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post here and I will judge you

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bitty kitties

chen you are a cool kitty

and you're only 14 years old...

Show me your law degree o' mighty judger.

decent dude

don't know you very well tbh

well, aside from your questionable luck in the hungry gaymes

woah it did

I dunno man beards are hard to maintain

I bet. :(


no-nonsense PIECE A' WORK YOU ARE

legit cool I actually think "what if I were as tough as lumi" sometimes

lmao quality thread op


Rain judgment on me (discreetly)


/me whispers his judgement into your ear

what if i told u i have a 22 inch cock

is that something u might be interested in




jovial dude!

we get along well, I think

Please validate my existence.

you have good taste in shovel knights

Hey, I was never judged


tbqh I don't know what to say about you except that Jill a best


geico gieco


dont give it up lenny


dont give it up shrekles



his pants are made of rubber

how the fuck did that happen?


can I be judged yet

lol so random! just like me! haha holds up spork

seriously though you're pretty funny sometimes

Judge me, o' mighty beings

I like you because of your sig

adam is one handsome dude


idk what to say as I have nothing to judge you by

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with anything touhou related.

my smtbro!

always a pleasure to see you around

Hello, Hi, Hey Severian

suuup glac~

I think you're doing a pretty good job with HHH adventures

I wouldn't be able to keep up with a long fic so I think that's commendable

Ehhhhh. Judge me.

I hate both falcon and dorf with a passion

because I always lose to them in smash

that aside you yourself are ok

Is this fad back?

I liked this fad

it was ok but I think these threads are dangerous


like a snake


literally kirby

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I can only assume I was skipped on purpose.

Sorry, I didn't know you wanted to be judged.

TBH, I don't agree with the stuff you say sometimes, but you're a bright person, and I appreciate/respect that. You remind me of my older brother in a way.

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no-nonsense PIECE A' WORK YOU ARE

legit cool I actually think "what if I were as tough as lumi" sometimes


You'll end up singing I'll make a man out of you in your head at all times

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Lumi's topic is "post here and I will make a man out of you"

I bet I could make a woman out of anyone

I'm not 100% sure what that entails, but I bet I could do it

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You'll end up singing I'll make a man out of you in your head at all times

hey, I could use that to tune out annoying people


I wasn't gonna jump on any judging trains but I can't resist you, esme

judge me

but do it gently

Bro-tier gal. I hope you and I will remain friends whether through the internet or in person.

I wish only the best for both you and Sasuke's husba-- I mean, Ike.

Lumi's topic is "post here and I will make a man out of you"


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Bro-tier gal. I hope you and I will remain friends whether through the internet or in person.

I wish only the best for both you and Sasuke's husba-- I mean, Ike.


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[severian/Esme], I

cool dude

I wish I was as eloquent with my internet posts as you are


don't know you very well but I like your sprites

and you won a HUNGER GAYME so you can't be all bad


nice guy, I like you a lot

sometimes you frustrate me though

What's going on in here?

you're actually really funny and are a great LPer

you kinda have thin skin though, or maybe I'm just seeing things

But I haven't updated it in forever...


Thank you that is a thing isn't it



still commendable imo

i dont even know who you are

but I do

I know everything about you, Raven

i am severlan

silly goose

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