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Ohhh boy.......

I don't think there will be any differences in terms of modes and difficulties between each game, at least in the download version considering that the first six chapters are supposedly the same and there is no way for them to determine which path we'd choose beforehand (unless they make us pick side right from the start which I don't think is likely basing on the information on the main site).

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Should an optional feature come back to a single-player game which a lot of people claim made Fire Emblem much more accessible to newcomers? I really cannot see why not.

I know this has been debated heavily, and since I'm not as familiar with the franchise as a lot of other people, my opinion might be biased in favor of more casual players, but I don't understand why someone else's playstyle matters in a single-player game. I personally don't like playing that mode, but it works well for some, and that alone should be enough of a reason to bring it back.

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inb4 defenders of Fire Emblem's integrity sink this into a casual vs hardcore debate

I don't think there will be a difference in difficulty settings between game versions. Nohr is stated to be more challenging but that could easily be attributed to the lack of world map/grinding. I find it hard to believe IS would make Hoshido casual ez-modo and Nohr the 'go hardcore or go home, scrub' version. They want to sell both games so they will make both games accessible to a general audience.

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Fire Emblem with casual mode is no more real Fire Emblem for me!

This mode ruined a trademark.

Never ever have played this mode and I never am going to do this in the future!

Just add better and more balanced difficulties than the lunatic+ skill shit.

It was really the worst idea to make a game artifically harder.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Well, it might hurt the sales if they didn't include it again, looking at how some casual fans still despise older games in the series for not having it, so I suppose they'll bring it back.

It'd be hilarious to see them not bringing it back just to virtually flip the bird towards these kind of people, though. :P

Should it come back? Meh, personally don't care, just keep any marks on the file select screen.

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Well, it might hurt the sales if they didn't include it again, looking at how some casual fans still despise older games in the series for not having it, so I suppose they'll bring it back.

It'd be hilarious to see them not bringing it back just to virtually flip the bird towards these kind of people, though. :P

see this is, like, a bad attitude, and literally part of why fire emblem is a niche series

c'mon guys, have some love and aloha in your hearts instead, jeez

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Will it return: Probably

Do I want it to return: No

The issue with Awakening it was designed from the ground up with Casual in mind. It got to the point that I'd let units die and just not care. I can get through a really difficult level of Rekka with flying colours but can't bother to save anyone at midgame in Awakening due to the stigma. This would be combated by Classic mode except with the Reliance on Grinding, lack of stat caps and so on its almost as if they want you to play on casual. Now, I'd personally like to see Nor close to Rekka/SD/Tellius in terms of Linearity and lack of grinding. If they fix the Arena, I'd be even happier. But as it stands, it's 99% guaranteed coming back, but I'd rather see it exclusive to Hoshido or at the very least have the game more accessible to Classic mode. (Awakening Open Fields Anyone?)

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see this is, like, a bad attitude, and literally part of why fire emblem is a niche series

c'mon guys, have some love and aloha in your hearts instead, jeez

You mean from my side or..?

You forgot to mention that I don't care.

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Hi Omega,

I was referring more to the fact that despite Classic being an option, there are so many broken mechanics in Awakening that it renders the idea of a classic FE experience obsolete IMO. Especially when, in my circle of friends, I'm criticized for having a poor streetpass team because I don't excessively grind or focus on who gets what skill but rather focus on how I can use my units at their base and promoted forms to tactically take down the opposition. I don't like breaking the game, but among people I know, I'm unfortunately in the minority. I'm also actively campaigning to get more people I know to play the older titles as I've found this stigma has grown towards my enjoyment of the older titles and mechanics.

As a whole, I play Awakening on Casual because I feel it was designed around that mechanic to be more accessible. I prefer classic but am not keen on its implementation in Awakening given the fact that the level design and mechanics seemed, in a word, more catered to a casual audience.

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I generally reset when anybody dies casual or classic so it doesn't bother me. I'd like to see it return and I really haven't heard a legitimate argument as to why it shouldn't be (especially since it's completely and totally optional), other than people who want to keep "filthy casuals" out of their game.

Classic is obviously more challenging, but sometimes I would prefer casual. Like when that dude with 1% crit hits the jackpot on 2 different attempts and I'm getting real sick of his shit.

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Other than people who want to keep "filthy casuals" out of their game.

While I don't think this argument is fully valid, I can in some regards sympathize with it, I don't have a problem if Fire Emblem is made more casual, but I feel If has to make a better effort to appeal to the veterans. If we were able to turn off skills on both sides, or have a lack of grinding/world map, or have mechanics such as FOW and old objectives return, we'd be happier.

Again, there's no problem in streamlining a game, but when it changes the playing field too much, it can be harmful to vets. If IS mad an effort to cater to both sides (which it looks like their doing) I'd be happy, but I don't think the Nohr should be streamlined to allow newcomers nor should the Hoshido feature all these attempts to bring the vets in. Just my 2 cents.

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Yes please, I am NOT going through another Luna+ like difficulty with classic on since it just so anti-fun. After unlocking the hardest difficultly I will take it a bit easier on myself by doing it through casual.

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I doubt this would happen, but it would be great if the Hoshido side had casual mode while the Nohr side didn't, since it is supposed to be harder.

I'd love that. If we could have Nohr as close to the older installments as possible, I'd be very happy.

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While I don't think this argument is fully valid, I can in some regards sympathize with it, I don't have a problem if Fire Emblem is made more casual, but I feel If has to make a better effort to appeal to the veterans. If we were able to turn off skills on both sides, or have a lack of grinding/world map, or have mechanics such as FOW and old objectives return, we'd be happier.

Again, there's no problem in streamlining a game, but when it changes the playing field too much, it can be harmful to vets. If IS mad an effort to cater to both sides (which it looks like their doing) I'd be happy, but I don't think the Nohr should be streamlined to allow newcomers nor should the Hoshido feature all these attempts to bring the vets in. Just my 2 cents.

I really don't see how any of this changes how veterans play. Hell, I'm not a veteran, and I don't play on casual, but why should I let the fact that someone ELSE is doing that affect me?

Also, a lot of people have expressed their desire to see more objectives and things like fog of war. That's not something only veterans want; diversity and more challenges are fun for everyone.

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I really don't see how any of this changes how veterans play. Hell, I'm not a veteran, and I don't play on casual, but why should I let the fact that someone ELSE is doing that affect me?

By removing the broken features we can again put emphasis on strategy over grinding, brain over brawn, etc. Like it once was. Agreed that objectives and challenges would be nice all around, so it just becomes a question on how open everyone is to them upon implementation. A lot of veterans are sold on the mechanics, but the newcomers are a bit more untested waters. Example: Pair-Up has been rather contested by both sides with some seeing it as a great mechanic to others viewing it as either game breaking or a poor imitation of rescue. IMO rescue should be a second option for those who needs its benefits without going full on pair up.

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I see it either returning on both versions or being exclusive to the hoshido route

I wouldn't care either way

Well, I'd care if Hoshido route was ONLY casual mode but eeeeh 99% of my hype is towards nohr anyway

Edited by Doppelgaenger
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Did anybody have that Casual vs. Classic mode debate when FE12 came out...? At this point, Casual mode is nothing new and should be something people can expect. And it's an OPTION -- you don't have to play the goddamn game in Casual mode if you don't want to, just as how players can choose not to play in Classic mode since they don't want to.

... You can very well just beat the game in the hardest difficulty in Classic mode just for the bragging rights if anything. Beating Fire Emblem Awakening in Lunatic Classic unlocks Lunatic+ Classic (and Casual).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Eh? Grinding has been abuseable since at least FE6 with the Arena (it existed in 4 but wasn't as abuseable since you had a set amount of enemies). I haven't played 11 or 12 so I can't speak for them, but every non-remake since 6 has had some sort of abuseable grinding mechanic. RD was the only one where it wasn't as noticeable since BEXP could only get you 3 stat ups. Although in late game situations that method of levelling can get pretty broken too.

I will agree that Awakening was somewhat based on having to grind so if they could curtail that which they appear to be doing with the Nohr route. It should also be noted that yes pair up was broken in Awakening, but it appears in If that enemies can pair up too, so there's that. Perhaps there could be some penalties for letting units die in Casual? I know they lost any support points gained in a chapter but I don't think they lost any EXP gained or statups, so maybe if a unit "dies" they forfeit all those gains?

Then again, a lot of the features people complain about in Awakening, such as monster encounters on the map, pair up, casual mode, reclassing, etc. are all completely optional. I can't remember an instance where the game straight forces you to do it.

Edited by Philranger
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