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There has to be something Morally Wrong/Odd about siding with Hoshido


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Still don't want to be a Suzaku or a Lelouch expy. Especially the Suzaku kind. And I doubt Suzaku and Euphie would have succeeded in their global plan, even if they did succeed in doing whatever they tried to do at that moment.

There is also that protagonist from that obscure Code Geass visual novel on PS2. Lost Color I think it's called.

I wanted to point out something. Hoshido apparently have access to the Ninja class.

Ninja, what kind of so called 'peaceful' naton would have Ninjas ? Ninjas are spies and murderers, the silent, sneaky, cruel kind.

Edited by B.Leu
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^ I agree that they might not be as peaceful as they say. But the ninjas might be tradition and are used as messengers and scouts,ect in times of peace.

Edited by goodperson707
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Ten bucks says the if you pick Hoshido, towards the end some of the Hoshidans will start enjoying the war a little too much and instead of creating balance they'll destroy Nohr for the sake of peace.

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Ten bucks says the if you pick Hoshido, towards the end some of the Hoshidans will start enjoying the war a little too much and instead of creating balance they'll destroy Nohr for the sake of peace.

Ryouma at the very least seems a bit trigger happy for a Hoshidan, so your theory could very well come into play.

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I wanted to point out something. Hoshido apparently have access to the Ninja class.

Ninja, what kind of so called 'peaceful' naton would have Ninjas ? Ninjas are spies and murderers, the silent, sneaky, cruel kind.

I guess the same could be said for most of their army. Why do they have enough soldiers to repel an invasion?

Maybe the ninja are to keep an eye on/eliminate potential rivals to the Hoshido ruling faction.

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I wanted to point out something. Hoshido apparently have access to the Ninja class.

Ninja, what kind of so called 'peaceful' naton would have Ninjas ? Ninjas are spies and murderers, the silent, sneaky, cruel kind.

Again I think the peace loving is true, but how they gain said peace is were the question will lie.

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Again I think the peace loving is true, but how they gain said peace is were the question will lie.

Fifty bucks that by force is the case. Acquiring peace by force isn't exactly uncommon in Fire Emlbem(look at Ylisse and Plegia), and yeah Ryouma is trigger happy. Hell, Archer Boy seems trigger happy. I assume somewhere along the Hoshido route you'll argue with the two about the real goal of Hoshido.

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on the beginnings of the 1st trailer it's shown that Hoshido and Nohr might be once allies since they fought together. Maybe sometime later their relations began to deteriorate, though it's most likely from Nohr's side too.

also Ylisse isn't really all-goody(see Chrom's father).

Barely mentioned in the game though, and ironically he was exactly right about the Grimleal.

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Fifty bucks that by force is the case. Acquiring peace by force isn't exactly uncommon in Fire Emlbem(look at Ylisse and Plegia), and yeah Ryouma is trigger happy. Hell, Archer Boy seems trigger happy. I assume somewhere along the Hoshido route you'll argue with the two about the real goal of Hoshido.

People keep talking about Hoshido and Nohr alone though...you're forgetting (I do too lol) the Nosferatu and the giant mouth of truth. Like, which side are they on? What are they? Rehashed Risen?

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People keep talking about Hoshido and Nohr alone though...you're forgetting (I do too lol) the Nosferatu and the giant mouth of truth. Like, which side are they on? What are they? Rehashed Risen?

I presume that they're some kind of monsters like the Risen were, or ancient beings of some sort.

What if the 3rd path is one where you're on the monsters side...?

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People keep talking about Hoshido and Nohr alone though...you're forgetting (I do too lol) the Nosferatu and the giant mouth of truth. Like, which side are they on? What are they? Rehashed Risen?

I presume that they're some kind of monsters like the Risen were, or ancient beings of some sort.

What if the 3rd path is one where you're on the monsters side...?

Not sure about the Nosferatu, but the giant titan like thing seemed to be fighting for the Hoshido in the teaser trailer. And given that we also have the Hoshido prince/princess being able to turn into a dragon, I suspect the Hoshido have some interesting powers and abilities on their side.

EDIT: Wait, nm, on re-watching it looked more like it just interupted the battle and attacked both sides.

Edited by Mad_Scientist
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Maybe Nohr is a meritocracy where anyone can rise, albeit violently, through the ranks, and Hoshido is peaceful only for those standing on top of the backs of the lower classes?

That could actually work pretty well, fitting with Hoshido being Feudal Japan, where it was pretty shitty to be poor. Actually, reforming Hoshido from inside might be better. A Fire Emblem where you get to reenact the Meiji Restoration would be awesome!

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That could actually work pretty well, fitting with Hoshido being Feudal Japan, where it was pretty shitty to be poor. Actually, reforming Hoshido from inside might be better. A Fire Emblem where you get to reenact the Meiji Restoration would be awesome!

ah shit i never thought i wanted this until you mentioned it

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Maybe Nohr is a meritocracy where anyone can rise, albeit violently, through the ranks, and Hoshido is peaceful only for those standing on top of the backs of the lower classes?

That's what Ashnard (once again the black faction) basically did for Daein. Anyone with sufficient ability had the chance to advance in the military.

A similar dichotomy was in Dragon Age: Origins. You had the choice of supporting the democratically elected leader of the dwarves who was conservative and supported an oppressive caste system or supporting a murderous usurper who would break away from the caste system and become a benevolent dictator.

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Ashnard cheated and used a blood contract. Doesn't count.


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Ashnard cheated and used a blood contract. Doesn't count.


It's said (somewhere in the narration of Path of Radiance, iirc) that Ashnard encouraged these changes for all of Daein (although this only applies to advancement in the military). The blood contract was just for his own ascension to the throne.

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Daein wasn't really a meritocracy, though, because Ashnard judged people based on personel strength, which has no bearing on actual leadership ability.

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What Ashnard did wasn't portrayed as a necessarily bad thing though, like Sothe said, it gave the commoners the opportunity they always wanted to have.

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Maybe Nohr is a meritocracy where anyone can rise, albeit violently, through the ranks, and Hoshido is peaceful only for those standing on top of the backs of the lower classes?

The thing is, when choosing Nohr it's pretty obvious you are choosing family rather than ideals. And the civil war route means you aren't joining Nohr to conquer Hoshido, but to change it from the inside, whereas siding with Hoshido would mean Nohr would be utterly defeated in the incoming conflict.

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Siding with Hoshido in that scenario means that you're basically going to destroy Nohr even though there are people there pushing for reforms though. Look at Crimea vs Daien in PoR. Even though Daien was clearly in the wrong, you still end up needing to invade the country to stop it. It's not like it'd be only defensive battles. And in this case you apparently having a faction with power attempting to fix Nohr, something that didn't happen with Daien.

Siding with Hoshido not only could lead to the destruction of Nohr, but it could cause more conflict in the future. Some nobles could have survived and sworn revenge on Hoshido & eventually could start another war in the future. Sure it could be the same siding with Nohr, but atleast there is a chance to stop the war without one side being conquered. Maybe its in the Third path...

Edited by Goonachu
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Siding with Hoshido not only could lead to the destruction of Nohr, but it could cause more conflict in the future. Some noble's could have survived and sworn revenge on Hoshido & eventually could start another war in the future. Sure it could be the same siding with Nohr, but atleast there is a chance to stop the war without one side being conquered. Maybe its in the Third path...

Of course, most FE antagonist nations weren't fully destroyed after their defeat. I think Doluna was the only one.

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^ hey not for lack of trying on begnions part

Unfortunately. I for one would be happy to see Daein destroyed. It was a lost province of Bengnions, anyway.

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