kingdom. The MU calls them by those names in the text (when he's talking to dancer lady in the gameplay clip)


He could have been around 6-8 years old when he was captured. Assuming he is 16+ by the events of the game, that would give him enough time to bond with his new siblings but still have vague memories of his past life. Hinoka and Ryoma are the only people confirmed to remember him so it's possible they are both his older siblings. I'm getting the older sister vibe from Hinoka because her Nohr counterpart is Camilla who definitely has an oneesan feel.

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On the topic of voice actors:

It seems that Marx/Max is almost certainly voiced by Konishi Katsuyuki.
Ryouma sounds like Tsuda Kenjiro when he tells Kamui to fight him.
King Garon's voice is giving me Ohtsuka Akio vibes.
The voice talking about Hoshido's traitor at 2:07 in the trailer sounds very familiar. I can't place it exactly though. Tachibana Shinnosuke? Shimono Hiro?
Kamui's "Yes" at 2:42 in the full direct trailer sounds like it could be Shimazaki Nobunaga, but maybe that's just hopeful wishing on my part <3

I'm also hoping Hosoya Yoshimasa, Sawashiro Miyuki, and Sugita Tomokazu are all in here in some fashion.

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I've been thinking that the 3rd choice involves making a revolution to end the war, but I wonder what does the dancer has to do with this at all? I get this from the first teaser where, by the end of it, they show the cutscene of Marx and Ryouma fighting but then they show the girl dancing. What if the dancer is some sort of 'heron' that dances in the same way the herons sing the Galdr of Release in order to awaken some god or divine dragon?

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