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Are other Fire Emblem sites as chill as serenesforest?


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Pretty much every FE forum I was a member of is pretty much dead now. I don't think the series is popular enough to support many sites.

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sf has no chill

but yeah other sites are pretty dead. there is feshrine, teb and FEE that i can think off the top of my head. the memberbase for freshrine does not exist, all of TEB members migrated to skype and i'm not even sure if FEE is alive today

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There is /r/fireemblem, which is the Reddit FE community. There is very little to no room to go off-topic there. So if you want to talk about other stuff than FE then you'd probably have to make a new subreddit just for casual shit between the Reddit FE community. IDK if such a thing exists, but yeah, it's not for me. SF is superior in every aspect.

I have noticed a few SFers posting on there, though, which is nice.

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I have legit never seen a different FE forum.

As far as I'd seen, there used to be quite a few and then they all just died down while SF thrived

I bet some of them probably tried to revive when fe finally got a new game again after so long, but they probably couldn't because most people probably went to talk about it in the active forums ^o^

I never really look at the forums outside of here, though... so idk what's going on out there anymore

Oh and I was so busy talking about that that I forgot to add in that SF definitely has its chill~! At the same time it can also be pretty unchill ^o^ We just have a variety like any big(ish) forum

Edited by Freohr Datia
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most of them died because FE became a lot more irrelevant to their lives (and people grew out of it), i know for sure a bunch of tight knit friendships came out of them though simply because they just weren't as big

Edited by Alb
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If you don't think SF is chill, you would not have survived in the FE fandom of olde. lol This place is super relaxed in comparison...

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If you don't think SF is chill, you would not have survived in the FE fandom of olde. lol This place is super relaxed in comparison...

not really that chill


sf has no chill


At the same time it can also be pretty unchill ^o^



frank did come in a bit later though, but I'm pretty sure I remember finding even the 2010-2011ish time to be very unpleasant as well (actually I preferred 2008-2009 over that period of time, though this could also have been because way in the beginning I was too naïve to realize how angry everybody was being at the time, I know many things flew way over my head back then even more than now ;n;)

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2007- early 2008 were good years because the forum wasn't that big and we were able to be very lenient. Late 2008 is when FESS closed, IIRC, and that brought a shitstorm with it. The next couple of years forced us to crackdown a little bit more with our rules, and flesh them out. Since then, it hasn't been too bad... I mean, this isn't a chan board or gamefaqs, so you do have to stay a little more on topic/relevant. At the same time, FftF exists and our general forums aren't particularly strict either.

That being said, if you compare us with FESS circa 2004-2006, we are much more lenient. I think we've also managed to have much less drama than FEFF did, too. FEP is harder to compare against, because most of their activity was in their roleplay forums. They were fairly relaxed in the past, though.

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