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Are You Right Handed or Left Handed?


Right Handed or Left Handed?  

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  1. 1. Right Handed or Left Handed?

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Left. I write, hold pints and masturbate with the left hand (Edit: Not simultaneously), but I do nearly everything else like a right-handed person, such as playing pool, holding a gun, etc.

Edited by Raven
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And for those who are left handed, how often is it inconvenient in terms of using tools/equipment meant for right handed people?

Me? I'm just a boring old right handed person.

The table in the college isnt built for a lefty, that's for sure. Also, sitting on the right side of a righty is also really annoying (but if it's a pretty, cute girl then I dont mind).

Oh, my mouse is placed on the right side of the keyboard. I am used to it so there's no complaining. I do everything with my left hand except controlling the mouse.

Edited by Magical Amber
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I can use tables that are meant for right handed people without a problem. I don't really see it as an issue, it never troubled me.

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Wow, there's a lot more left-handed people here on SF than I thought (I thought it'd be 1/6th of poll voters at best, not 1/3rd). I have to wonder why there seems to be so much less left-handed people in real life

...then again, I do kind of assume everyone is right-handed unless they prove otherwise, which I can't really go out of my way to find out without being weird. Randomly asking people at work/school if they're left handed is awkward after all...

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Wow, there's a lot more left-handed people here on SF than I thought (I thought it'd be 1/6th of poll voters at best, not 1/3rd). I have to wonder why there seems to be so much less left-handed people in real life

...then again, I do kind of assume everyone is right-handed unless they prove otherwise, which I can't really go out of my way to find out without being weird. Randomly asking people at work/school if they're left handed is awkward after all...

Truth be told, it's probably a self selecting sample. Most right handed people are probably uninterested in saying they are, it's we lefty freaks who tend to be vocal.

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Left handed. As far as inconveniencing from a world designed for right handers, there's writing anything in a western language smudges the hell out of your hand and the writing. Writing checks is especially bad since it's in pen. The lecture hall desks in college were a pain during tests. I also can't even begin to count the number of hot shell casings I've had ejected onto my right arm whilst out shooting. OOH and scissors. My choice is either a ridiculously shitty cut (using my right hand), or hand cramps (left hand).

It's honestly not that bad though. I think the worst thing of it all is going out to dinner with a group of friends and trying to make sure you get the seat so that your left elbow will be in the aisle whilst eating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Left handed. I don't have any problems. Also, I've got much more dexterity with my left foot, but I can use my right foot if I need to. However, I don't have as much strength as my left foot.

Edited by Newton
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Yeah, just like the topic says. I decided to make this thread since I realized that it's almost as if all left handed people disappeared off the face of the earth ever since after Elementary School.




I mean goddamn it's like we're a race in extinction. ç_ç

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Potato peelers are almost impossible to use with your left hand. You have to get a special left-handed one if you don't want to keep slicing your hands open and leaving chunks of skin all over the potatoes because you have to press so hard to peel them. I'm actually ambidextrous, but sometime during school I stopped writing with my right hand and now I only use my left for writing, but everything else is pretty interchangeable. I can't play a left-handed guitar, though, and I hold my knife and fork the right-handed way (bumping elbows with everyone next to you when you're trying to eat gets old very quickly).

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I am left handed! However, rather interestingly, when I have to do things that involve jumping off of one foot (like hurdles), I jump off my right foot. On the other hand (get it!?), I kick with my left foot. It's very weird.

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