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I wish they weren't so 'Black and White' with the character designs

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The peaceful Hoshidans have predominantly white attire while the antagonistic Nohrians wear mostly black (rather unnecessarily).

Did they really have to color-code the two factions based on their attitudes? Now I'm worried the plot is going to be as simplistic with morality as Awakening.

Edited by FrostyFireMage
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The peaceful Hoshidans have predominantly white attire while the edgy Nohrians wear mostly black (rather unnecessarily).

Did they really have to color-code the two factions based on their attitudes? Now I'm worried the plot is going to be as simplistic with morality as Awakening.

I'm guessing that might be the case for the Hoshido game. It does seem more geared towards people just out of awakening and haven't had much other experience in the series while Nohr seems to be for people who've been around the bush and want a more complex story.

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I kinda like it, really. I like black and white color schemes, and this kinda makes me think of Chess. I also like all of the black and shiny armor of the Nohr. I've been waiting for a darker faction for the Lord to be from, and Nohr fits that perfectly!

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I kinda like it, really. I like black and white color schemes, and this kinda makes me think of Chess. I also like all of the black and shiny armor of the Nohr. I've been waiting for a darker faction for the Lord to be from, and Nohr fits that perfectly!

they could have done something a little less generic and edgy

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so basically it goes like:

black: I'm a humorless warmonger who wants to force my worldviews on others I never smile and also kick puppies because I hate their innocence. my favorite things include order and stability.

white: I am a decent individual who likes giving money to the poor and volunteers at soup kitchens because I'm nice like that also black keeps trying to destroy my way of life, just saying.

now that I think path of radiance had a similar thing going for it because daein wore black armor and crimea wore white armor

yep that's black and white for ya

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Yeah, I'm kind of worried about it too, and not only because of the Black and White morality a la Awakening.

I got a strange vibe, if Norh is really more like older Fire Emblem, and Hoshidan is more like recent Fire Emblem, well, it's as if they mocked us with 'You want a real Fire Emblem ? Well go the dark side', it seems somewhat... upsetting to me, somehow.

Still hoping for the true Grey and Grey morality that we all love to be here

Edited by B.Leu
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Keep in mind that white is the color of death in Eastern nations, so technically both sides are color-coded negatively.

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I expect it's to make everything seem actual black and white in morality, when the truth may not be as clear cut. That's why a third path would exist that is neither black or white.

i'm with this person on this just because it'd be too obvious to make things so black and white.

Yeah, I'm kind of worried about it too, and not only because of the Black and White morality a la Awakening.

I got a strange vibe, if Norh is really more like older Fire Emblem, and Hoshidan is more like recent Fire Emblem, well, it's as if they mocked us with 'You want a real Fire Emblem ? Well go the dark side', it seems somewhat... upsetting to me, somehow.

Still hoping for the true Grey and Grey morality that we all love to be here

me too, but i wouldn't mind being a "villian" for once in the series, it'd be a breath of fresh air.

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me too, but i wouldn't mind being a "villian" for once in the series, it'd be a breath of fresh air.

It would be a wet dream come true. I'm not joking. I would love to be a Manakete Overlord.

I have enough of this 'Humanity must walk forward together' message, with everything not human forced into screwing themselves or losing their powers.

PoR and RD were the only FE who changed from the usuals.

Keep in mind that white is the color of death in Eastern nations, so technically both sides are color-coded negatively.

What. Really ? I didn't know that.

Edited by B.Leu
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Who knows maybe the peaceful Hoshidans once they get the upper hand will act just like Nohr. Maybe we'll even get a cutscene or two showing a destroyed Nohrian village being ransacked by Hoshidan troops while Kamui looks on. That would certainly make me feel rather out of place with my white hair and armor.

In another matter, I'm placing my bets more on the third DLC path, but not by much. I believe the third path will be more about rallying against the Nosferatu and the Giant Mouth of Truth monster we saw in the first teaser trailer. It will be more of diverting everyone attention to a different threat and working together since I'm pretty sure the third path is being made more for the fact to have all recruitable characters live on than anything else.

Still, the dreamer can dream so here's to hope for a more Tellius like story.

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Who knows maybe the peaceful Hoshidans once they get the upper hand will act just like Nohr. Maybe we'll even get a cutscene or two showing a destroyed Nohrian village being ransacked by Hoshidan troops while Kamui looks on. That would certainly make me feel rather out of place with my white hair and armor.

In another matter, I'm placing my bets more on the third DLC path, but not by much. I believe the third path will be more about rallying against the Nosferatu and the Giant Mouth of Truth monster we saw in the first teaser trailer. It will be more of diverting everyone attention to a different threat and working together since I'm pretty sure the third path is being made more for the fact to have all recruitable characters live on than anything else.

Still, the dreamer can dream so here's to hope for a more Tellius like story.

Unless the game will make us side with the monsters and kill everyone, like some have suggested...

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I actually think it's pretty interesting that the "dark side" are your family who you've been raised with since presumably a very young age. The game clearly expects you to care about these characters, so I wouldn't really worry about it being "good vs evil" or whatever. Just look at that imouto, how could that possibly be evil?

I'll admit the Nohr king (I'm assuming he's the king, at least) looks outright demonic though.

Edited by BlitznBurst
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I'd say we still don't know alot about the story. I think they are setting it up thought that there are good and bad qualities to each side so the choice isn't so clear cut. I don't think its simply Nohr=Baddies Hoshida=Good guys. At first it might seem like that but they threw it for a twist when they mentioned that the supposed bad guys (Nohr) are the same guys who cared for the avatar and raised him while Hoshida didn't raise the avatar they are tied to him/her by blood. And who knows maybe we'll find out that Hoshida isn't all peachy and peaceloving as the story progresses

The only clear cut "bad guy" I see is the old emperor which they're setting up to be overthrown. Although even then he could have some alterior motives for going to war with Hoshido we don't know yet. I mean I know not everyones a fan of Awakening but remember Walhart? Granted he was a conqueror and wanted to use war but on the flip side he knew Grima was coming and wanted to unite the nations to prepare for it. I could see IS pulling something similar with this new guy.

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I feel like a lot of that is just thematic for the trailers and promotion of the game, but when it gets down to it, we're going to see a lot of depth, and the characters won't just fall into a black or white classification. In any event, it's way to early to make judgement calls, and if you want to enjoy this game, you have to judge it for what it is, not what it isn't.

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As many have said its far too early. I see there being a moral grey to both sides, they each have good qualities and they each have bad qualities.

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I could see this being morally gray. Obviously the Nohr are too ambitious, to the point of trying to conquer another nation. They're even described as being glory seeking, but I could easily see the Hoshido going in the exact opposite direction. Being too unambitious to stop living in the past.

That would explain why all the magic users seem to be Nohr. Most Hoshido simply don't care enough to try and learn magic, or maybe they have so many stupid traditions that they refuse to shed that makes magic nearly impossible to study.

Really we don't know enough to make any assumptions about the plot though.

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I think you're going to be playing as the good guys, no matter which faction you choose. My prediction is that Hoshido will be a "Protect homeland, dethrone evil emperor", Nohr will be "Reform homeland, dethrone evil emperor" and the 3rd path will be "Enough of these political shenanigans, let's save the world from the hidden evil". Kind of boring not having a real villainous or anti-hero route to choose.

As for chromatic (no ties to Awakening) complaints, I'm more irked by the hair colors people have. 3 of the Nohr camp have light blonde hair, and everyone else that we know about is some shade of blue or purple. On the Hoshido side, we already have 4 confirmed red hair people (Hinoka, Sakura, Tsubaki and Saizo) plus all the red motifs with their outfits. It's getting a little samey for each faction.

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I dont mind it especially since it is just the main characters/royalty/nobility of Nohr so far, their mooks seem blue in the cutscenes.

If they where going for evil faction I would think they would be black or red even when on your team. And your family having/choosing similar colour schemes to the emperor guy seems logical.

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I feel like the whole point is that the game is to subvert some of the expectations of black and white morality. Obviously, Nohr is going to have a sympathetic edge to them, otherwise why side with them at all? Hoshido is going to have some unsavory aspects about them. Otherwise why is Kamui not raised there?

Ya know? Hoshido is advertised as "good" and the easier route, but doesnt mean they actually are nicer and more morally upright. Nohr is a harder path with more political twists and turns, but doesnt mean they are like, totally evil or anything. I think the aesthetics are there so they can pull the rug out from under you. If thats the case, this title will be amazing.

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I actually think this could be used in an interesting way.

I mean the Nohr look extremely antagonistic,I mean lets take a good look at them:
-Wear a lot of black

-Probably abducted the main character as a child

-Creepy and evil looking king

-invade the other country

-seem to use dark magic(Marxs sword is surrounded by purple magic)

-looking at the first scenes of the first trailer it looks like some of their soldiers use a skull motif for their armor

-and it looks like they are the ones commanding the huge stone monster in the first trailer(since it attacks a hoshido fortress)

-since the hoshido are the pegasus-using nation I think its safe to say that the Nohr will use Wyvern riders.

They are pretty much your standard evil guy-nation.....but you can side with them,which implies they aren't really as evil as they seem,which creates a great contrast to how generically evil they look.

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I'm hoping that the color scheme is just a design choice and not just a way to color-code the good and bad guys like Awakening did with no subtlety whatsoever.

Also if light magic doesn't return I'll be pissed.

Edited by FrostyFireMage
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I feel like they'll set it to be obvious good and bad but it will end up being way more complex. IIRC the writer for this game does mystery genre so we'll see some twists.

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